IRC log started Sat Dec 18 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1218 -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(7)] 1% -:- [global users on irc(213)] 43% -:- [invisible users on irc(282)] 57% -:- [ircops on irc(15)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(495)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(29)] (avg. 17 users per server) -:- [total channels created(163)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 12 (11 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System || -:- topic set by hcf [Fri Dec 17 18:41:50 1999] -:- [Users(#tunes:5)] [ TUNES ] [ Fufie ] [ zarq ] [ abi ] [ smkl ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.205 secs!! -:- Mode change [-s] for user TUNES -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- KsmQ^aLs [] has joined #tunes Hi. 04:30am -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes hi Fufie : Some Lag? Maybe a hour? :} no.. was shopping and took a shower Eh, I need it so. Here is so warm. You're lucky to have a chance to have a shower. :} 05:40am it's cold here 05:50am -:- SignOff Fufie: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fufie[]) -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smkl[]) * zarq/#tunes is back from being away: trug -:- KsmQ^aLs is now known as KusmuQue -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- tmf [tmf@] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes seen core? seen core 07:30am -:- SignOff KusmuQue: #TUNES (And The Story Ends) hmm abi: seen core? core was last seen on IRC 2 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds ago, saying: heheh :) [Wed Dec 15 13:38:47 1999] ok means last time he was on was the last time I talked to him 07:40am -:- Kalkandelen [kalkan@] has joined #tunes Salamun alaykuuuuuuum r u there anyone to want to speak with me Maybe so what's up? why maybe well, I don't know you, for all I know you could be a total freak of nature, in which case, sit right down. 8) -:- Kalkandelen [kalkan@] has left #tunes [] 07:50am -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes hey eihrul lo what's up? -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) 08:00am abi: seen core core was last seen on IRC 2 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes and 37 seconds ago, saying: heheh :) [Wed Dec 15 13:38:47 1999] 08:10am Gakuk! kagug 08:30am -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Downix[]) -:- core [] has joined #tunes core: hey :) hey eihrul! damn, i missed downix third core sighting this month its a new record scary isn't it :) -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes 09:30am core: have u dealt w/ the lar1/review thing yet? hcf: what should i be dealing with? have u ok'ed him to proceed w/ better understanding? well, i can't prevent people from doing what they like, and i saw many people that wanted to revolutionize how tunes works :P we'll see what comes out of his work on the subsystem; if it's neat i'll adopt it for the OS review like other maintainers i assume. core! but once you have one, although you really want to kill her, you still sort of need her :) core: I'll now be working with ian piumarta s/^/\/msg eihrul/ core: btw, what news of clem? fare a cheval I will not even think about going near the review until I get an ok, apology accpted from core core: tizone core: si t'es amateur de SF fumée, fumée je sais pas, mais SF yep. je vais voir * ultima/#Tunes just loves it when people talk in french =P ultima: cool, so do we :) what's going to be a sucker to port? clem? oh fuck it :) Wrong Window Syndrome 09:40am i think at two occurences we can safely call it a disorder bwahahaha no, it's a Forgot To Prepend Sentence With /msg Command Syndrome. (FTPSW/CS, patent pending) usually goes with the Too Lazy To Open Another Window Syndrome (TLTOAWS (tm)) :) oh, no! not the Speaking With Lots Of Stupid Acronyms Syndrome (SWLOSAS)! (c) fare French Amateur of Reflective Enrivonments *grin* we could create a show and tour Europe. 09:50am -:- SignOff core: #TUNES (sorry, got to run :)) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes hi lo -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes 10:10am -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Fufie [] has joined #tunes hi hi/bye -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes 11:00am -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- beholder [] has joined #tunes hi Downix, binEng, beholder 11:50am Hey hcf hi hcf Any new news from the Tunes project yet? nope then everything is as we expect it.. -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: TASTES GREAT! LESS FILLING! TASTES GREAT! LESS FILLING!) hi lo it's christmas soon, and I'll be away till after new year. I'll be back in the next millenium :) 12:00pm -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (Read error to tmf[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- tmf [tmf@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Ping timeout for binEng[]) -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) hcf: You killed ABI, you bastard!! ;) -:- abi [] has joined #tunes hcf: She was my favorite spank-bot(tm) behold! the resurrection * beholder/#tunes stands in awe of the event -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes