IRC log started Sat Jan 22 00:00:03 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0122 -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes abi: cmu? i don't know, dalvarez does anyone know the address of the ftp-server of Carnegie Mellon University (the old add was ? 01:00am ftp.(cs.) nope yes, results in a connection to which hasn't the service avaiable (blame the guys who set up that bind stuff) without cs has no DNS entry at all try a mirror eg? abi: mach? dalvarez: i haven't a clue so what mirror could I use? doesnt flex handle the mach stuff now? see tunes-review-mach oops see tunes-review-os-mach 01:10am I'd like to gaather information about the MIG and matchmaker langs too gaather -> gather -:- herbi [] has joined #tunes k, i'l see what i can dig up check flex's site 1st doesn't matter any more.... looked at that OS's review archive of and found enough infos to read pretty complete that thx anyway NoKernel idea behind tunes results in 10000% preformance gain - lol that's cool -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (reading that stuff now) 01:20am -:- SignOff herbi: #TUNES (bye bye) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) me yawns 02:30am -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- bineng [] has joined #tunes -:- bineng has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate || dopl dopl was nice yes 04:30am hmm it took unnaturally long time to compile jikes today 05:10am 05:20am -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] thank you :-) 05:30am -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes oops -:- Downix [] has left #tunes [] -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes 09:00am -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- bineng_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff bineng: #TUNES (Read error to bineng[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- bineng_ is now known as bineng -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Downix[]) -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 is now known as lar-afk -:- lar-afk is now known as lar-afk-eat -:- lar-afk-eat is now known as lar-eating -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes greetings 11:10am -:- acse [] has joined #tunes -:- acse [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes -:- washort [] has joined #tunes abi: OIL? well, OIL is basically an AOP framework for lisp that is in development by laurent martelli or at abi: AOP? i heard AOP was at or aspect-oriented programming or just a special case of re-write logic 11:30am * smoke/#tunes is frustrated by c++ being the only practical language for the project i have in mind smoke: ow. *surely* that can't be the case smoke: if it is, i want to hear about it, i've never heard of C++ being the most practical solution thanks i want to build a diskmag, a tracker and a pixel painting program what OS/platform? linux, p100 all three need a decent gui that can run at a high framerate like, GTK? =) unlike gtk+ :) i believe it has tools for that sort of stuff hmm. the project i have in mind consists mainly of building a gui *shrug* never done much GUI work myself because the execution speed is very important to me not many languages apply.. well, the GTK ppl builit it in C.... i'm considering C, but it'll be real ugly code Qt went with C++, and you can see how *that* turned out. ;-) smoke: have you considered ObjC? no it's at least nicer than C++. hm can it be mixed with C as easily as C++ can ? yes hm interesting 11:40am in fact i think it's easier, no need to fool around with namespaces and such i've also considered functional languages, but it takes too much time to learn those first heh In my limited experience, functional languages are not well-suited to "normal" GUI programming. smoke: what do the other linux diskmag writers use for a lang? hcf; i haven't seen a diskmag for linux yet well there's a port of Hugi for libqt/kde, but that's not exactly what i'm looking for programming a GUI you'll necessaryly have to do low-level work, C should offer you the best optimization possibilities here dalvarez; yes, but for the event-handling for example and widget-building it would be nice to use a hll and the eventhandling shouldn't take up too much cpu time most existing solutions use polling anyway... smoke: i've found that ObjC provides enough of that -- it supports the target-action paradigm, etc washort; what's that ? :) -:- SignOff washort: #TUNES (BBL) dalvarez; the handling for one event shouldn't take too much cpu time.. i tried guile which couldn't handle a slightly complicated routine within 1/70th of a second (which is about what i'm aiming at) tell me more about what you're aiming at will it be of direct use for the tunes project oh sorry, it probably won't be the indirect use of it might be that i'm showing interest in a decent highlevel language with no OS at all a GUI wouldn't serve anyway... * bineng/#tunes is here now * eihrul/#tunes thinks worrying about framerate for a disk mag is insanely ... eihrul; that's exactly what most people think. that's why i felt the frustration so why are you bothering? eihrul; i like demos * eihrul/#tunes laughs. it's a fucking diskmag it's not a demo it's a diskmag about the linux demoscene and it should have the same feel as a demo smoke: do you want to devel a complete new GUI sys or will it be based on X or sth you mean full of blatant hacks and useless functionality? demos in protected environments... dalvarez; it will be based on anything that can handle a framebuffer. i'll probably use libggi for the lowlevel graphic system eihrul; yes 11:50am smoke: and ggi is fast? :) ggi goes