IRC log started Sun Nov 28 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1128 -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey hey do u have unreal? Nope damn good game Hmm, cool the graphics kick ass fps? its slower than halflife err, that was a poor acronym, I ment is it a first person shooter? i am downloading the latest driver for my riva cuz it has bad glitches 12:10am yes it is it kicks halflifes butt What motherboard brands do you reccomend? I am looking at a dual p II, which abit doesn't make... yes they do They do? Its not listed under products well they make a dual socket 370 board I want a dual slot 1 i have an asus p2bd THe bp6 kicks ass, but I have decided I can't run celerys with smp slockets Hmm, So youare saying to go abit or asus? yes i would go with asus i have 5 asus boards tx97, 2 tx97e, p2b and p2bd Ever run any of these no namers? oh ya epox and amptron How was the epox? yer system will run half speed with the amptron and 75% with the epox -:- [NoMercy] [] has joined #tunes How did you measure that? <[NoMercy]> anyone have an oss license notron norton with the amptron it was easy the system was visually slow Hmm, did it say what was bottle necking? its the motherboard they all had the exact parts the cards where moved from one board to the next Hmm What do they do to their boards that make the so slow? 12:20am -:- [NoMercy] [] has left #tunes [] use cheap buffers Ah so Is the 820 chipset somthing I need? the amptron has its own chipset Yuck, offbrand chipset.... the 820 supports the 133mhz bus Does the PII? no the p3 600 and 633 do Hmm, I don't need that then the p3's higher than 633 dont use 133 Now, I need to decide onboard SCSI or no hmm my box will get 7fps in the games being released this xmas Heh Dual 550 is not enough, eh? im running the test to see how many fps i will be getting on next years games no, this is a single 450 my dual 550 doesnt run games cuz its linux Ah i have a feeling im gonna have a negative fps for next year Negitive fps... hmmm that is an interesting thoguht... _you_ display the frames for the computer! :) i think this treemark test is fake i think it was made by intel and nvidia to sell faster computers by giving ridiculously low scores what game will use 35000 polygons per frame? Heh The games that BRiX runs my riva can handle 6000 polygons per frame The k7 runs a 200Mhz bus, right? yes and no Uhhh since the fastest ram is 133mhz... 12:30am So the chip supports 200, but you can only run it at 133? yup Ok Where there ever any openPIC boards made? and p133 ram is 40% more than pc100 133 is expensiveo openPIC? Dualing k6s 1.66fps on next years games :) 12:40am Damnit! Nobody makes an openPIC board! The k6 supports it, buy no one implemnted it! Grrr Porque porque porque? Ohh! Whats this? damnit i installed the latest creative labs driver and unreal is still glitching 12:50am it thrashes the hard drive alot Get more ram What is slot 2? xeon and k7 is slot A Ah so 01:00am Oh tnx for the cursor code I see where mine was messed up now heh I keep using AX when I relly mean AL or AH Its annoying Or, not staing I only want a byte moved hahaha What? For code done in math class it was pretty good! 01:10am Did you konw you can dual regular pentiums? ya But not cyrix or amds because they are openPIC and noone makes an openPIC board 01:20am Hmm Got to go sleep -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) 01:30am -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes hey all 06:10am hi what's up? 06:20am hm i'm trying to do some ocaml, but i have a book that explains caml and frankly i don't understand how to convert some things :) what thinks? hmm I'm mostly idle. About to try and turn Linux into a useable system because no other OS availible to me is modular enough w/o a performance loss smkl; well, i couldn't find the cons-keyword, which is used in an example.. 06:30am cons a b is probably just a::b smkl: let append l1 l2 = list_hom l2 cons l1;; i tried using ::, but that doesn't work nicely (here list_hom is defined as `let rec list_hom e f l = match l with [] -> e | (a::l) -> f a (list_hom e f l);; ') somehow i think it makes one argument out of `l2 :: l1' instead of passing :: as f in that case, you would need let cons a b = a::b doh, i should've thought of that myself :) smlk; how long have you been working with caml btw? hmm smoke: there's an append in the ocaml standard library -- UTSL about 2 years or so fare; i'm just learning :) i don't need to append anything practically :) smoke: let append l1 l2 = case l1 of [] -> l2 | h::t -> h::(append t l2) ;; fare: case == match,with ? yup my ocaml syntax is rusty * Downix/#tunes wishes he could find a decent extendable OS Downix: tunes? i heard tunes was a free reflective computing system at or for programming languages what the internet is to networks or like flypaper for