wb bin thx 12:30pm tmf: quick millenium -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff zarq: #TUNES (Ping timeout for zarq[]) 12:50pm -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes -:- mcelrath [] has joined #tunes he didn't say he wouldn't leave an idle client here 01:00pm -:- mcelrath [] has left #tunes [] -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- beholder_ [] has joined #tunes -:- beholder_ [] has left #tunes [] -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes FOO! bar yeah good idea baz how come everyone neglects poor baz? it is just as important if not more than foo or bar eihrul: not everybody uses baz for the 3rd word well, what other words complete the triumverate then? 02:20pm i am baz-ing a lot those days Hey, good news from Brazil! toto rules! quake banned? mibin, no... seriously, do you really think that anyone who wants to buy Quake will let some stupid regulation stop them? hmm, i dunno doom was already banned in Germany i think gah, we must standardize baz The news I'm talking about (it should be up on Slashdot in a few hours) is that there's a new law project in Congress which, if approved, will enforce the use of free software by all government branches (unless there is none that provides the required functionality) ...Brazilian government branches, of course. sounds like good yep now all we have to do is lobby like crazy the author of the bill is at, show him your support Why not ban stupid politicians, instead? Far, what? as far as banning software goes, political stupidity is a nice thing to ban. Fare, it's hardly software... at least in the traditional sense you can't ban political stupidity, because it itself is an act of political stupidity haha LOL isn't enforcing free software taking a wee bit long? recommending is good, but enforcing? s/taking/taking it/ 02:30pm -:- SignOff beholder: #TUNES (leaving) the goverment would only enforce it within the government itself, not the population -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) eihrul: sure, but as political stupidity goes, at least this one is elegant Fufie, look at it this way... there are thousands, if not millions, of computers in use by the Brazilian government at any given moment. Can you imagine how much Microsoft charges for Windows updates on all of these boxes? Fare: you're forgetting enforcement Not to mention the taxpayer money wasted on tech support calls, and unavailability Fufie: you don't have to enforce free software. You only have to stop enforcing so-called intellectual property. kaufie: getting rid of windows is a good thing.. but good infrastructure and good software still costs money Fare: expecting a politician to not do something politically stupid even when obliged by law is just stupid * binEng/#tunes bashes hcf for killing abi thus you _save_ in governemental infrastructure. eihrul: such a law would be obviously self-defeating. That's the elegance about it. binEng: were u using her in #tpp? Well, I myself would like to have a little simulation country where I could play with all kinds of different political models and see what happened hcf: not really.. but still I think enforcing free software in administration is too early for the free software movement.. Fare: rmm, here in the united states we have many self-defeating laws we're not there yet Fufie, why is that? Linux is itself definitely useable in administration kaufie: Linux is a good alternative on workstations, but you said enforce free software in general, not just OS Fufie, what else is there to use (except for the ubiquitous office suites)? -:- abi [] has joined #tunes kaufie: there is lots of software for linux that is not free kaufie: and some of it is really good kaufie: you're using c++ for example, do you find electric fence comparable to Purify? Fufie, that's not what I meant... I meant "what else is there to use on a computer except for the OS?" A typical Linux distribution already comes with basically everything most users ever need anyway. kaufie: is mysql a good alternative to Oracle or Informix for governemntal databases? Fufie, actually Postgres is, but that's not the issue... note that I said "unless there is none that provides the required functionality" Fufie: there's a french law project to enforce free software in administration by 2002 Fufie: try the boehm GC to fight memory leaks. For instance, a nice idea is Senate as jury duty... every year, a big computer picks 100 out of all social security #'s in the country (of legal age, of course), and sends them to Brasilia for one year... and you stay locked in there, without any contact with the exterior world (you can take your immediate family with you), performing Senatorial duties. (or its commercial alternative, Great Circle) kauf+fare: I think using more free software is good, but it's too early to go enforcing it when GNOME/KDE is still fighting silly bugs Fufie: note the "by 2002" (jan 1st) fare: I like boehm's gc and I have used it, but it isn't of Purify quality and for larger systems you should be able to use the right tool for the job Fufie, like Windows isn't "fighting silly bugs". Or MacOS, or BeOS for that matter. fare: I saw the "by 2002" and that sounds saner, but I think 2005 is more reasonable Dammit people, just use Lisp Kaufie: no, they don't fight bugs. They fight bugfinders, instead. 