through innumerable layers of indirection why not just go and write for DOS? :P libggi doesn't incur any noticable overhead you said you were concerned about framerate i am well, you need to get rid of ggi then no, why ? you need to get rid of libraries period :P because it'll slow your framerate very little. i can spare 10 clockcycles a frame ;) overhead is a lot more than 10 cycles that's about the cost of just a null call that's about what it does * eihrul/#tunes yawns. overhead is anything more than zero cycles of anything ...low level programming paradigm no 1 one call to an svgalib routine oh well, i'll crawl back under my rock thanks anyway ): :) for what? i was mocking you ;) grr * dalvarez/#tunes thinks some ppl have too much time, so they spend it on low-level diskmag GUI programming hehe i wanted to spare time by doing one gui for three different programs but - i admit it's a silly hobby. why not use X ? are they really as performance critical? oh if i use libggi it runs in x11 too but to me it's best enjoyed in fullscreen at a lower resolution and a decent framerate it's nice in dga with x11 in a low resolution at 8bpp too uh, why? what exactly is in a diskmag for the 'demoscene'? eihrul; because i draw pictures in a low resolution eihrul; graphics, music and articles about discussions like these need some basic X11 code or are you experienced? why do you need all that for an article? afaik, ascii works fine though i'm somewhat partial to postscript dalvarez; oh that's no problem. my problem is that i don't know what language to use to build the lion's share of the gui in ocaml? i heard ocaml was a language from ML family with support for objects and modules at eihrul; it's more about the atmosphere.. 12:00pm uh, all this worry for atmosphere? when i read... i'm looking for content, not gimmicks s/worry/hobby it should be somewhat natural that the content is over important that and coupled with my extremely short attention span i can't read things very well when i have distractions :) but with a backing set of gimmicks, as you call them, other senses are pleased too but this doesn't work for short attention spans... short question aside: does anyone know how to copy and yank arbitrary text amounts in emacs there shouldn't be distractions.. that's why i was aiming at the constant framerate of scrolling.. jerky scrolling in netscape always distracts me uh, music and animations and stuff like that are distractions irc is a distraction etc dalvarez; C-space to set a mark, M-w to copy and C-y to yank ? speaking of which eihrul; good background music doesn't distract imho.. and there won't be animations except for the scrolling a region is defined as the stuff between two marks, right? eihrul; it won't be Quake with articles spread across the floor if that's what you're thinking :) dalvarez; between the cursor and the mark dalvarez; there's only one mark in emacs smoke: was about to ask you that... thx ocaml may be nice eihrul; are you familiar with common lisp? yes i'm interested in what differences cl and ocaml have well, with common lisp you'd need a cdmag smoke: could u plz use : instead of ; in this channel? abi: lambda calculus? no idea, dalvarez i don't think you'd have much luck fitting everything in.... i know the difference in syntax, the type system and some little things.. but what i'm mostly interested in is what difference there will be in the `design process' abi: eihrul;? eihrul; are you familiar with common lisp? hcf: why? is. s.o. able to tell me about lambda calculus starting with what it is =) hcf: i've learned to use `;' to fool unfamiliar irc clients to refrain from nick completing or doing weird things smoke: lisp is more expressive imo eihrul: :) reading OLI docs and there it's mentioned hcf: aha hcf: i'll try :) as well as in some other texts related to tunes start there searched for lamba on it... nothing s/lamba/lambda eihrul: is your real name Brent Kerby? 12:10pm dalvarez: read the first 5 links dalvarez: off his page smoke: no who's Brent Kerby on irc then? lambda match on third ... thx iepos, silly eihrul: never seen him here doesn't mean he hasn't been here he mostly is on the mailing list abi: seen iepos iepos was last seen on IRC 1 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes and 22 seconds ago, saying: "(S K S)"? [Thu Jan 20 16:25:00 2000] aha i'll follow up his advice to watch an mfx intro -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (bbl) %-) : 'if you know "if X then Y" ' .... what could the quoted expression be replaced with ? 12:20pm -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes re -:- Kaufmann` [] has joined #tunes As expected, I've come up with a new project "X | Y" - results in one of both ; "X & Y" - results in both; but what is "if X then Y" expanded to? Kaufmann`: what project? well it seems that the US gov't and corporations decided to start a witch hunt on "dangerous" members of the computer-literate community. I don't want to have to worry about such basic boolean shit just because s.o. can not express him/herself clearly - so would s.o. be so kind and give me an advice please does that mean you're next? This means anyone who's not willing to play nice with them. dalvarez: read read (perfect) you asked i answered So this project (tentatively called "Hacker Aid") is an organisation to provide shelter, work and financial aid to refugees from the US's repressive regime. dalvarez: in that context i think (X -> Y) does not expand what are you talking about? smoke: but it is used as logical statement dalvarez: it could be a boolean statement Kaufmann`: a brazilian-based organization, i take it? Kaufmann: I asked what