IRC log started Sun Apr 2 00:00:03 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0402 -:- water [] has joined #tunes Water!! heh hi lar Whats up? slogging through the finishing details on slate nifty oh good, nothing like nate37 spewing garbage in the tunes logs Heh with the generous help of many others, of course Accually, if you would be willing to adopt a taging system, I'm coding a program to strip logs for relivent topics revdiable: ooops.. thought hello water wow how the hell did come out? that would require some irc client mods, though I just typeed in 'hello water' 01:30am hower ya doing water? water: No, all you have to do is type and =SlateSomthing.end lar1: i'd rather just use #modtunes water: Ok. What ever you perfer. hm the spiritual machines 'symposium's mere existence answers its own question Hmm, thats an intresting look on that I suppose its true it's not Oh? Oh :) Are you the only one working on slate? for now, yes Hmm. Is it to the stage where implemtation can occur? although eihrul claims he will help once his work with dolphin is done almost all of it can be implemented now, but there are important details which i am still working on mostly meta-behavior stuff Must one grok the wole language to impelment parts? 01:40am i believe so Ok there are important but subtle differences between slate and any other programming language btw, i am re-factoring the slate web docs this weekend in order to prepare for finalizing them Nifty yeah whatever To grok slate one must grok many other languages, right? hm grokking slate infers grokking many other languages, so yes but you don't have to learn them first theoretically Hows the learning curve for slate? how should i know? You made the thing ;) i've explained as much as i can on the mlist and to eihrul yes i did make it, but that doesn't mean i can tell you how hard it will be for you to learn it especially as all the docs have been grown incrementally so far which is why i'm making an explicit effort to rewrite them thoroughly When do you plan to have that done? well i'll post the re-factored site by tomorrow night but after that i still must add a lot of things Ok -:- nate37 [] has left #tunes [] mostly the additions will be for didactic purposes, though so the learning curve, whatever its current level, will become shallower Good Tunes intends to have a LLL? not *a* LLL *many* LLL's read the site docs 01:50am the LLL is just the currently-used mapping from HLL to hardware -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes Is acd&i a must for somone intrested in slate? heh definitely not -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes that's a book for learning how to make an optimizing compiler, particularly for a statically-compiled and linked language hi hcf hi water hey hcf Hmm You don't have any documentation on Slate's specification on the page? water: how goes the battle against the plague called html? of course i do, lar hcf: it's not the html that's the problem, it's the content :) water: Hmm, where? under 'details' look for 'semantics' and 'syntax' its not a formal spec per se, but it's the best info you'll get you could also look at the 'references' page to find papers on an object model that slate uses for its bmo's Ok 03:00am What language is Slate going to be implemted in? Forth? whatever anyone decides to implement it in eihrul prefers either lisp or c++ tcn could probably code a simple environment up in forth Ok Will the revised docs contain more of a 'spec'? i don't care, as long as it supports dynamic compilation and helps to lead to self-hosting yes they'll resemble the r5rs a little bit more or hm * water/#tunes tries to think of a better example of a spec/tutorial for a language well, somewhere between the r5rs and a less structured spec would seem appropriate pcp would be a good example of the 'less structured' influence that i'd like Hmm Is slate so unconventional to the point that you no longer have commands such as "if, then, and switch"? lol not even smalltalk has those let alone self or slate What is used in its place? or forth, for that matter message-passing (or function-application if you prefer) in smalltalk you write 'myBoolean ifTrue: thenBlock ifFalse: elseBlock' for a simple conditional Ah! Example code! This I can grok! that's not slate code, though Right Perhaps you could include some sample slate code in the revised documentation? you should probably try using smalltalk a bit to get the general feel of slate ideas of course i will Ok, cool, cool. 03:10am * lar1/#tunes searches for smalltalk resources i haven't had a clear enough idea of how the language should be optimally-used before to write lots of good examples Hmm. After the revised documentation are you going to start implementation? i suppose, but i'm not looking that far ahead yet if i did anything, it would be to write it in smalltalk squeak == smalltalk? squeak is a smalltalk-80 environment, yes although its gradually becoming