hallucinogenic programmers or discombobulated or obnubilated Fare: Tunes won't be ready in any kind of timeframe useful to me Linux is not the kind of OS I want Core's Clementine sounds like it could be how's core progressing on clementine? No clue It *sounds* about right tho 06:40am indexable, flexible, and most of all able to be tied right to my hardware it sure seems promising, yes Too bad I only talked to him once I would like to see the docs, the source if possible, to see how easy it would be to port Oh god, Brittany Spears is now of legal age Anyways Tunes is not an option, I need something able to be shipped by October 2001 And not just shipped, but have software ready for it what kind of software, if i may ask? At least 1 applications suite and some games it's for new hardware? yup i see smoke: clementine is progressing alright, except that it's not officially released yet Trying to keep things as easy for customers to switch as possible Fare: No responce via email. phone My next day off I'll call 06:50am * Downix/#tunes won't back off till he can check it out Of course I still have AlonzoTG's Sphere as an option, if he can get it through his head he does NOT need to licence every piece of technology in the world And worst case my own modified Linux kernel but I REALLY don't want to do that Linux just doesn't cut it So, has anything actually been done with Tunes yet? Or just with Arrow? * Downix/#tunes ponders What exactly is Linux, it's not a monolith kernel due to the modules, it's not a microkern because the modules don't talk to each other 07:00am it's a runtime extensible monolithic kernel ok What is Amiga then, it's semi a mono, semi a micro, and semi has no kernel at all I'd say it's a no-kernel but I don't know well enough It is a ton of library calls built into a massive executable which you can add yet more library calls to It's rather unique, especially since it's UNIX-derived * Downix/#tunes has a copy of AmigaOS 3.0's source, rather interesting object study BeOS is nice too Many nice OS ideas, but I want to have something unique, something special 07:10am Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to sharpen sticks. -- Thant Tessman lol Well, so far I have not found any high-level languages as flexible or as powerful as C, but I have not been looking REBOL looked interesting, but I can't get it to work 07:20am Also lacked a critical internet function, telnet Anyways was much too late-bound, too OS's are not my specialty Hardware is Yeah, REBOL if it came out in 1988 would have been killer but now... it's too hokey I feel Fare, have you studied the use of C as a hardware description language? 07:30am -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes hey Al! AlonzoTG: You missed the video hardware discussion yesterday on #enoch ok, guess everyone is idle 07:40am C as hardware description? that's nuts. Downix: have you rather seen synchronous programming languages? ESTEREL? LUSTRE? etc... Someone's made a C library for just that purpose No I have not the Haskell guys are also doing hardware modelling with Haskell ok but that's not fit for complete design (yet) I'm doing complete design work whereas ESTEREL is just meant for design of circuits. (although it depends on having a good optimizing backend) (it can also dump C code, for simulation, if you prefer) Never seen it is it commercial? 08:00am I think ESTEREL is free software while LUSTRE is commercial; but don't take my word for it. rather search for it searching abi: no, ESTEREL is at okay, Fare. ok ouch, not free software, it seems let me see abi: ESTEREL is also a proprietary language for Synchronous Reactive Programming okay, Fare. Fare is free, just not open erm, Estarial so is LUSTRE, apparently abi: '(0 (1 2) (3 () ((4 5)) 6))) oops abi: LUSTRE is a synchronous reactive programming language at '(0 (1 2) (3 () ((4 5)) 6))) damn cut buffer! abi: no, LUSTRE is a synchronous reactive programming language at okay, Fare. * Fare/#Tunes hates X uh what? fare; so you're not using zenirc from emacs? :) X is poor smoke: I would if emacs was multiprogrammed downix; except for emacs - is there an alternative? but then I wouldn't be doing tunes, either fare; what do you mean with `multiprogrammed' ? smoke: berlin YAX downix; hm, i've never been very impressed with the berlin project nano-X I didn't say it was impressive, did I? GGI? GGI is, like, at ggi has nothing to offer in this respect 08:10am it could if someone were to exploit it there's more to it than graphics alone smoke: multiprogramming is the ability to run multiple concurrent communicating programs at once. for instance, by multitasking fare; ah yes, that's something emacs surely lacks Honestly tho X is probably the best we've got downix; jup downix: 20 years of no progression :) (in this field) I know for my OS I need something better than X X sucks. better