lambda calculus is and got the hint to look at some docs where all is explained from the beginnings dalvarez: if y follows from x it's true, else it's false Kaufmann: but there was a strange statement eihrul, no, a worldwide network Kaufmann`: world - us, of course eihrul, yes, minus US, minus any other country that tries to pull the same shit as the US are currently trying to smoke: then it'd yield "if you know TRUE|FALSE ...." the idea is eventually to take over a small island an institute Hacker Country in it :) j/k "... and institute", even dalvarez: depending on the context, that may be the case socialist government? Kaufmann`: where giving birth requires a license... yes! 12:30pm LOL eihrul smoke: there is no more context than that... think I'll skip this section (why can't they just explain boolean operators as anyone else does) dalvarez: grin dalvarez: they're not boolean operators necessarily the idea is basically to make sure that no Zimmermans take place anymore AND, OR, XOR, NOT and stuff and not shit like "if something then anotherthing" as statement well, it's not quite the same eihrul: explain me that * Kaufmann`/#tunes is just trying to follow the conversation dalvarez: you can't express if-then statements as and/or/not operators easily -> is the "follows-from" operator. <=> is the "if-and-only-if" operator. dalvarez: it's about saying that if foo is true, then bar is true, or what-not :) I wished I were able to do that in C programming last days as I wanted to pass a bool over a decition level boundary in a nested condition... smoke, unless they're short-circuiting ;) -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes kaufmann: i was thinking of saying something about relativity theory and fourth dimensions actually :))) smoke, LOL anyway who here is not in the US or in an absurdly repressive regime? "if ( boolean result <- if ()" like in the bools would have been nice I'll continue reading then -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (Ping timeout for pyro[]) Kaufmann`: abi? unless you consider linux a regime, which it could be so... LOL eihrul * smoke/#tunes is in holland from reading Slashdot, one would get that impression, yes :) apropos repressive regime: despite fitting the requirements very well I didn't get a job as IT-Consultant last days cause I count as minor aged and unconscious in ger and need supervision EGADS whaddayaknow, Nutscrape crashed again 12:40pm dalvarez, also, your writing skills need improvement... j/k they where xupa-hot to get me but the law fucked us both (the offer remains till my 18th birthday) so I'll have to go to school and learn pascal programming for dummies LOL dalvarez I think my writing skills are acceptable as English is foreign to me and I'm just starting dalvarez, where are you? ger -> germany ah care to join Hacker Aid? don't blame _me_ for writing as I'm continuing improvement and spending nearly all my free time reading in the local universities library ( but if whe have a damn fucking educational system where we read no books and get dumb in 13 years what can I do) okie okie notice the "j/k" at the end of the sentence kaufmann: you may as well start a *aid kaufmann: i don't think the problems with hackers are fundamental Universal Aid? not fundamental so? I just find it ironic that the US be considered a place from which people have to flee why so? the us is governed by hoomans... 12:50pm not gods :) well it's ironic because a lot of people like to tout the US as the land of the free * smoke/#tunes chokes uh, i haven't heard that touted outside the national anthem * dalvarez/#tunes thinks australia is unbeatable in freedom (service-society if not farming and much telco) - alice springs would possibly rock the climate diags are the best and it's desert * dalvarez/#tunes likes desert well, I'm off anyone interested in Hacker Aid can email me at -:- SignOff Kaufmann`: #TUNES (kathyanne gets kick'd / as leaves fall on still waters / she is here no more.) 01:00pm searched for informations about that squeak thing Fufie said would be probably used for tunes and I found a Smalltalk-80 derived Multimedia-Monstrum that could impossibly be ment :) -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (Ping timeout for dalvarez[]) 01:10pm -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes -:- Voice` [] has joined #tunes -:- Voice` [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Excess Flood) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff bineng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- bineng [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (pyro has no reason) * bineng/#tunes is irc'ing thru telnet from Oberon on top of win98 anybody here? yes 02:50pm have you tried Oberon? barely Do you know how to maximize the window so it covers the whole screen? in oberon, no with X, yes ok 03:00pm quiet today -:- lar-eating is now known as lar-studying 03:20pm yeah :( -:- air [] has joined #tunes 03:30pm -:- craxy [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- water [] has joined #tunes -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- lar-studying is now known as lar1 -:- air is now known as air-IS-NO hmm i thought we can have long nicks? What did you want yer nick to be? air-IS-NOT-HOME Just make it 'airless' :) why bother? who cares? hcf: i do cuz ppl keep changing there nicks and it bugs me -:- air-IS-NO is now known as air People don't like when I do that? Ok, I will stop doing it then * air/#tunes is GONE ( NOT HOME ) -:- SignOff bineng: #TUNES (zzz..) 04:30pm eihrul: You here? -:- water [] has joined #tunes hello Hey water! sup? hm trying to clarify slate to tunes apparently they've mis-interpreted some things i've said how surprising there must be a class somewhere on how to communicate with technical people 04:40pm any suggestions for me in that line? (or am i hopeless :) how important iz to explain to tunes@ ? s/iz/iz it/ i don't know if they totally mis-understand it, then they won't learn anything from what i'm working on at all and no one will help perhaps u need a mediator (but then, they wouldn't help me if i were drowning, it seems) like whom? :) tril darn it, i'm not in correspondence with him lately icuc, nice anything else to suggest? dont concentrate on tunes@ 04:50pm sigh i have to maintain this abolutely precise distance from tunes, it seems no closer, no farther preech to the quire, iow those who grok arrow um... isn't the maxim "don't preach..."