02:40pm LOL Fare kaufie: and which Lisp would you choose, a commercial or a free one if you really could choose? kaufie: there is a big difference still Fufie, a free one, of course. kaufie: which free one? CLISP? CMUCL? it has been said that CMUCL is the free optimizing CommonLISP compiler originated at the CMU SPICE project Not to mention that trying to keep your sources closed on a reflective system is just silly if you buy the commercial lisps you get the source Fufie, I mostly use DrScheme nowadays abi: CLISP is at DrScheme is nice, although a bit slow.. but for Common Lisp which is more complex than Scheme and more mature for larger "governmental" tasks, the picture isn't that simple I like CLISP but it's slow and not too ANSI and MOP-abiding CMUCL is also nice but it hasn't really been maintained for four or five years Fufie, I was just joking about Lisp; no government project is going to use Lisp (unfortunately). PopLog is somewhat fast and interesting but is lacking in newer capabilities and is horrible for development (runtime sys is good) kauf: in the EU and Norway Lisp is in heavy use from what I hear.. but they don't market it I think the documenation system for EU in Brussels and in Strasbourg is written in Lisp Fufie, most "governmental" tasks are just basic end-user stuff: word processing, spreadshitting, and some special-purpose apps. most of that could be done with free software.. I care about the infrastrucure and the complex governmental systems typo day dump the governments ... anarchy now The LISP community lost the celestial mandate the day Symbolics hired out most MIT AI hackers to make a proprietary system, anyway mibin, amen :) Fare, "celestial mandate"? * Fare/#Tunes is looking for a site to host I get this image in my head of a perl-wannabe telling the government people that their system should be written in perl and use mysql LOL Fufie fare: even hackers like decent salaries I'm not against decent salaries. I'm against plunder. hackers dont need money mibin: uh??? Fufie, what we have, of course, is Microweenies telling the government people that their system should be written in VB and use M$-SQL Server... what would you prefer? mibin: hackers need a caring mum who feeds them and give them allowance? If your trade requires plunder to survive, then your trade deserves to die. Fufie: heh, got it 02:50pm kaufie: I don't like that either (have I made that impression?) but in-between the perl-luser and the visual basic-weenie is the answer and it requires educated people and decent systems Fufie, sure... my point is that the Path of Microsoft leads to nothing but horrible pain and suffering. Kaufmann: and hell at the end but the Microsoft-path is not necessarily equal to the path of choosing the best system and recommending use of free software when it is a good alternative Well, people, been fun talking to ya... but I gotta go have fun (that sentence came out totally wrong..) (I prefer talking to typing.. preferrably with a bottle of wine :) -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for thou areth crunchy and good with ketchup.) Fufmann: I prefer the wine in the bottle. What format would you in here prefer to read a paper in, PS or PDF or maybe something else? PDF is evil. if it's only text, try linuxdoc-sgml. Fare: what?? -:- beholder [] has joined #tunes anyway, if you give out the source code, it's ok. me? you are a member of UniOS and TPP and can be reached at and is working on AKOS no.. hmm.. the connection to the net over the wireless lan (2km) is lousy in the storm and snow.. Nobody else that has an opinion? 03:00pm bE: why not have .dvi, too? bin: gzipped postscript if it is either pdf or ps tex or sgml is better though binEng: why not HTML, PDF, .ps.gz, and Microsoft Word like water's arrow paper? Umm, I've not had much contact with dvi, tex or sgml M$ Z0rd? ouch! croak! gasp! hcf: Sounds ok. Is pdf already compressed? bE: pdf compression is patented. Fare: I see your point wow (LZW, I think) :P do you guys think that some drugs may help hacking? yes Cola, tee ;) caffeine helps yea i already take some caffeine mibin: if put on the glass of someone who annoys you, yes it can. caffeine may help concentration, what about creativity? mibin: dead wood and ink, when suitably arranged, can enhance creativity. writing? reading, too. 03:10pm crayons might work better than plain ink 03:20pm -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes if shakespeare had written with crayons .. why not hammer and chisel? hah viking runes were written with hammer and chisel we have them today.. much more stable than many other storage mediums smoke: shakespeare would have had a more colourful language? 