something else What envrioment would you suguest I learn? s/learn/use? to use? squeak of course Ok it has programmer's features you can't get anywhere else Squeak is a VM, right? although it's experimental still, and easy to break (and fix, thankfully) yes its vm-based but the vm source code comes from smalltalk code in the squeak distro so squeak is reflective, to a point Hey wow... this sutff is nifty... there are some very good morphic tutorials now if you want good docs, get on the squeak swiki and do keyword searches Yeah, these tutorials look really good. I am downloading it now Thanks goodness for DSL ;) :) 03:20am heh * water/#tunes crosses his fingers for cable modems within the next 2 months * nate37/#tunes crosses his fingers that the crappy NIC can _handle_ a cable modem -:- XeF4 [] has joined #tunes how is XeF4 made, anyway? water: with Xe and F under very high pressure they obviously excite the Xenon using particular frequencies to set up its electron orbitals in the right config just high pressure? that's it? possibly some excitement, but afaik, no though.. I started using this nick before forgetting so much about chem hm i suppose that it *does* affect the ion balance equation water: Must programs written in squeak be run in a smalltalk vm, or can they be natively compiled? hah of course they can be natively compiled, if you have a smalltalk-to-native compiler actually, there's a jit vm in the works right now Cool can't anything be conveted to native machine code? yeah they'd have made it jit a while ago, but it has to be cross-platform 03:30am well, squeak already can compile to ansi c if u tied in the vm, and had it automaticllt run the program... that would count at native machine code squeak is not the end-all-be-all of smalltalk's either i thinks nate: that's already been done there's even a project to modularize the vm to make that method require less overhead water: I'm saying with any vm... not just sqeak.. doesn't matter the language... as long as the vm can run nativly but that's a doh anyways whatever it doesn't count as native code It would be sweet if squeak was implemented in hardware it depends ur definition of native code. lar: that's been done as well nate: what are you smoking? if there are smalltalk bytecodes in your program, it's not native water: At reasonable costs? lar: wtf are *reasonable costs* in open source? but it will still bumble down to it anyway no it won't without jit get a clue a bytecode vm is an interpreter i'm saying if u intertwinded the vm with the data nevermind i know what you mean, it's been done many times, and everyone knows it's not native code I guess the question is not 'can it be compiled nativly' but 'does a compiler exist' trust me, i see lots of discussions on this on the squeak mlist nate37: that's like saying "every computer simulation is physical reality, since there are physical electrons moving around" hmmm I must be tired... I strayed from my point. have you ever had a point? the point was that of couse it can be compiled... just u might halfta right the compiler your self... it just came out wrong s/right/write/ wow thanks for the insight water: I know... duh.. as I said I'm tired. I wasn't thinking about my point and yes I know that was stupid as hell... again because I strayed. 03:40am water: so what are the goals of slate? fulfill hll specs and provide an ideal basis for implementing arrow what is ur market? lol (if any) let me put it this way.. better question: what isn't my market what type of programmer would use it? and everything i do is free of course programmers wouldn't use it very much ;) because they wouldn't have to ;) ummm.. then I don't understand what it is. I really must go -- I've been on too long as it is. cya lar1 water: common users? nate: do you grok why tunes ideas are what they are? water: Thanks for the input. I am most defentily learning this Squeak stuff! Later. -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Sleep) no because I don't know what tunes ideas there are if i did.. I would ask err.. grok ok so the question is where to start with tunes or with slate? what's the most high-level programming language you've ever used? both hmmmm slate is a tunes hll candidate what would count as high level? java scipt? that's pretty remote from the hardware heh but java script has a specific kind of api set i was thinking of a language with more general support BASIC? :) have you played with lisp at all? that's easy ;) ummm nope i'll pretend you didn't say that 03:50am heh ok not that I remember BASIC commands at all so i assume basic, pascal, c, c++, java, jscript? horribable. yes nothing else? (ok asm) batch? ;) :) perl? :P it's disgusting the way new programmers in the '90s learn crap languages MFC? I know it's a API... that's not a language but it is creating a different type of programmers (if i should even call them that) ok go look on the tunes language review page take a look at some of the entries there, particularly