IRC log started Fri Jun 16 00:00:01 2000 [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mpermlog 2000.0616[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mthomas [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mnate37 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mHenZo [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mHenZo[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mBitchX: don't leave home without it![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mthomas[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for thomas[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul_ [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m01:11am[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mnate37[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for nate37[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mnate37 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error: 69 (Excessive tongue)[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37meihrul_ [0mis now known as [0;36meihrul[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m billh [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mnate37[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[BX] A friend with weed is a friend indeed[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mcoreyr[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbrb.[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: hupnos poliorkei.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mabi[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for abi[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mabi[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for abi[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mI440r [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mthomas [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mthomas[1;34m>[0m yo, whuzzup[0m 07:10am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mthomas[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for thomas[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0moff[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36m{Alex} [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37m{Alex}[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mMangez un castor, sauvez un arbre.[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mAntonio [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m Antonio [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mmabus[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mBitchX: now with wings[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhcf [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m coreyr: q[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m w/ {} if theres no _ at all, then it defaults to the current ns right?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m this right? {foo_bar_baz} => baz[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yep[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mclaps.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mto takeover denk ik[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m now, we limit the chars in {} to [-a-z0-9_ ] right?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m sounds good for me[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m we dont have to[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i like limiting the letting ggo[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m then[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m i dont know about php, but perl has a couple escape routines[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m but[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m on the ever so delightful other hand[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i think thats fine and if anyone wants more chars, they can ask[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m if we do limit to [-a-z0-9_ ] then[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m to "escape" the {}[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m iow let {}'s go thru untouched[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m all ppl have to do is not match {[-a-z0-9_ ][0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m easily done w/ {\[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m btw, we could allow '.' also[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m i dunt understand[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m oh you mean allowing users to escape[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m if we base what we allow on what doesnt get escaped when put in urls[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m then we can also allow '.'[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m oh[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m n/m the user escape thing right now[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m ok[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m we'll deal w/ it ltr[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m brb[0m 10:50am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m 're all'[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re Fare, l440r, smoke, smkl[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m re *!*@*[0m 11:30am [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m anyway, i need sleep[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m any news?[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m no[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m k[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 11:40am [1;30m* [1;33mFare/#Tunes [0mis back[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m hey Fare. will you join #ocaml?[0m 12:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m eihrul: do u have info on nightshade?[0m 12:40pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m eh?[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m abi: nightshade?[0m [1;34m<[0mabi[1;34m>[0m nightshade is a microkernel[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m u entered that[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m oh, that was a joke :)[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m jokes are noise[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m ;)[0m 12:50pm [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m abi: davinci is a graph visualization system at[0m 01:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mXeF4 [1;30m[[0;36mxef4@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m hcf: is it free?[0m 01:20pm [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m look[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m gah[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m gah, its free beer[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m kuk[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m a common lisp graph visualization system would be nice... but alas, such beasts probably don't exist[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m eihrul: if you make it, they will come.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m not enough time as of yet :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m maybe in the future[0m 01:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mabi[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mdying by hcf's request[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mabi [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m how goes it with slate?[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m er.. [0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m abi, slate?[0m [1;34m<[0mabi[1;34m>[0m slate is a unifying/hybridizing of self/beta/lisp at[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m bbiaf[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m 02:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mchanging servers[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m back[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m I'm reading the slate tutorial now..[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m XeF4: underconstruction![0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m new or old? new is at[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m fwiw, I'm looking at as an alternative to Pliant[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m s/at/at it/[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m XeF4: well ask him questions.[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i'm not spending much time here today[0m 02:30pm [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m coreyr: after I read moe[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m s/moe/more/[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m and maybe even get some rest..[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m too bad.... cya tomorrow[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m 02:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mFlash-Serv [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m Flash-Serv [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mw0rld [1;30m[[0;36mtech@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhcf [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mhcf[1;34m>[0m abi: dx is IBM Visualization Data eXplorer, general-purpose software package for data visualization and analysis @[0m 04:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mback tomorrow[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mBitchX: often imitated, never duplicated![1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mw0rld[1;34m>[0m nickserve help[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m w0rld [1;30m[[0mtech@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 04:50pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m ls[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m I'm lagged now. Hold on.[0m [1;30m>[0m>[1;37m> [1;32mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0;32m requested PING 961199676 404066 from #TUNES[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Ok, [0m 05:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mI440r[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mcoreyr[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mcoreyr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mHyphen [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for smoke[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for billh[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: hi.