03:30pm fuf: DNA is more stable. hehe.. italy has lost yet another government.. number 56 since wwII.. fufmann: we got at least a 4Gbit worth of information from down the Ancient Past, thanks to DNA. much more information than you get with hammer and chisel. I think DNA mutates a bit more than a rock Fufmann: when a government disappears, nothing is lost. Fufmann: it you consider the bit*duration count, I'm pretty sure DNA wins. i wonder how much information you could store in the unused human genomes I wonder if Yoda's DNA is coded in FORTH 03:40pm Fufie 55 still mibin: oh.. a news report here says 56 mibin: it is still quite a lot zarq: who says it's unused? the current government isnt still fallen, afaik zarq: moreover, it does interact with the active part of the genome, too zarq: most turing machines need some extra tape to write stuff on during a run D'Alema, the prime minister, is desperately trying to keep communists and catholics together Premier Massimo D'Alema resigned Saturday night ... hmm tonight? his coalition was ridiculous 03:50pm mibin: catholics and communists both have a past of mass killing people who disagreed with them, so they should be very well together. I find a coalition between commies and catholics pretty weird but then again I am no expert on italian politics it is fare: it has been awhile since catholics mass killed people.. communists have killed more than 50 million people this century Fufie: croatians tried, in bosnia. Fufie: it's lack of power, not lack of will, that prevents more mass-killings from them. Fare: serbians too mibin: so that's an excuse? surely not fare: was the croatian mas murdering a religious act or a nationalistic act? s/mas/mass/ fufmann: how do you make a difference? fare: as I see it the croats didn't kill the serbs because the croats were catholic, but because the croats hated the serbs for being oppressors through the last 50 years what about killing in northern ireland? fufmann: actually, Tito was a croatian. i dont believe that more than 50% of the population in croatia are praticsing catholics fare: and tudjman cooperated with the partisans during wwII.. the yugo rule was by the serbs mibin: but more than 50% of the fanatics who killed were. Fare: how do you know? been there? as for northern ireland, I doubt it is catholicism which drives the IRA and INLA mibin: how do I know anything? just as the basque-people are not struggling vs spain because the basque people are catholics Fufmann: the way people differentiate in N.I. is clearly catholics vs protestants similarly in bosnia, it was clearly catholics vs orthodox vs muslims fare: the separation is aldo between two nations and between an upper class (although poor by western standard) and a lower class s/aldo/also/ catholic and ortodox churces are compatible each other Fufmann: well, in spain, everyone is catholic, because the non-catholics were all converted, killed, or chased, long ago. fare: parts of the bosnia tragedy was religious but I think you exaggarate wildly by blaming catholics in general or the church for approving of the mass murdering.. they don't have to officially approve. and local priests sure did bless the respective armies. 04:00pm fare: and the concept of nationality is always there in Europe and it is hard to see any conflict without looking at nationalistic motives (local meaning up to the mostest national religious authorities) Fare, i wouldnt be that sure the catholic church was pretty quiet in Croatia, I seem to recall that a few bishops declined to do any of that stuff and forbade their priests of blessing the troops Fufmann: when people speak the same tongue and bear the same names, religion (of the parents or grandparents) is how you decide who's who. religion doesnt matter that much nowadays depends to whom. It doesn't matter only in as much as people got free from it and learnt to ignore it. actively religious people are a minority fare: at least from a nordic perspecive and from what I have seen in the great britain, holland and to a certain extent in spain, nationality counts more than names and tongue.. religion is not really important anymore Which didn't happen, in many poor countries (read about religious people converting papoos and south american indians, recently -- ouch) whats wrong with converting people? mibin: what's wrong with spreading computer viruses? i dont see the parallel mibin: depends on how you convert.. Norway was converted to catholicism at sword point.. convert or die you should. yes well unused.. there is still a large number of genetic information that can `safely' be replaced with random gibberish the barbeque pringles are quite tasty you should see/read about the way they spread superstition, and just prevent people from living healthily mibin: i may lag now and then :) heh zarq: only if that random gibberish is invalid, and only if doesn't increase the chance of bad mutation in the future. (by crossing over or whatever) fare: right. but that still leaves the possibility of storing information not meaningful to the biological synthesis maybe that there are some els codes in 'unused' dna like a footprint of the dna coder like Copyright (c) 4000 bc God - Released under the Artistic License? :) 04:10pm haha I doubt christian fundamentalists will accept an artistic license they're even against reverse engineering, much less modifying it :) :) hmm, but mutation on unused dna arent subject to natural selection mutations* I think his copyright is outdated is it 70 years these days? more like Copyright (c) 0--1,512,709,135 God. or Copyright (c) Day 1-6 God make that day 4-6 he didn't do much that involved dna in the first three days anyway do you think he patented us? he should have I wonder what time unit God uses. Most likely something like