the ones that aren't legacy languages ok I assume it is lynx friendly. try out a lisp or forth or squeak it should be why do you use lynx? netscape is slow with HSP baah hsp? can't wait till I get my NIC to work forget it, i don't care water: do you recommend a forth tutorial? * nate37/#tunes nods his head, "winmodem in linux" zef4: a particular one? yes I'm kinda learning forth anything from is pretty good water: tunes-rev is textual, why's it matter what browser he uses? hcf: i've seen lynx screw up on simple pages water: and regular browsers dont? regular browsers at least are obvious when they make mistakes, as opposed to text terminals -:- SignOff XeF4: #TUNES (Leaving) anythings else? 04:00am hm yes, Self k there are more esoteric languages that are also good, but you should learn the ones i already mentioned first i'm learning forth... and then i'll look into lisp, smalltalk (squeak), and self hmmm ok -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) e.g. haskell and maude for self? huh? haskell and maude are implementations of self i presume hell no oh sorry self is still one implementation I thought u were refering to what I just said no, sorry to confuse my fault u were referinning to esoteric languages, right? yes ok haskell is a purely functional language maude works on the idea of solving equations using rewriting rules both are reflective and powerful cool but they can't be learned without some base knowledge about those former languages, afaik they are also research languages, so they don't have commercially-appealing environments per se i should also learn the former languages to learn slate then hm so am i so "pitafull"? * nate37/#tunes wishes he could spell :) only when u are in ur bad mood wow. more crap hits the tunes mailing list clue: i wasn't in a bad mood 04:10am ummmm... then when I asked u "do u know anything about home brewed computers" in #{} did u respond "I don't f***ing care!!" and leave? don't pretend to understand my psychology i am motivated by signal and noise ummm.. it was a noise is signal room i can be intensely bothered by the 3rd bessel function of the color patterns on a brick wrong and don't pretend that my words actually reflect what i really mean then what is it? (lar1 told me it was a noise is signal room) the english language is stone-age technology and lar1 is god of irc, of course on IRC the only reflection of a person is words you're annoying me again this stuff is in the logs, do you understand that? i use the logs to keep track of conversations and development on tunes hmm, how is haskell reflective? with monads? yes there are various evaluators in haskell, many built on monads 04:20am -:- SignOff nate37: #TUNES (nate37 has no reason) what a snotty little brat how is it that a 14-year old with little programming experience comes on to the #tunes channel and expects us to coddle him and think of his ideas as special? he has ideas? yeah just like every other teeny-bopper coder who comes here 04:30am and just like the new addition to the tunes mlist, kyle, loves to spread his good news to us all 04:40am is haskell purely functional? monads "remove" some side-effects, but is it a pure functional language? (the ads say so) oh well it's a matter of definition 06:20am -:- bineng [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes the idea is to construct an imperative program with monads 07:40am some people consider the clean way where you pass the state of world as an argument to be more pure 07:50am -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(75)] 9% -:- [global users on irc(389)] 44% -:- [invisible users on irc(490)] 56% -:- [ircops on irc(21)] 2% -:- [total users on irc(879)] -:- [unknown connections(1)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 29 users per server) -:- [total channels created(328)] (avg. 2 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 86 (85 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 2 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: Tunes || Slate || Interview w/ water -:- topic set by hcf [Sat Apr 1 06:59:39 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:8)] [ TUNES ] [ smoke ] [ bineng ] [ water ] [ eihrul ] [ smkl ] [ Fare ] [ Fufie ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.108 secs!! -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff Fufie: #TUNES (brb) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smoke[]) -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Read error to ult[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- ult [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Read error to ult[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff bineng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- water [] has joined #tunes yes haskell is purely functional. monads pass around the state of the world eh? delayed reaction :) well, i was napping :) why did you respond to that crap about databases on the mlist? 