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m hey[0m [1;30m* [1;33meihrul/#tunes [0mhas been looking at Dynamo as a model for the Slate compiler.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m nifty.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hanging around you guys reminds me how much i don't know[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m it's a whole lot of fun. =)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yeah, dynamo is pretty nifty[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m washort: aint that the trust[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m s/trust/truth[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m stuff like this has convinced me i definitely need to take a course in compiler construction[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m gah[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m screw the course[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m just buy acdi[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m abi: acd&i?[0m [1;34m<[0mabi[1;34m>[0m acd&i is Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation at[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m you're not going to get any instruction from any course as thorough as that book[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m that book is *awesome* :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m you're probably right.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m i need an elective anyway... hmm[0m 07:20pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m a good follow up is wolfe's book on optimizing for parallel computers[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m heh.[0m [1;30m* [1;33mwashort/#tunes [0mfaces the dilemma of being an undergrad and only being interested in graduate-level topics[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, hey, i'm not even an undergrad yet! :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m so it's not going to be any easier for me[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mHyphen[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for Hyphen[][1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i just have to hope that they let me out of freshmen C++ courses...[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: heh, you're not? how old are you? =)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: ack, ack, ack[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m barely old enough to drink alcohol :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: heh. same here[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m wait. 'drink'? is there a law against drinking it? i just thought it was aganst buying it. :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m ah, well, yeah... but you have to acquire it somehow :P[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m eihrul: homebrew[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m older friends. :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m XeF4: i have better things to do :P[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: haha, same here =)[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m eihrul: or go to a country where you are old enough to buy alcohol [0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m eh, that would require leaving the house, fuck that[0m [1;34m<[0mXeF4[1;34m>[0m ;)[0m 07:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhcf [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m rats. uni library does not have acd&i[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m :)[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m is it networked with other libs?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m my universities is with the whole state system, so i can get just about any book[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m probably.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hmm[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m maybe there's a copy in Huntsville...[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m where are you at?[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m i'm going to Auburn University this fall, i live in Birmingham (AL)[0m 07:50pm [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m your closer to me than most of these people[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m (florida)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m heh =)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hmm.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m not there either[0m [1;30m* [1;33mwashort/#tunes [0mtries to think of other places taht would have it[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m barnes and noble :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m maybe i can beg a professor's copy.[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: you actually buy books before you've read them? how odd. :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m those two dudes have a lot of books[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m washort: well, acd&i is good :P[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m haha :)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mI440r [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m if you think otherwise, well, then i'm going to have to execute you...[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: i can't think either way about it, i haven't read it :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m I440r: what's up?[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m washort :)[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m updated my cvs for my forth yesterday,[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m will prolly do another update ina cpl of weeks[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m washort: its a chicken and the egg problem... you want to read the book to know to buy it... but you have to buy the book to read it :)[0m 08:00pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m you can never have too many books...[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hm, true[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m enif if booksa re not a scarce resource[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m yes you can. i got so many im having problems reading it all[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m bat book[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m "even"[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m dns/bind[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m xlib programmers shit[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m hehe[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m do that and write forth and maintain irc/web/email server[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m argh hehe[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m the money to buy books is still scarce, so i have to maximize my benefit from the book-buying fund :)[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m AND do all that broin shit my boss wants me to do :P[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m I440r: Heh. i've been dealing with the unpleasantnesses of DNS lately :)[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m haha im my own primary dns here, my isp is slave[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m and THEY get fscked up simetimes[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m only way to fix it is to force their bind to do an update by incrementing the serial and restarting[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m grrr[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m rite now im backing up a 20 gig drive thats 50% full hehe[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m i need to partition it[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m heh![0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m well, i haven't got as far as putting in slave DNS[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m debian mirror takes up SPACE man :P[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m i just got the primarmy set up yesterday[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m i dont know how to set up a slave,[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m i skipped that part[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m man im typing worse than usual tonight[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m and i cant do reverse either because my isp subnets cclass c[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mhcf[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: so what are you working on these days?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m compilers :)[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m eihrul: forht compilers or other ?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m other[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m argh way to difficult :P[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m hehe[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m what kind ?[0m 08:10pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m a specific kind of compiler[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m hehe to compile what specifically ?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m stuff[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m i need a stuff compiler[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m ive got alot of uncompiled stuff here[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m eihrul: slate? or other?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m no comment[0m 08:20pm [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m heh.[0m 08:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36m{Alex} [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0m{Alex}[1;34m>[0m hi[0m 11:00pm [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hi.[0m 11:10pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mnate37 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwashort[1;34m>[0m hello[0m 11:30pm [1;34m<[0mnate37[1;34m>[0m hey[0m 11:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mnewlog 2000.0617[0m IRC log ended Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 2000