in what way? but it's best, indeed Fufie: Coherent appearance, more integrated with the platform forced coherent appearance is something i wouldn't appreciate appearance is irrelevant. The internal structure is what's important Fare: Appearance is very important for consumers. appearance can be done by theming, if the internal structure is ok screw consumers :) Fare: Very true. obviously there is already disagreement on how to improve ;) Fufie: Agree. Thing is, I know what most people want. * Fare/#Tunes drops Scheme, and teaches himself CL if all programs were to have the same appearance, that would mean a limitation of ease-of-use Fare: a wise choice :) downix; thing is, most people don't know what they want for themselves. smoke: Yes, but they know that they want something they can understand. that said, the target language will be a happy mix of Scheme, CL, ML, and more smoke: Same appearance between each other. THemes could make the system very flexible beyond that limitation downix; hm, are you sure you're not underestimating people? hum. When evaluating CL macros, what's the current environment, already? downix; don't get me wrong -- i don't even know What you know most people want :) smoke: Not at all. the environment is where the macro is used downix; it just sounds strange to me. it gets messy if the macro is in another package and uses symbols smoke: What I do understand is that 90% of people, roughly, want things to look close enough to each other than they don't need to re-learn how to work things just because they change programs -> keywords are a good thing 08:20am downix; may i correct that to be 90% of the frequently pc using people, being about 5% of `the people' :) Fufie: if I do side effects within a CL macro, in what environment does it takes place, and is that environment shared with evaluation? smoke: I'm not just talking in computers ya dork. * Fare/#Tunes hates Scheme's caricature of macros downix; most people use a car as happily as a toilet, both appearing completely different from eachother most of the time * Fare/#Tunes prefers first to car smoke: But they like cars that make sence * Fare/#Tunes won't use car unless doing low-level things. how about CDR then? smoke: Here's an example, my mothers Festiva and my Mustang have very different controls NOT-QUITE-SECOND ? downix; computers that look like eachother, indeed. that's what i meant with the limitations. only the steering wheel is the same place downix; s/computers/cars smoke: I ment the GUI smoke: Whenever I get into my mothers car or she gets in mine, we get confused as to where everything is downix; yes. and what i was trying to point out is that having but one gui is probably not the best solution * Fare/#Tunes does think CL lacks ML-like modules CL lacks modules smoke: Having more is not an option in my case. I want whatever I have to be themeable, but due to space limitations, one GUI is all we can fit into the default system Fufie: could you find time to update the CL review? I have done some updating.. did it yesterday the main tunes-page seems updated downix; and seperating the gui from the applications completely is no option either? smoke: That is an option, yes. But a standard toolkit must be issued, to keep things looking similar enough to prevent confusion. (Does not prevent after-market toolkits of course) afk.. bbl downix; so you basically need a gui api, not a windowing system? smoke: Pretty much. downix; are you planning on creating a completely new one or did you have one in mind? smoke: I would like something akin to the told AMigaOS. Enlightenment somewhat fits my needs, but it's reliance on X makes that a hard pill to swallow. downix; enlightenment is but a windowmanager, is it not? smoke: Right. Fufie: thanks downix; what about wings? smoke: wings? 08:30am downix: WINGs or so, the gui used by windowmaker, it's NeXT-ish downix; i know nothing about it myself downix; apart from it being small It's still a window manager I don't want to use X downix; no it's more of a gui, windowmaker is the wm, wings is a gui.. but it's probably based on X yes smoke: Windowmaker is an X window manager, I know, I use it myself downix; is it for wearable computers? smoke: You could make a wearable computer out of it. downix; then berlin is probably too big/bloated for it? smoke: More like Berlin would be too slow and quite useless for our "other" configuration * Fare/#Tunes is trying to determine a programming model for something like a Blu-calculus with a notion of linear domains. smoke: We need a setup where the main GUI can be by-passed for direct screen use downix; something like a telnet feature? smoke: Somewhat, but you still have full graphical control Downix: XFree86-DGA is meant to allow that downix; and a very teensy X server? Fare: I know that smoke: X isn't built very well IMHO and XF86 4.x is meant to supercede DGA with a new, incompatible, protocol yup X is not build; it is grown. s/ld/lt/ Fare: Good way to put it downix; it's somewhat `standard' though.. in presence of proprietary software, selection is done on freedom first, and design afterwards. smoke: I know. But I do not mind non-standard if I can gain what I need * Downix/#tunes nods proprietary software is the cause of bad design being standard. BLU?!?!?!?!?!? downix; what more/differences would you like to see ? yes, i meant to ask that too - what's blu-calculus? :) downix; i've been working on a gui myself for some time - that's why * AlonzoTG/#tunes just learned lambda!!! 