11:10am -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) It was after midnight that's your excuse? :) was it that bad? heh dunno it's just that this db theory stuff is coming from a total newbie I tried to be nice yeah, i prefer to ignore such threads so that they die on their own you know set theory pretty well right? how's that compare to db theory? e.g. prism, random newbie musings, etc I might have to unsubscribe from that list db theory is 99.9% about a static implementation and 0.1% about actual semantics and there's a lot more to set theory than most people like kyle really grok as a small example, hypersets and classes does it deal with hierarchies? heh not sure what you mean umm, let's say "{a,b,c} are part of {d}" hypersets are sets which have definitions which are not constructive. call them co-inductive, cyclic, or self-referential as you wish huh? ok how can {a,b,c} be part of {d} ? unless d={a,b,c} or something -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes set theory also has modalities, which are formal versions of queries say you're modeling assemblies and subassemblies.. typical db stuff. anyway 11:20am hm? you stopped any software based on set theory, afayk? there are programming languages based on the ordinary versions of set theory SETL is one there are a few others, but most programming languages that can handle sets and classes and such don't do so explicitly for example, maude can handle a lot using equational rewrite but maude is rewrite-focused, not set-focused escher has support for sets of course, escher still hasn't been implemented what kind of sets? finite lame ones? heh oh just about every programming language has those stupid "call the bit-field a set" constructs escher has better support than that i think .. it has something to do with logic programming hm abi's link and google/dmoz's link to escher return nothing umm.. it's not practical to switch languages just because the ones you're using don't inherently support all the features you need. 11:30am seems to be down tcn: huh? i see in other words: find an extensible language and work with it ah well then i'd say to work with maude :) if you want functional-logic programming with real power -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes hey water, het tcn s/het/hey/ hey 11:40am jesus, 3 more messages heh, for what? yeah it's the lame thread that never ends well i just sent my own response out about slate hopefully it will counter-balance the other thread what's 'the other thread' about? db "theory" ehhe nate: why don't you join the tunes mailing list, too, and share your vast knowledge and experience in language design issues? ;) everyone else who's a newbie seems to think themselves an expert, so i don't see why younger teenagers can't join in ;) ok i'm done with this 'db theory' thread.. we're coming from different dimensions.. heh yeah well they don't seem to grok how a reflective language *can* handle meta-information maybe i should educate them fixing a broken theory by adding more complication who's doing that? them or me? 12:10pm -:- rares [] has joined #tunes read the last message oic water: I don't argue unless either I'm a expert to the field, or it realates to me directly somehow (and, of course, I have a reason to argue). but I rarly think I'm a expert at a field * water/#tunes is debating on how far he has to go to get the message across without coming across as rude he says many RDBMS optimize joins.. but that doesn't spare me from typing the damn things in. I usally listen on mailing lists (as u can see, not on irc ;) yep i'll read them on the web.. this is getting ridiculous :) hey.. the 'wilma' program has a y2k bug :) umm, it's still not fixed? it lists 2000 at the bottom heh yeah, it's a known bug mailto: or the wilma bug-report address, whatever that is it's inconsequential it's a bug 12:20pm i'd bet it wouldn't be hard to fix, either well guys, i'm out cya -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (ircII EPIC4pre2 cLIeNUX. Can you say that?) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Reconnecting) bbl -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- nate37 [] has left #tunes [] 12:30pm -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Ping timeout for rares[]) (discussion of slate issues on #dolphin. transferring here) oh what the hell, here are my blurbs: on second thought, n/m 01:40pm -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Ping timeout for AlonzoTG[]) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes water: In squeak, is Object a keyword or an object? heh Object is the class of objects it's in the browser under kernel/objects so its an object? -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Leaving) hell yes it even inherits from objects that aren't quite objects :) Hmm er it even inherits from objects that aren't quite "Objects" :) Does Squeak blur the line between OS and Language? when you select a class, click on "?" to get to documentation and class hierarchy, btw definitely * water/#tunes opens a squeak window to help answer lar1's questions -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (eventzzz) freaky... what? a curses based windowing system... overlapping windows and everything heh resolution? 