? water: my opinion probably doesn't matter much, but get slate up and running and then approach tunes@ Think figurately yeah, but the ppl who dictate that maxim dont deal w/ tunes@ heh water: I read the arrow-doc, didn't get all at first attempt, but will try again ok specs and code anyone got qualms about the slate spec so far? hcf: in a way yes :( the slate info I have seen looks ok as a starting point, but don't decalre it gospel any time soon yeah, i've got some work cut out for me, making it more specific as all languages, slate will need iterations anyway.. making anything gospel before a working implementation is imho stupid sure 05:00pm oh cool, a tunes thread about atg's "fuzzyness" hey eihrul! eihrul: What does clementine use for a filesystem? hey eeih lar1: no clue... i haven't seen a thing no matter how much i wish i might :) eihrul: Hmm, ok, what was emk gonna use? 05:30pm shrug, i never planned to take emk that far and emk is long dead anyway Hmm, ok * eihrul/#tunes needs to standardize a smallish lisp. mmcarthy's original lisp? :) water: well, i'd like some way to extend perceived types in the system such as 'cons', 'string', 'fixnum', etc no small task since having them exist as types but having no way to add one's own makes types an essential black box at the worst, a caste system may be introduced perhaps have prototypes ala self eih: have you looked at CLOS? Fufie: sure, but it isn't integrated with the type system it's the old type-system which isn't integrated with CLOS okay, so where can i find the class fixnum? :) besides, you probably only want to use a few bits for the simplest types eih: you can specialise on fixnum within CLOS water: though, the distinction between such objects as fixed precision numbers and objects that can't be fit in registers and must be shared is kinda ugly as well :) -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- water [] has joined #tunes sometimes if i think of integers as pointers to constant objects it makes it all seem better... yeah i like that view as well but then when you think of it that way, addressing semantics come into play for comparison and such so it starts seeming less clean well, it could be a reference instead of a pointer small difference * Fufie/#tunes takes a nap.. good night how would one explain notions like comparison like less than and greater than? s/comparison like/comparisons such as 05:40pm * eihrul/#tunes pings water. because less than and greater than is not something that can be performed on other object references (aside from floating point objects) water: still there? -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- water [] has joined #tunes hmm, if you define less than in terms of a search through predecessors until you find a given object (if found, is less than, if not found, is greater than or equal) but with arbitrary precision integers you can't define things that way, doh search would never terminate you can if you don't implement them and if you don't rely on inductively-defined algorithms you'd have to search the successors and predecessors in parallel e.g. there's a co-recursive definition of the reals (or just concurrently) though i suppose <(=) and >(=) don't make much sense outside of integers and doubly linked lists 05:50pm any ordering should have them * eihrul/#tunes nods. er, any sequence i suppose water: but how do you define > in the presence of something like a singly-linked list (i.e. cons) but actually, the values within the node of the sequence don't matter but the nodes themselves for arithmetic -:- water_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- water_ is now known as water so the best i may do is treat each integer as a unique object where all operations that apply to numbers apply to sequences (to give the illusion that that is all an integer is) i don't like that approach (see agt) erm, what's wrong with it? stuff like coersion of types shows that it's not useful enough wha, allowing arithmetic operations to be done on sequences? no treating any type as a "thing" this is of course, not a programmer's opinion well, i'm trying to make it more of a concrete thing or atleast make it's abstract reprsentation more concrete :) by relating it to other sequences screw concrete -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes that was poorly phrased i know it was i'm not so much trying to make it concrete as make the integer seem less like a primitive :) well, sequences are sequences and integers are integers 06:00pm neither is more concrete than the other an integer is a given node in that sequence though hi tcn (pyro) gah, screw it, i'll just specify something already :) well, don't put it in slate, for god's sake no, this is not slate i know hey pyro is tcn? though thinking of an integer as part of a sequence really doesn't help since an integer is just a single node