08:40am smoke: embeddable, extendable, able to work with a very modular OS and very unusual hardware smoke: some kind of unification of pi-calculus and lambda-calculus; kind of like jocaml AlonzoTG cool * smoke/#tunes hopes jocaml is a typo PI CALCULUS?!??!?!?!?! downix; d'you have any concrete ideas for that already? smoke: Honestly, no. Something akin to Workbench, intuition engine basically. ATG: stuff for concurrent programming smoke: Something that takes full advantage to my hardware's design picalc is so low-level you must write in CPS; blucalculus does that cps implicitly for you when needed downix; and implementationwise? a bytecode protocol like X or something completely differnt? smoke: I don't care to be honest. I care about what my user sees downix; hm bytecode sucks smoke: the framework could be a pair of hampsters with crayons for all I care should be taken care of automatically by metaprograms (profiling metaprograms, even) * AlonzoTG/#tunes hurls a laser guided flaming woodchuck at Fare smoke: idling? 08:50am downix; not at all! :) smoke: What does your GUI have to offer? downix; thinking, discussing two different things, learning caml, watching tv, reading the berlin website and doing some homework.. :) ok -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes downix; my gui has nothing concrete yet.. we tried implementing it in c/c++ and focused mostly on optimizing it for 486/pentiums smoke: Since I'm using MIPS wouldn't help me much downix; the main goal of the gui is to make good use of old hardware, next to being extendable to new targets smoke: that's what screen is for.... eihrul; hahaha :) i'm not joking man smoke: Does not sound quite like what I need then, since my video hardware does not work anything like VGA downix; the last few months we've been investigating highlevel languages to build gui components and applications with ok eihrul; the basic applications i want to run are a pixelpainting program and a soundtracker -- screen is only for textmode smoke: you have colored text... * Downix/#tunes sighs eihrul; grin hard working with unusual graphics systems when everyone thinks VGA is the end-all be-all formats like xpm can be edited in a text editor downix; i'm not thinking that at all :) we spent a great deal of time thinking of how to get rid of bitdepth and pixelsize dependencies smoke: So have I, but I worked on the hardware-end downix; did you come up with some nice new ideas then? eihrul; oh grrrrr! :) smoke: Plenty of them, but nothing like VGA downix; as long as there's a lot of hardware tricks and tweaks to find out, i'll buy one :) smoke: Plenty of them. downix; woo! :) om, /me just needs an DAC to spew video... I hope you havn't optomized out the 32 bit ramdac!!! =P DAC's aren't as efficient =\ How can that be? let's see, 400Mhz RAMDAC or 800Mhz RAMBUS.... 09:00am with the RAMDAC you end up with more overhead over our memory management system well you could draw about 12million pixels with that, my monitor only functions at 60 mhz... AlonzoTG: I could also render how many polygons, or power how many monitors? hmm... with one unit? with the PC you have to add a second card... Or even encode and decode video at the same time AlonzoTG: With one unit hmm... geeeperz! argh polygons! smoke: or raytraces, we have an FPU built alongside the video system phew :) downix; interesting smoke: raytracing is better, but polygons are used by a lot of 3D games. smoke: VEry unusual video system. 50-bit output yeah, that's what i was argh-ing about .. i really dislike those 3d games, they are SO ugly * AlonzoTG/#tunes wonders how much game can be stuffed into a floppy... smoke: Agreed. smoke: Worst part is that they're bumping polygon count up every day i've been playing XenonII, Silkworm and SpeedballII on my a500 last week, and they look so much better than all the new Accelerated 3d crap you see nowadays.. triangles are just no fun I agree 100% The Amiga was my original inspiration and then realizing that most of those 2d games were written by 1 coder, 1 gfx artist and 1 musician.. :) * Downix/#tunes nods ah well :) I have some 3D games for the Amiga too using raytracing Stuntcarracing? :)) why bother making a ray traced