80x25 or something better? not sure, will run at whatever resolution os xterm is though wait a sec.... haven't you ever worked in turbovision? * eihrul/#tunes shakes. 02:40pm * water/#tunes mumbles something about what new programmers get taught these days ;) so i take it you never did borland turobpascal s/turob/turbo/ definitely not or borland turbo C++ bah. that was the best dos ide during the late 80's fast, compact, good library, etc I used that _alot_ (turbo C++). -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) i never saw what was so "turbo" about c++ water: Does nil == NULL? me neither 8) nil is an object, lar :) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes all variables get initialized to nil, of course -:- ult [] has joined #TUNES but it's definitely NOT a dangling pointer Hmm, ok have to go... bbl we know now I don't have to go (long story) 02:50pm how's it going, lar? water: Good. I am still going though this BankAccount tutorial. btw, squeak has a crappy irc client among many other things 03:00pm Nifty * nate37/#tunes decides to join in on the fun and get squeak -:- squeaker [] has joined #tunes hi :) -:- squeaker [] has left #tunes [] 03:10pm -:- SignOff nate37: #TUNES (nate37 has no reason) eh 03:30pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Squeak is nifty) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES ([x]chat) i wonder if slate would benefit from some sort of formal factorization into a human-computer interface and computer-computer interface could you rmm, elaborate on that? well, most programming languages are user interfaces that are turing complete forth being the best example yes... but where does the formal factorization come in... how does it apply... etc for example, smalltalk as a language isn't very impressive except as a scripter (yes i'm trying to put a good statement together) -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Ping timeout for ult[]) for reflective purposes, the issue is about understandability by software -:- ult_ [] has joined #Tunes lisp is the language that most closely approaches that (minimal lisp or scheme, not common lisp) hm although combinators probably compete darn it, the thought's just not ready to formalize -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes slate's namespaces address user interface and computer interface very nicely, however 04:30pm hcf: reading the logs? ;) water: will soon, why smth in there i should really see? it seems like hcf enters only when i start discussing something serious no i just suspect you of lurking off-channel sometimes water: this time its happenstance water: so rmm you're talking about reflection here when you mean computer-computer :) ? of course but sometimes i do check the logs and jump on namespaces-sets-objects support both directory structure and set theory/modal logic/hypersets which makes it richer than the usual tendency to orient an environment towards the flat namespace direction hm in lisp, macros address user-interface specifically (as well as ast manipulation to an extent) hm this is a nice collection of observations, but it refuses to form a whole so far the only thing i derive from this is that slate addresses both hci and cci in ways that usual programming languages haven't explored not much of a thesis statement there * water/#tunes looks at the original statement well we have a bunch of kinds of cci (reflection) planned to put into slate: (1) causal reflection -> mobius, pure and simple (2) behavioral reflection -> the meta-object architecture, with lookup+apply introspection and composition, inheritance, and towers 04:40pm (3) linguistic reflection -> the equational system of developing type systems as object collections (4) syntactic reflection -> the system of linguistic reflection aimed at the core slate language (not fully addressed yet) ok comments? foo? reading could you elaborate on (3) hm well it's the literal system we were discussing 04:50pm what kind of elaboration are you looking for? i can give examples, btw well, you use different words to describe the same thing sometimes :) yes i know the problem is in discussing things from various angles ok, i'll restate it (3) linguistic reflection -> the equational system of developing type and literal systems as object collections hm that'll do for now comments, then? well, (4) and (1) certainly need some consideration at this point 05:00pm why (1)? it's just the self-bootstrapping, isn't it? ok, then :) what did you think (1) was? well anyway, about (4)... like i suggested above, we could take the ideas that i'm working on for (3) and adapt them to syntactic constructs as well as the namespace idea a cons cell is just