the ordering > is the sequence not the integers there's much more to the integers than just > -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes sure, there's < Hey ult * water/#tunes goes to read more on mop's ;lo While you two are taking a break... does anyone have info on the vfat file system? yeah IT SUCKS chk the linux kernel sources pyro: What do you sugust for floppys then? just look at it in a hex editor I don't want to reverse somthing like that... Apple2fs heh Whatever well, the Apple did have about 32-char filenames it wasn't "hacked in later" like vfat All I need is a file system thats small, supports 255 char file names and up to 2.88MB. maybe v2's fs would suite floppies v2? rumour has it v2 is at I noticed every VFAT filename has two entries in the directory.. one must point to a file that contains the long filename the important thing is that VFAT is incredibly slow pyro: True water: I'll check it out 06:10pm what do you need an fs for anyway? My OS I know what I want for the harddrive but I don't think its efficent for floppys maybe you should start with dosfs Is that differnt from FAT? no there are some files about it on piece of cake -:- Netjoined: -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes Ok, I have a local copy of borg, so I'll check it ouy 06:20pm -:- SignOff zarq: #TUNES (Ping timeout for zarq[]) I almost have my forth OS booting up -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes Cool it's getting hung up on the IDT/GDT Need an assist? wait Its in forth? IDT/GDT for a Forth OS? what's the point postfix assembler If yer triplefaulting when going to pmode, using x86 asm, I can help if you'd like ult: what point? heh Woah.... v2's fs is geared for multimedia bigtime it probably is triple faulting lar1: really? haven't looked at it water: Yes, it has a whole discriptor block for movies in the filesystem Its a nice filesystem, but a tad more then I need yeah oh well 100 char file names... accually, who the hell would use more then that?? generally using more than 32chars is stupid 32 oughta be enough becomes tedious (But I do have some 150+ char filenames) 06:30pm They are all documents though (The filenames are just the complete title of document w/ Author, cus I index with 'locate' =) Ah -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (changing servers) yikes -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes might as well use befs for that (extensible file-entry fields) water: me? i think lar1 is or somtimes interuptable with a ^G (CTRL-G) no, not for floppies Ok pyro: Any idea where on borg it is? Horrid orginization there... eihrul: ever considered module systems? lar1: under fs or disk pyro: in infoz? -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Ping timeout for ult[]) yup -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes 06:40pm I totally don't see it... find didn't return anything either... maybe I said somewhere in the old Retro Ok, I'll check retro nope Hmm there is some code in it, but it's not too great that info file was good try water: for what? Ah, the info file is the most improtant part! eih: for oop systems it was a 5-part series of text files.. one was on the MBR, one on the FAT, not sure about the rest water: yes, but to what end? eih: just wanted to know your thoughts on it. i'm considering what to do for slate though you were just going to represent modules as namespaces as objects... yeah, that's what i'm currently preferring hmm how to convert tex to ps or pdf... pyro: Is retro yours? heh eih: what os? it has been said that os is usually not responsive at all.. just a sitting duck, with it's POSIX compliance and lousy libc.. it doesn't help out abi forget os water: I forgot os every major os has a tex system 06:50pm lar1: yeah water: debian eih: it doesn't come with tex? pyro: Ah... I was unaware that you changed yer nick from tcn water: it does, i just don't know how to use it :) oh geez eih: lyx happens to be an x-based frontend for tex lyx is neato it works like a wysiwyg word processor, sort of wysiwym right What You See Is What You Mean eih: actually, i'm considering making name-spaces separate from meta-spaces maybe the original idea was to make the name-space the meta-space that the object originated in, allowing for migration dynamically but keeping the object in the original name-space -:- lar1 has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate || dopl || Don't forget about good ol' #osdev! heh water: yes, but then you need to have ways for objects in different meta-spaces to interact nonetheless yes, so separate systems? 07:00pm or else separating namespaces from metaspaces is superficial it is useful so long as they can interact hm well, this seems something that can be left out of the language or perhaps to have a namespace smaller than a metaspace "smaller than"? i.e. modules oh, so each namespace would belong to one meta-space what day is it? huh? saturday, silly are you saying you never forget what day it is? :) i'm saying i always can find out too quickly to have to ask * eihrul/#tunes ponders the computer that has an infinite amount of memory. the internet any computer with open boundaries -:- pyro [] has left #tunes [] that depends if the universe is open :) heh there's much more than an infinite amount of information capacity in the universe how can there be? Hmm... forth question... is there a module for forth for interfacing to IRC? infinite=more than finite, not unbounded 07:10pm sure... but how can you have more than an unbounded number? the trajectory of every particle has an infinite amount of information oh, ok btw, the set of subsets of integers > infinity but