game? eihrul: Looks better Forgot the name actually eihrul; it could be fun if the enemies are sphere shaped :)) Downix: runs slow-as-all-hell too eihrul: Not at all. eihrul: Not as fast as Quake or Doom are, but it's cool it's an espionage game anyways shrug, i don't care if the game looks good or what-not eihrul: Game play is nice i'd rather see a game with nicer game play :) * Downix/#tunes nods game play is critical I feel i'd accept stick figures, and have... little stick hulls would be fine too lol anyways smoke: I like our design. Even if it is a bit freaky to VGA-centric people although doing spheres in sticks would be hard would have to have diamonds downix; can i read about the design somewhere? or is it all secret? eihrul; tubes aren't /that/ hard to trace no? smoke: Afraid it's secret for now. But if you've ever read about AAA or Hombre', you've gotten a peak at the root designs 09:10am never read about those :) smoke: They were the next-gen Amiga designs. Unfortunately Commodore went under ah smoke: AAA was simply a re-designed ECS (no AGA compatability) while Hombre' was a total re-design based on PA-RISC both had 50-bit graphics, 16-bit sound AAA would have cost a lot more, but it was chip-compatable with the old ECS Hombre was nicer tho, 2 chips witht he CPU built-in how are those 50 bits layed out? some weird ARGB format? -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes more like 24-bits of RGB, 24-bit planar, 1 bit alpha and 1 bit "coherency" layer what's the planar for? (and the coherency?) :) planar is a faster graphics system than RGB coherency is incase you want to mix planar and rgb chunks 09:20am Amiga's gfx is Planar, VGA is Chunky hm. is all of the hardware 50 bit then ? smoke: No, only the graphics audio is 24-bit the data paths are 128-bit the CPU executes 64-bit commands is it like bitplanes in some [cve]ga modes? smoke: Not quite smoke: Planar is drawing the screen as a whole through extrapolation, not by drawing every pixel in order or so I understand it * Downix/#tunes is trying to explain it Think the difference between MPEG and Quicktime * AlonzoTG/#tunes won't tolerate anything less than a 60khz audio sampling rate! =P MPEG saves the data in color chunks and re-hashes it together at run-time Quicktime saves each frame as a complete entity saves a lot of processing time with the Quicktime ehm AlonzoTG: 110khz good enough for you? smoke: Note, I only know Quicktime 1.0 i know no quicktime at all, but i do understand rle :) ok if quicktime is displayed on a planar system (like Mac) virtually no CPU is used at all * eihrul/#tunes thinks Downix needs to explain things which the illusion that he understands them. hehe Simply put, the terms chunky and planar (short for bitplanar) refer to different ways of storing graphics information in a computer's memory. They are rather easy to understand, as far as things go, but incredibly difficult to explain: right planar = drawing the whole screen at once chunky = extrapolating the screen through piecing together segments of color data * Downix/#tunes just got that explination from his hardware guy 09:30am but... if in planar the 24 bits are not used for RGB data... what are they used for? eihrul: screen draw no, what's stored in them and how.... eihrul: References to the color palette instead of the raw RGB data agg, palettes? what i understand from the amiga-faq is that planar modes have the display stored bitwise 24 times, and chunked modes store one 24 bits plane 24-bit palette smoke: Ok, good way to put it that sounds like a paletted mode it is a 24bit palette means 16mb of palette data - eek smoke: no 24-bit palette technically technically it's an 8-bit palette, with a 'trick' to get 24-bits of palette data out of it hum what's the trick? eihrul: Dropping chunky data on top of the palette as it passes through the pipeline that's why the coherent bit no grokko completo same here :) * eihrul/#tunes ponders if there is a verb grokar in el espanol. eihrul: Ok, just as it's getting ready to be displayed, the system gets a second impulse to scan the code and based on the rest of the data availible, it can either raise or lower the color data in R G or B by up to 2 bits but you have 16 bits left over.... why r2g2b2? Enough for what we need would give you 24-bit display whils using only 16-bits of data so it takes 8 bit pallete index and the rest of the bits to warp the color in the palette a bit... 