sizeof(universe)/speedof(light). Homo Sapiens 0.2.10 and have genesis as the invention history? ah.. and he sent a representative to sign the necessary papers to get the patent yup.. and invented the church to defend the patent he patented the church as well and made the church defend it's own patent.. God was the first bootstrapper Yeah, that's why all human churches should be forbidden -- because God already has a patent yea, and the AntiChrist is Bill Gates haha mibin: umm.. no.. it's his little girl.. in these equal rights times the AntiChrist should be a girl.. Daughter of Satan why do you really think Gates is a male? wel he _looks_ male doesn't he? i dont care looking it 04:20pm hmm, i start wondering if i am y2k compliant Gates is probably a nice bloke.. it's not his fault that he was born with horns and a pointy tail and was destined to pester the lives of millions of people.. he does his work as everyone else.. he has bad days (the day with the pie and the monopoly trial) and good days (he got his basic hack working) mibin: so take the test.. jan 1st 1900 seems like a good day for it it scares me that if I jumped back a hundred years my comp.sci background would be useless useless? predicting the future, useless? you could buy in advance stocks from all the companies that are now billionaires! sure I could predict the future and meet turing and tell him about his halting problem yeah like microsoft Fare: no if you change the past the present would change too mibin: then don't change it. And even if you don't change it, you can make the Right Choices as goes general strategic choices. fufie: what halting problem? you can sell out all these russian railway bonds, for instance. taking a choice _is_ changing somethnig zarq: the halting problem with computers or better: abi: halting is -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) 04:30pm -:- SignOff beholder: #TUNES ([x]chat) fufie: aha fare: going to sarajevo and shoot gavrilo princip might have been fun 1) you'd be arrested as a killer -- no fun 2) they'd have found another pretense to fight for 2), you might change things, but in any case, it would take much more efforts than just prevent princip from killing the princes. The reasons why that is possible are interesting, but beyond the scope of the last sentence of this document. how the hell i compile nethack ... no makefiles, no configure script just get the binary mibin: rpm --recompile nethack is it the latest one? ahh, here they are apt-get -b source nethack fare: hehe :) have you read Stephen Fry's 'Making History' where this PhD student goes back in time and poison the well Hitler's family use to prevent Hitler being born. last time i tried to compile nh, it was splitted in 10 files and other oogly stuff Fufmann: no. Is the book any good? 04:40pm fare: it was an amusing read, and tries to see how germany might have gone differently.. it's a humorous book with a point to make. Fry's writing isn't bad either.. it's not Wilde though, even if Fry does his best to copy his idol When some scum can seize the power, another can, too. it's a matter of opportunity. yep, and what if that scum had been a little less extreme and somewhat more tactical? Fry also says nasty things about Microsoft in the book :) Arresting one scum is good. Removing the opportunity is better. later guys * zarq/#tunes is away: zzz later Fufmann: maybe I'll read that book, someday anybody using the dvorak layout here? mibin: i am what is your cps in typespeed? 5 with qwerty i could reach 4.5 Fufmann: btw, "A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam. now i am at 3.1 but smoke reaches 7-8 7-8???? -1 que? hahaha ehm between 7 and 8 that is smoke typing backwards? yeah the repeat rate of his backspace is 1 per second anyway i was off for sleep oh well.. need sleep.. good night.. :) (afk) ok, nite natta fufie 04:50pm -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes -:- mibin [mibin@] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) hcf how dare you blow me -:- abi [] has joined #tunes 07:40pm * ultima/#Tunes pokes abi ouch 07:50pm -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes JESUS CHRIST!!! These people can't even be bothered to read the damn post! Despite the fact that I made it perfectly clear in the article body that the damn law applies only to governmental organizations, five minutes after it shows up in the index page there are already a thousand posts bitching about our government forcing everybody to use free software bloody hell ...everybody? 08:10pm -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Kaufmann's First Law: All subsequent laws are true. Kaufmann's Second Law: All preceding laws are false.) -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- td [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -lilo( [GlobalNotice] Hi all. I'm told that AT&T has been replacing routers recently, which might bear on our recent network problems. Thanks for your patience and understanding. -:- lispbliss [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff lispbliss: #TUNES () -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (td has no reason) -:- Goldenboy [] has joined #tunes -:- Goldenboy [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1219 IRC log ended Sun Dec 19 00:00:01 1999