information exists in the metauniverse :) -:- SignOff craxy: #TUNES (Ping timeout for craxy[]) heh not quite within the universe... unless the meta-universe is within the universe the universe of information is definitely reflective 1 half hour till i may read these papers heh man tex you *could* just read the source -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Ping timeout for lar1[]) sure, i can do that but it's slightly annoying with meta-text floating around yeah -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes 07:20pm * eihrul/#tunes ponders why he must use the prefix meta- so much. it does get sickening it's convenient though * eihrul/#tunes wants the omnipotent computer... infinite amounts of computation performed in infinite amounts of memory instantaneously heh anything would be practical! * water/#tunes hands eihrul a chunk of space here you go :) the universe doesn't perform instantaneous computations, afaik yes it does then how come certain computations take time? how else would it generate weather patterns that supercomputers can't simulate? if all sub-computations are instantaneous, a computation is instantaneous yep actually no that's that old greek paradox where the turtle walks to a finish line, but halves the step size each time well, how can a computation not be instantaneous if sub-* are? because an infinite amount of subcomputations can take finite time er... more than infinite but an instantaneous computation takes 0 time no N * 0 = 0, for all real numbers N it takes n*dt time 07:30pm that's some really primitive thinking * eihrul/#tunes consults yikes an english dictionary for math terms? "Present or occurring at a specific instant." a given instant being a point in time, not a delta time dt is not delta time then what is it? :) haven't you taken calculus? yes er rather, am taking it s/calculus/the differential calculus dt happens to be the limit of delat-time delta the limit concept is a logical one... it has no numeric value limits even have their own system of algebra... a limited one hell, you haven't even gotten to diffeq's probably not there are a lot of equations out there in the world that aren't straightforward at all but they happen instantaneously in nature well that's why i want an omnipotent computer iterations are just ways to help computers cope that performs any amount of computation in a single instant :) * water/#tunes goes back to reading i would to but am still waiting for lyx to download 07:40pm btw, why would an omnipotent computer need *you*? :) water: hows the mlist intro coming? (for slate) water: it wouldn't.... that's why i don't have one i don't have a good plan yet that's why noone will ever have one eih: guess again :) okay,. show me one person who has one :P * water/#tunes holds a mirror up to eihrul him :) Hey lispheads! know of a good tutorial for lisp? The only ones I have found aren't too good... but the omnipotent computer need perform an infinite amount of computation at a given point eih: shush. and if an omnipotent computer takes a finite amount of time to perform infinite amounts of computation, it's not omnipotent... er, shushed lyx is downloaded, you pay rejoice now hcf: not sure how to start an mlist never done it before 07:50pm then skip the intro jump into discussion of current issues hm eihrul: are you on the slate mlist? 08:00pm yes k water: /var/lib/majordomo/lists/slate for a list of who's on ok cool * eihrul/#tunes breaks down and downloads tetex-doc. 08:10pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes * eihrul/#tunes is getting the idea that compilers are some mystic voodoo unbeknownst to him. abi: avail is at what is avail? rumour has it avail is at the desc from odp says: multiply-polymorphic modular language with highy flexible syntax. unique inheritance model allows multiple inheritance, multiple polymorphism, constrained genericity, and covariant attributes via immutability. due to identityless nature of types, a type can have an infinite number of supertypes and subtypes. 08:50pm -:- wlfshmn [] has joined #tunes wolf shaman? :) hello water: yes? just wondering about the nick water: Ah, I was getting worried I was supposed to know you ;) so, what brings you to #tunes? ah, I was merely browsing the network, and spotted this place and since I remember core and fare spkeaking of the project, I decided to pop by ;) oh so you know them water: I know core mostly, I only know fare lightly, as he pops by #linux on undernet from time to time. k 09:00pm * eihrul/#tunes thinks he will learn how to write an optimizing compiler by the year 2002. lol +- 10 years minus? zero abi forget minus water, I didn't have anything matching minus er i'd have liked 2002 - 10, but it's not possible at this time water: ignore her mest up math sure water: iow, ignore anything resulting in ' zero' this paper on reflective prottotype-based oo looks very close to slate ideas oh which paper is that? the one obtained from researchindex the other day, keywords prototype and reflection "Behavioral Reflection in a Prototype-Based Language" it's mostly a formal paper, though but it ties together the maude concurrency paper with behavioral oo reflection via rewrite dcc? 09:10pm huh? oh thanks it explains a lot 09:20pm -:- jdl [] has joined #tunes How many people do you think still use 5 1/4 floppy drives? hey jdl Hola jdl hi all jdl: have i mentioned mice to you before? water: mice? no abi tell jdl about mice it has meta-models a 5 1/4 is still plenty to boot a box off of, thus they are still usable for nfsrooted systems water: thanks, I'll check it out np water, or anybody: do you know where I can find good information about abstract