IRC log started Mon Jun 19 00:00:01 2000 [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mpermlog 2000.0619[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mabi[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for abi[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Hello. ;-)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m lo[0m 12:20am [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Yeah, I've been reading about data-flow analysis all day.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Progress is going pretty slow.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m since I don't really understand liveness analysis that clearly from a previous chapter.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m specifically in/out and that iterative means of computing them.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0msleepy sleepy[1;30m)[0m 12:30am [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m which book?[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Appel.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m 10, 17-19[0m 12:40am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m eihrul you dropped off.[0m 12:50am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m02:03am[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbillh[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhcf [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for smoke[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m09:07am[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mEnigma [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mEnigma[1;34m>[0m hullo[0m 11:10am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for lar1[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mEnigma[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for Enigma[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m02:04pm[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mOne day sheep will rule the world[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re all[0m 02:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mZ[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for washort[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m washort [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mback tomorrow[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mlmaxson[1;34m>[0m coreyr.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 04:50pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfire [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mmark4[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for mark4[][1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hs[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m water :D[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m arrow has come a long way[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m perhaps[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m btw i have to go in a few minutes[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m bummer[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m but i'll return in an hour or two[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mmark4 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m too bad i haven't been around lately[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i've been working on various other projects[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m such as?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m05:07pm[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m an online precious metals currency[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m stuff of that sort[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok bbl[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m later[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m D:[0m 05:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msynchron [1;30m[[0;36muser6795@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m synchron [1;30m[[0muser6795@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m05:27pm[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfire [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mmark4 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mfire[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m:D[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mult [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #Tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37mmark4 [0mis now known as [0;36mI440r[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for washort[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re all[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for washort[][1;30m)[0m 07:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mtd [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re td[0m [1;34m<[0mtd[1;34m>[0m hey water[0m [1;30m* [1;33mFare/#Tunes [0mis passing by[0m 07:30pm [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hola.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m Topic [1;30m([0;36m#tunes[1;30m):[0m changed by [0;36mwater[1;30m:[0m TUNES: || Slate: || Slate Tutorial: || Zope Review Database:[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m too many netsplits[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m Hum.[0m [1;30m* [1;33mFare/#Tunes [0mis in contact with people to make a TUNES startup[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m any help with making 1) a business plan and 2) a development schedule are welcome[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m VC's?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m or what kind of people are interested?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m besides, how can you schedule development if it hinges on some research?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mchanging servers[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m Fare?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m yes?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m sorry, was sending mail[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m hmm... that means you get to officially market tunes vaporware?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m np just wondering what the situation is[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m eihrul: sure -- why not?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m its working for Amiga, Inc.[0m 07:40pm [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m startup based in france?[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m eihrul: of course, the goal is to make it no more vapor[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m coreyr: unless you find funding for me somewhere else...[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m Fare: by paying people with actual work ethic to do something? :)[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m I know the tax structure is particularly bad in France, indeed[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m can you hire people living in other countries?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i mean without taxes and stuff[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m with sufficient funding, yes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m if I can find american funding, it could be put in a mirror company to evade french taxes.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m should you be saying that logged?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i dunno if france has an IRS counterpart :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m all you need is to make up a fud word like ApplicationMorphing, hype it up, and you'll get American capital[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m better yet[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hire linus torvalds[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m coreyr: why not?[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m ;)[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m fsck the french IRS![0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m Fare: does your country have tax officials with guns?[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m I'd rather hire Ken Dickey[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m coreyr: no, but tax officials could equivalently ask the police to go to your home, although before they ever need do that, they can get your money directly from your bank.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, you can float rumors that you're going to hire Linus[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m will have same effect[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m I know for sure that Linus isn't interested in TUNES.[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m its a joke[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m (or at least wasn't, 3 years ago)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m Fare: i'd be surprised if he was[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, seeing as he was interesting in propagating 30 year old operating system designs...[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m s/interesting/interested[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m well, at least we now have one more usable, free OS. *shrug* :)[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m anyway.[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m 3053 now. Be seing you![0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m night[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m washort: we have 3053 billion of them[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: hm. i kinda doubt it[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m okay, well, somewhere in between there and 100[0m 07:50pm [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m maybe 3053, but 3053e9? nah[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m whois Downix [0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m oops. [0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m give it time[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: the only even-close-to-comprehensive list of OSes i've seen is the TUNES OS Review page --[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m yeah, in time we'll have OSes that' Don't Suck[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m for every one on the tunes list, you can find atleast 10 more unlisted[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yep[0m 08:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhcf [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m coreyr: prob not fixed yet i see[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i dunno what your talking about[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m lynx[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i dunno what your talking about[0m 08:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m td [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mXeF4_ [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul_ [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37meihrul_ [0mis now known as [0;36meihrul[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m a/t[0m 11:00pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m eh?[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Hello[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m eihrul I was just hanging out at Usenix. ;-)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m hey[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m ircers, ircers, everywhere... nor a discussion to speak of >:)[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m eihrul Well, I've met a bunch of cool people at the convention including a Linux kernel dev.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m saw Stephen Tweedie, etc... but didn't say high to them.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, linux kernel devs are a dime a dozen :)[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Well, kind of, but overall they're pretty sharp.[0m [1;34m<[0mult[1;34m>[0m no[0m [1;34m<[0mult[1;34m>[0m they aren't[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Apparently there's only about 8 or so key devs that do major changes to the code tree.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m The minor folks are largely device driver folks, etc...[0m 11:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Yeah, all this material is pretty tough to learn. I had a pretty good compilers conversation at dinner with two folks I met at Usenix. ;-)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m cool[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m primarily talking about how GCC is going to need changes to deal with the Itanium.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m I was going to bring a book to read there but I've been in conversations continuously since I got there.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m gcc is rotting...[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m All technical and relatively interesting.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m it just needs to be thrown out :)[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Yeah, folks know that and are trying to get around those problems.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Yeah, we talked about that too. ;-)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m anyway, its an icky C compiler[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Yeah, it's a useful compiler though and it's use as the primary compiler for all the Open Source stuff.[0m [1;34m<[0mult[1;34m>[0m er[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m I can't really bag on it too much.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m for a C compiler, it is good[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but well... as for C...[0m 11:20pm [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m It's just a static compiler.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m primarily intended to compile C[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meric_ [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hi eric[0m [1;34m<[0meric_[1;34m>[0m hello[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m eric_ [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 11:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36malterEgo [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hey[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mMy damn controlling terminal disappeared![1;30m)[0m 11:50pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37malterEgo[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mnewlog 2000.0620[0m IRC log ended Tue Jun 20 00:00:00 2000