IRC log started Tue Feb 22 00:00:02 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0222 it's really crazy when i see names of cs researchers and i know i've seen work of theirs that i liked, but i can't place it -:- SignOff Fufie: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fufie[]) -:- Fufie [] has joined #tunes 12:10am ohi forgot to document using clones of message-expressions to simulate mi and general automation 12:20am hcf: what bugs does ast have? in theory, none so if i upload a page to ./html and run ast, it will properly skip the laready-processed pages (i've been running ast in ./bu) doesnt matter wheres its run thats more true now then the 1st time i said it ;) i know but i just want to make sure it won't screw up already-processed pages make a backup and try it its only a minor inconvenience if it does screw stuff up ok works fine whats left for issues? ;) :P 12:30am well you've heard me discuss immutability often enough as well as math crap is macros a longer term issue? kind of it's mostly about rewrite, which is also an arrow issue namespaces and representations/flattening r done, right? yeah that's a pretty clear issue circularity concluded? something major would have to come up to make me change my mind about those circularity in what? oops references/circularity huh? (i think that maybe a complete sentence from you would help ;) circularity is references ;) oops circularity in references ;) s/ces/ces./ again, huh? hold, checking log 2000.0221: but then what about circular structures of reference i guess little has been discussed of such wow. nice isolated statement what the hell was the context? 12:40am doc tagged pointers i don't think that belongs in language docs k if we get a compiler, we'll document it well, the best way i can consider to work out mutability is to start with pointers to primitive datatypes and work "outwards" with more indirect references but then what about circular structures of reference we getting to the murky area of reification of references? :) one thing is for sure, the numbers and character primitive objects will not be mutable er, damn it that's not quite what i'd like either ohhhh i don't see how you figured out what i was talking about from that but there most likely won't be circular references via *normal* slots well, we enforce a hierarchy for normal slots, so that shouldn't be surprising the problem is that the parent and meta slots work to make orthogonal hierarchies ur still working on the co-monad poop, right? yeah, i'm working on grokking sort of... i mean the idea works but integrating into slate correctly isn't simple 12:50am issue list so far: math, im/mutability, macros/rewrite, concurrency, co-monads yeah with a lot of cross-over between those missing anything? well, remember math includes text and logic you could replace math with literals -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smkl[]) as per namespaces w/ anon poop perhaps these may help, esp well let's see... i can use rewrite for macros, (most?) literal stuff, concurrency semantics, and (co-)monadic semantics to some extent 01:00am there's also predicate classes via rewrite, which is something i've had in the back of my head for a while hashing? what does that have to do with anonymous functions? mapping anons to numeric keys in a namespace hm yeah and that's needed all over the place hopefully the implementation could mostly just skip over futzing with the hash table sort of a virtual hash 01:10am (fyi higher-order rewrite systems are very similar to arrow's graphs) 01:20am ok well gotta sleep before work i'll talk to you and eihrul tomorrow nite -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- witten [] has joined #tunes 01:40am -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- witten [] has left #tunes [] -:- kev- [badfrog@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff kev-: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- water [] has joined #tunes ping 03:30am -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- PING Register first. -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(80)] 11% -:- [global users on irc(323)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(373)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(11)] 2% -:- [total users on irc(696)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(28)] (avg. 24 users per server) -:- [total channels created(234)] (avg. 2 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 115 (112 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 4 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Your default nick is already in use -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System @ || slate @ -:- topic set by hcf [Mon Feb 21 21:46:37 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:7)] [ TUNES ] [ rares ] [ smkl ] [ Fufie ] [ Plundis ] [ abi ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 12.879 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- n8j [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (KVirc 1.0.0 Millennium BETA 3) -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- n8j [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Downix[]) -:- NetSplit: split from [08:41am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Plundis [plundis@] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff smoke_: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) -:- smoke_ [] has joined #tunes hmm 10:20am -:- SignOff thomas: #TUNES (Ping timeout for thomas[]) -:- thomas [thomas@] has joined #tunes -:- smoke_ is now known as smoke -:- iepos [] has joined #TUNES hello iepos hi hcf, can you code in c? probly not well ahh... well maybe you can tell me... is it safe to assume that global variables are initialized to 0 always? in theory, the c faq would answer that hmmm... maybe i should check and theres always efnet/#c ;) ah see c faq, 1.30: What am I allowed to assume about the initial values of variables which are not explicitly initialized? ok good... it is initialized thanks for the tip... 11:50am np -:- groo [ident@] has joined #tunes is anybody here into OS development? whatcha need? only indirectly need - well to hang out really :) groo: k, then #tunes, #osdev, #dolphin r the places to hang #osdev? where? -:- SignOff iepos: #TUNES (iepos has no reason) /join #osdev can anyone hold forth on schedulers? huh? schedulers? you know? for process priorities? "hold forth on"? yeah just talk i'd like to just kick some stuff arounf around u gotta wait for some ppl to de-idle or show up 12:00pm unless Downix is up for some discussion *nudge* hey Downix? what say? :) he's actually more into hardware than osdev abi: eddas? somebody said eddas was the name of the chipset that Downix is working on. Ok, up for discussion was taking a shower groo: hello? so, hi groo abi: beep groo i beeped groo hi sorry so,you design OSes Downix? no, I design hardware oh cool do you know what I should do to access the BIOS in protected mode? no groo: ask lar1 or air when they show up who're they air does brix, lar1 does raven 12:10pm abi: brix? brix is, like, at or physical. anyone not want a copy of the current source? :) air is an OS developer, lar1 is a super-intelligent kid abi: raven? downix: i haven't a clue k -:- SignOff groo: #TUNES (Read error to groo[]: Connection reset by peer) 12:20pm -:- future [xdef@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff future: #TUNES (Read error to future[]: EOF from client) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (brb) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: its how steak is done) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Foo hey K how's things? Beta 1 out yet? Hmmm. I tell you, Mac OS X is looking tastier by the day. except apple will sue you if you have an orchard and trhe icons a humngous uh? WTF is a humngous? humongous s/a/are 21 inch screen looks like 320 x 240 ah well, OSX is no Tunes, but will do for now :) -:- mibin [] has joined #tunes Hmm. There's a surprising amount of Lisp stuff on Freshmeat 02:50pm -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes what did you think we were using Winsdows? <_ruiner_> windows rules ssssure kaufie: anything fun? <_ruiner_> it does! so fast, and stable....I love it me too ruiner =) Fufie, LISC sounds rather interesting... however, I'm not much in the mood for trying to get JAR packages to work on my system right now j/k * _ruiner_/#tunes turns off the sarcasm switch kaufie: I have used Kawa which has come somewhat further than LISC kaufie: I want to include Kawa in a commercial product but the GPL stops me though Fufie, well, just about everywhere I look there's a new implementation of Scheme on Java... which is somewhat ironic, come to think of it Fufie Scheme is easy to implement no it doesn't hi rares you can sell Kawa you just have to share the code with the people you give it to GPL has nothing to do w/ commercial stuff Fufie, you can include Kawa in a commercial product. You just can't integrate it into the codebase; you have to put the Kawa package in separately and link it to your product's codebase. it's about proprietary shit rares: GPL/The special Kawa-license stops me because I need to make changes.. and the product where I want to embed it can't be released.. out of my hands Generally speaking, of course ah well see propriuetary sucks not GPL :) I never said GPL sucks.. I said it stops me in this case I have discussed it at length with Per though by mail and we agree on Kawa and how it should be licensed no the other license stops (ain't I a stinker?) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes *yawn* ? never mind, Lee man, it's so weird to see people using my real name... i use it so infrequently :) heh well, I'll BRB -:- Kaufmann is now known as Kaufmann_away 03:00pm -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Ping timeout for _ruiner_[]) -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Read error to rares[]: No route to host) mystic: my pine usually strips away html.. don't know how I fixed that.. but the best is to get the pathetic wankers who send mails with html to stop immeadietly #wrong -:- SignOff Kaufmann_away: #TUNES (A stranger is just an asshole you haven't met yet.) 03:20pm ugh.... 03:30pm -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (z) -:- water [] has joined #tunes . .. wazzup? migraines ouch i'll take it easy on you, then :) why are you even online? aside from the fact that this computer is my life? heh yes * eihrul/#tunes shrugs. water: though, not a bad idea... 04:30pm i did figure out the message object format do tell well, 'result' would be the *last* expression in the code, not the whole code the intermediate values would simply be other privately-accessible slots which, i note, would require a lot of ../ anyway, it's a very simple fine-grained lazy data-flow model ejemplo? and laziness works *well* unfortunately i don't have a good one... probably the simplest thing would be to convert existing smalltalk method code oh and i updated the primitives' syntax on the semantics page just to reflect the new changes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes 04:40pm but seriously, data-flow has no serious problems handling control constructs (btw, i picked up a slew of papers yesterday with many potentially useful ideas) on? categories as objects, shape theory in categories, more oo-functional stuff, ... . applied monad stuff and some related supporting papers also hyperuniverses buzz-word soup and co-algebras no not buzzwords -:- NetSplit: split from [04:49pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] idle for a little 04:50pm -:- Netjoined: -:- Plundis [plundis@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Read error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) * water/#tunes reads up on lots of cool ideas -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Ping timeout for lar1[]) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes yo lo eih had migraine problems :( Yuck but that's okay i have plenty of papers to catch up on too much hard thinking? maybe i think he doesn't sleep much at all He is still on IRC if you need him... really? Yes apparently so he quit irc earlier Ah is he idle? Don't think so 06:50pm Hasn't said anything for a little bit but he was talking to kc5tja _alot_ just a min ago ok 2mins idle Mih, thats not too long * water/#tunes returns to reading -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes how're you doing, eih? -:- ult [] has joined #TUnes 07:00pm well it'll take a while to explain,but i