syntax trees? Specifically, a critique? (It seems like everyone takes ASTs for granted and doesn't question them.) how would one critique ast's? abi tell jdl about juice it uses ast's for intermediate code water: well, for example, what are some things within their domain (program representation) that they *don't* do well... what do they do especially well. Etc... jdl: well, there are syntax graphs wlfshmn: But do you think that if an OS couldn't boot of 5 1/4 drives it would be a big problem? lar1: not really. I would just buy a 15$ 3.5" floppy ;) water: I'm not familiar with syntax graphs, unless you mean "railroad diagrams" 09:30pm wlfshmn: Ok, thanks :) jdl: no not those lar1: not that I know, but in the boot phaze, you would be using firmware anyway, so the _OS_ doesn't have to support the drive, as long as it's readable, like via int13h on an x86, and probably similar methods on other archs... water: I didn't think so. :) Where can I find out more? hm wlfshmn: Well the deal is, I make some assumptions about the drive in the boot sector abi: syntax graphs? wish i knew, jdl lar1: and those assumptions are how big? do they recognize 1, 2 and 4 mb floppys, or just 2? Wlfshmn: It assumes a 1.44 MB floppy. Hmm, we should go to #osdev really so we don't put too much low level noise in here. jdl: -:- djh000 [] has joined #tunes water: thanks -:- djh000 [] has left #tunes [] he wrote some of my references in the arrow paper water: are syntax graphs equivalent in purpose to ASTs? What's the five second summary? * jdl/#tunes is going to look at the paper too of course hm the nodes of the graph are persistent function closures the arrows are calls, iirc water: so they're specific to functional programming? yes, but flow-graphs work for any language, afaik e.g. prograph cpx okay, I'll look at it some more. there's also a little research on functional-oo visualization, but i'd have to search for the url water: I saw that you might be using an actor-like model with Slate? s/little/very little water: that's okay, I'm not getting into visualization for quite a while yet where'd you see that? 09:40pm water: thought I saw it in an irc log a day or two ago. You didn't use the word "actor" though (are you familiar with actors?) yes, but i usually use the word agent s/actor-like model/actor-like *threading* model/ oh yes, i want slate to support threads and distributed computations, yes (2 yes's means emphasis :) the concept is typically along the lines of every object has its own thread (conceptually -- naturally there's performance issues) and so every object is "alive" -- an actor, not just an object. right but i don't necessarily want a new thread for every single object water: I have yet to see threading handled in a way I liked :) that seems excessive (but actors look interesting) water: well that's where the "conceptually" note comes in. well, the issue with objects-as-threads is that the best semantics they have so far is co-operative scheduling (see beta) at least, for language-level objects of course c++ cuts through all of that I would think that would be a minor implementation-level problem. ..? (co-op sched) i haven't looked closely enough at the issues yet water: My biggest peeve with languages in general is that threading is a pain in the ***. Why must we deal with threading at such a low level, when we've done such a good job of abstracting out other issues? * jdl/#tunes suspects its because multithreading has been poorly-supported/non-existant in OS's until the last five years or so dunno. maude seems to handle concurrency semantics at a high-level water: haven't looked at maude... I'm ranting more at the "popular" languages anyway :) but i don't know for sure if it handles pre-emption semantics well well, yeah, if you do threading co-operatively then everything's easy. :) (or lots easier, anyway) anyway, I was just wondering how you were going to handle threads in Slate. 09:50pm -:- NetSplit: split from [09:51pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- water [] has joined #tunes -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes water: anyway, I was just wondering how you were going to handle threads in Slate. not sure yet... the default semantics (bound in the default meta-object) will probably handle re-write semantics or something and basic thread primitives water: consider the actor approach... it frees you from having to synchronize data and it also dovetails very nicely with a purely message-passing system (which I believe you're doing?) hm any languages based on it? water: the performance issue can be resolved fairly easily by simulating actors with a thread pool. (I.e., a message comes in. If no thread is already active on the object, then a thread is taken from the thread-pool and used to process the messa message and any subsequent until the object has processed all messages... then the thread goes back to the pool.) water: research-only... I'll get you some references brb hm 10:00pm Okay, my source is 1987 (unfortunately) -- _Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming_ from MIT Press. I'll give you authors rather than papers since I imagine they've done a lot since my book was published yeah, they've probably written a few papers Okay. author then language i'm mostly interested in implementing the concurrency semantics in the language itself for reflection/extension purposes Henry Lieberman - Act I -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes Gul Agha / Carl Hewitt - (actors) Yasuhiko Yokote / Mario Tokoro - Concurrent Smalltalk Pierre America - POOL-T Those were the ones I remember as being most interesting. ok Carl Hewitt in particular