a cons cell... it's an object with two slots, so it's a very generic and flexible thing Yeah Well cons cells have their share of problems too like what? actually just one problem they are terribly innefficient well anyway, in slate the cons cells have to respect the namespace system as for the bindings of the symbols that's not so bad... cons cells within ast's aren't that inefficient iow not explicitly allocating the cons cells in memory but back to cons cells vs namespaces erm if we want to make something like macros, we'll basically be dynamically creating object kinds just for the syntactic ease 05:10pm which isn't nearly as bad in slate as in other oo langs, because our objects are functional just like in lisp unfortunately i am no macro guru... got any example ideas, eihrul? * ult_/#Tunes nods Lisp macros were done very well At the very least templates and code that can run at compile-time/load-time are necessities well i don't really make the compile/load distinction in slate yet * ult_/#Tunes nods lisp blurs it very much as well yeah it sounds like an old term from the 70's when it actually mattered well, load-time and compile-time are still important well it's trivial to take the way of making multi-methods in slate and apply macros to them though compile-time is not adequate, eval-time is better term yeah eval-time makes more sense if we want straight lisp macros, we implement multi-methods in slate and have them all run in the same namespace the question is whether this is enough it's not so bad because we can clone everything we want into a namespace (taking care of naming conflicts) but forcing macros to run only in one namespace seems a bit cumbersome in terms of logistics since in slate we're deliberately distributing our objects around the set of namespaces * eihrul/#tunes hmms. well, afaik, lisp macros execute in the environment they're defined in (not sure on that though) 05:20pm (one interesting observation about slate is that it's so simple that in order to make it a full language you have to flip meta-behavior switches like crazy) well we'd have the macros defined in the same namespace where they're used of course namespaces get cloned to have something execute in them (side note: any suggestions for laying out the listing of slate topics?) (in slate docs 'details'?) i'm deficient in the area of user interface hcf: got tips? not atm 05:30pm -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes * water/#tunes wonders what many researchers would think if they saw squeak or better yet, if they knew how it was made wb tcn hey i'm back in freebsd :) yay 4 u wtf? someone's trying to FTP me heh a guy at work tried running a proxy at home.. said people were port-scanning him constantly 05:40pm crap, louse connection lousy -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations) -:- SignOff ult_: #TUNES (Read error to ult_[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes 05:50pm bbiaf all -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 06:00pm -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff nate37: #TUNES (nate37 has no reason) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey what do you guys trhink of a meta dictionary implementation for sharing forth code? how could we do this? I have a couple of ideas 07:40pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- water [] has joined #tunes Hello, water hey Should I continue with my BankAccout tutorial? Or did you want to do that shared session? hm yeah do the tutorial while i figure out how to set it up Ok Hmm lar1 are you usin 2.8 2.7 2.8 is still in alpha, ult I know -- just wondering if you had given it to him or something, anyone can get it just use the 'update code from server' option water: Should I get that? lar1: no alpha code => very easily broken yeah 08:30pm i use the update stream to follow the mlist threads about the code, to see how they work through issues, etc i also report bugs when i find them, which is sort of rare for me 08:40pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff nate37: #TUNES (Read error to nate37[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- nate37 [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Good luck to all in the game of life.) god give me the patience to not respond to the db theory thread again something that they do not understand fully? who asked you? you're not even on the mailing list you really give me the dreeps creeps, even 11:00pm heh... I scare u? no you're an impish little brat ummm... btw, i asked u heh ookk thanks einstein for pointing it out lord knows without you i'd be clueless in normal conversation sorry... overactive brain ;p s/;p/:-p/ lol yeah you've been dropping acid or something i suppose no... it might help me though :) well if you're the only one to talk to here -:- water [] has left #tunes [] id be better than I am now. 11:10pm -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0403 IRC log ended Mon Apr 3 00:00:02 2000