figured out a whole lot of consequences of the slate object model go for it heh. it'll take a while, and i want to get this paper-reading done first so i can compare my ideas so for now, i'll just answer questions (and oh yeah, slate's just plain weird :) but that's okay, because it still manages to make sense locally (to the user) 07:10pm q: do clones that only provide alternate locations for manipulating objects act the same as reified references? well, references don't have locations they don't? where are they then? currently, the ether :) bah :) so what do you think a reified reference *is*? tricky since a reference would be naturally an object only its representation poses a problem 07:20pm um that sounds like zero info * eihrul/#tunes shrugs. its a question, not an answer suppose we said a reified reference were a clone of root whose sole slot was the object of reference would you say that that embodied the reference concept? (note: this is the reference class idea used in my old arrows squeak code) yes so basically it amounts to developing a namespace system that accomodates this idea (namespaces acting as functions of other namespaces) perhaps meta-namespaces though depending on the representation of a reference it may have more than one slot why? hm s/meta-namespaces/referential meta-objects/ uh why would it have more than one slot? tagged pointers :) you mean the issue of mutability affects references in a semantics way, then (which of course makes sense, but we need precise details on such a matter) and also small types :) explain "small types" small integers, floating point... oh primitives or references into different spaces nah i think whether something invokes primitive code should be transparent would you care to elaborate at all? 07:30pm rmm, well anything i could tell you was in the rainer paper :) bleh i don't think what you're talking about applies though, a reference is just a name into a particular namespace you mean a namespace accessor expression something like that? yes.... just a rather compact form what do you mean? for a tagged pointers... you for example have two fields, 30 high order bits used to designate a selector, and 2 low order bits to denote a namespace for instance, 00 might refer to /numbers/integers :P and the remaining field would refer to a specific object within that space :) look, i'm not talking about implementation stuff i'm just trying to make sure everything about the language is understood well, i happen to blur the two, so beware i've noticed which makes all your previous answers today pretty much worthless i don't see how tagged pointers or whatever affect how many slots a reference would have unless you're suggesting a definition of references as functions over objects as namespaces 07:40pm in which case we have a "structural meta-object" or something or simply references as hof's 07:50pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- iok [] has joined #TUNES hello, iok hello you familiar with tunes? i stumbled on the site and found it interesting ok i assume you have a question or two not really really? ok today's pretty quiet as for discussion so i see... 08:00pm lately we've been working on a hll design 08:10pm -:- SignOff Fufie: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fufie[]) -:- Fufie [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- water [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [08:22pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Plundis [plundis@] has joined #tunes hohum 08:30pm heh. great night for conversation -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- NetSplit: split from [08:39pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] 08:40pm -:- Netjoined: -:- Plundis [plundis@] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff iok: #TUNES (...) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- NetSplit: split from [09:01pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes this platform is wacked needs a few turns under the zamboni anyhoo wsup heh someone tell me why X needs it's own authorization system isn't the base enough? so wsup reading -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Ping timeout for rares[]) 09:40pm -:- rares_ [] has joined #tunes -:- rares_ is now known as rares -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (KVirc 1.0.0 Millennium BETA 3) -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Read error to hcf[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- future [xdef@] has joined #tunes anyone know howto send email by telneting into an smtp server? been a while since i did that HELO helo MAIL FROM: 501 Invalid domain name oops RCPT TO: DATA type in stuff then a dot what should happen after the dot? thats the end there are better ways to do this..... like using sendmail.. it is sendmail 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.7.1/8.7.1; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:57:09 -0700 no i mean like using /usr/lib/sendmail or /bin/mail or whatever my smtp server is having problems ah helo 250 Hello p0wer [], pleased to meet you mail from: rcpt to: test . 250 Sender ok 250 Recipient ok 500 Command unrecognized 500 Command unrecognized u didnt do data ugh this is pretty handy for sending quickies on like somebody's win box when i do the dot, even with DATA, it sits there for several minutes yah.. because you can do more mails. just ^D it or close the pipe it should say something like: 250 CAA20281 Message accepted for delivery after the dot 11:20pm -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes hmm bespin wont let me send to rcpt to: 550 Relaying denied -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes 11:30pm do u know where sendmail logs would be? 11:40pm var/log/mail probly var/log/mail.* Feb 23 15:29:48 borg sendmail[2404]: PAA02123:, delay=00:27:27, xdelay=00:02:43, mailer=smtp,, stat=Deferred: Name server: host name lookup failure do u know where it gets that "" nameserver from? dunno 11:50pm -:- SignOff future: #TUNES (Read error to future[]: EOF from client) ok how about this problem? [root@borg log]# date -s "Wed Feb 23 00:50:53 MST 2000" date: invalid date `Wed Feb 23 00:50:53 MST 2000' nope [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0223 IRC log ended Wed Feb 23 00:00:02 2000