is the one to look at for more about actors. hm concurrent smalltalk I thought that one might interest you, given your interest in Squeak :) (I don't know anything about it -- actors were really the idea that caught my attention at the time) well, it's close to self and i'm very familiar with it I'm also curious about your type specification system and your message processing... I understand you plan on using functional programming for method bodies? no, fp was more about controlling side-effects otoh, the syntax will be fp-like oh, I thought I saw you say you were using FP some where. ... must have been the syntax 10:10pm well, (im)mutability will be highly configurable Also, you were talking about controlling types with specifications... how's that going to work? (Strongly typed, weakly typed, or untyped vars, by the way?) huh? it's a dynamic language as in self * jdl/#tunes hasn't looked at self but i'm going to introduce a notion called "class" not the usual idea, but something totally different and actually closer to the idea of class (not that I care, but maybe a different name would be better to avoid confusion) well, if i find a better name, i'll use it the idea is a co-inductive "type" system wow. Yasuhiko Yokote worked on apertos -:- SignOff wlfshmn: #TUNES (Ping timeout for wlfshmn[]) 10:20pm water: don't take this the wrong way, but why are you creating slate? You said you needed it for Arrow... is that the only reason, and why? -:- wlfshmn [] has joined #tunes i don't like what was done with self or smalltalk or any lisp or scheme, and tunes needs some sort of hll, and arrow needs a very clean language to start from s/clean/unified * wlfshmn/#tunes notes he needs to get himself a punching bag, for use during debugging sessions. heh * jdl/#tunes finds that cursing the language, environment, OS, and computers in general to be therapeutic water: ah 10:30pm I've been trying to locate one single bug for three hours now. and the evil thing is that I know exactly what triggers it, yet I can't find the flaw ;) w: I had a bug once that I couldn't locate for hours. I didn't have a debugger, so I was using print statements... no matter where I put the print statement, it was never printed... not even as the first line of the program! w: Turned out that there was some static initialization code being run on class load (it was in Java) that was crashing before the program even started * jdl/#tunes did a lot of cursing on that one ;) -:- crusoe2 [] has joined #tunes hello crusoe jdl: well, I have no debugger either, as it is kernel code, and printk only gets you so far... w: fun... well, there's always beeping the PC speaker ;) * jdl/#tunes has actually had to use that trick -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) 10:40pm jdl: well, I know enough that I know a certain type of call calls a NULL function pointer, but the API is so enshrowded in macros, reassigns, and memcpy's of meta io handler blocks, that is is more than a little tough to track down the exact spot... i think the agents implementation relies on the os for threading support also, me havinig more than 6 months C background would probably have helped too ;) w: :) good luck jdl: yeah, I'll find it sooner or later. and with my luck, it will end up beeing in somebody else code altogeather ;) * jdl/#tunes found an interesting bit of trivia when going through the C FAQ -- the null pointer isn't necessarily a zero, and the C compiler is supposed to convert a 0 (when used in a pointer context) to whatever a null pointer is (which can depend on type ) So foo(0) isn't the same as foo((char*)0) on some architectures... well, it's better style in C to use NULL neither is foo(null) and foo((char*)null), right? NULL is always #defined as 0 (independent of architecture) so the same issue applies. ((void *) 0) not as 0... Ah, I didn't know it was defiend as that e: I think you're right... still, it would be a problem for those architectures that have different null pointers based on type well, most architectures just represent the null pointer as 0, no? It's not really an issue, I don't think any currently-popular archs use non-zero nulls if you wish to be a masochist and not... then you run into tons of problems i'd assume It's an interesting code-portability issue, though. Makes you wonder why they didn't just create a 'null' token... would have made everybody's life easier, including those poor compiler writers who have to treat 0 differently depending on context! 10:50pm it's not that simple you can read and write raw bit patterns from any piece of data in C e: yes, but the 0->null pointer rule only applies to the constant '0' when used in a pointer context (IIRC) s/constant/literal/ there's a lot of code that just, say, initializes arrays of pointer to 0 using a bytewise fill Anyway, it's not important, I just thought it was a neat bit of trivia the compiler writer who decided to use anything but 0 would break a lot of code... so long as 0 is the null pointer, the compiler writer doesn't have to jump through many hoops besides write protecting the first page of memory e: that's the point: 0 isn't always the null pointer. It depends on target arch. The literal 0 is translated by the compiler into whatever the actual null pointer value is. but afaik, it's mostly up to the compiler writer 11:00pm -:- SignOff jdl: #TUNES (must... get... food...) i can't find any useful info on actor programming languages -:- crusoe2 [] has left #tunes [] 11:10pm -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- Kaufmann` [] has joined #tunes [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0123 IRC log ended Sun Jan 23 00:00:01 2000