'a bit' (no pun intended) eihrul: Right. next question... why is the palette signifigant to planar? eihrul: Saves having to compute the color table. if the palette has the color table pre-made, saves computation time On an order of magnitude 09:40am but isn't it faster for hardware to do it? :) one computation of the color table per screen draw vs one computation per pixel draw eihrul: Hardware is doing it well, how? or more importantly, where? eihrul: The palette is stored in a special buffer just need a few commands to set it oh, ok but it saves a lot of comutation time which is a Good Thing (tm) downix; at what price and time can we expect that system? :) right smoke: $100 for the chipset. Can make a complete system for under $500 it sounds like fun to program It should be abi: seen core core was last seen on IRC 4 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 32 seconds ago, saying: air: or another, but i don't remember installing the vga font on any XFree 3.3.5 boxes [Tue Nov 23 23:23:33 1999] either way, do you see the difference with VGA? downix; that's for the video chipset or is there more ? smoke: There's more. it's like an Amiga, everything built-in but it's $100 for the video chipset, and then comes the cpu and the sound chips &c ? 24-bit sound capable of 110khz, USB, Firewire, local bus slot smoke: it's $100 for the whole chipset. 2 chips with all functions built-in downix; sounds cheap smoke: Add on an ASIC and you have a complete system smoke: not hard to do. 90% of the reason most chips cost so much now is because they forgot the point of RISC Well, an ASIC, a ROM and some RAM neat Of course all of this is in theory We know the price tag, due to the number of gates we're using tho Let's hope theory is as good as practice erm, swap that let's hope practice is as good as theory 8) :) i'll just add 200% :) no way if we can't deliver it for no more than $150 we won't deliver it 09:50am :) But I know we can do it After all, our primary hardware engineer is well prepared 8) the trick will be the RAM interface we're using RAMBUS in a new fashion than anyone else is 10:00am Anyone else getting a laugh that a 7Mhz Amiga 500 can still keep up with an 800Mhz Pentium 3? grin doing what? if it has anything to do with constant framerates i won't laugh Fufie: consistant framerates, scroll speed, text draw, even simple things like disk access and moving the mouse Fufie: no matter how loaded my system is, as long as I have RAM, nothing lags probably, but then again on a regular PC that is a job that is not part of the cpu -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) Fufie: On a regular PC actually all of those jobs are part of the CPU Fufie: In an Amiga those jobs are not constant framerates ARE possible on modern pc's, but there's no OS that does it it's that i don't understand a thing about the obfuscated scheduler code in the linux kernel, but it wouldn't be too hard to implement it smoke: I know, but the thing is it's not the OS that controls it, it's the VGA system. downix: yes.. typo by me Fufie: Ok smoke: No matter which OS is on the Amiga's hardware, you get those features it is a different architecture an amiga had those in hardware, no? Fufie: Yes, that's my point. really integrated? Fufie: Right. Fully integrated control chips an Amiga shipped with no less than 7 processing units 10:10am 68000, Agnus, Denise, Paula, Gary and a pair of CIA's I just find it funny All these years and a PC still can't get a consistant framerate om Hey Al That's a lot of CPU to OS. AlonzoTG: Amiga did it, and it did it in 128k of ROM in the earliest models om do you think having 7 processing units would be a good idea for modern machines? Fufie: Many hands make for lighter work. Fufie: My own hardware design has 7 processing units held in 2 chips in norwegian we have an idiom: the more the chefs the more waste the more chefs the more waste Fufie: But that's the thing, they aren't chefs, there's a chef, there's a dishwasher, there's the waiter, there's the host, there's thew bartender, there's the bus boy Everyone does their job and just theyr job and an extra manager? ;) You got it the CPU is the chef Agnus is the manager Gary is the waiter the CIA's are the host ok, it doesn't work perfectly but you get the idea Everything has it's own job to do, and they do it In a PC you NEED those 800+ Mhz CPU's just to keep everything synched in an Amiga you don't, the system works together, integrated, helping each other yes.. but there is also the business part of it :p :) business part is easier downix; with a decent OS a pc could outperform the amiga easily a PC makes room for lotsof hardware vendors making various parts.. having it all integrated is a turn-off ;) smoke: Very true. But do a similar design upped to 400Mhz instead of 7 Fufie: You can add extra parts to an Amiga ya know. They made a method of doing it w/o compromizing the internal improvements. downix; a 16mhz 386 could do about the same as an a500 Commodore managed that very badly I seem to recall downix; it just needs a few good thoughts and a lot of coding :) Fufie: They did indeed. The Amiga 1200 had something called a "clock port" and didn't document it. After Commodore went under, people figured out how to turn it into a major expantion slot 10:20am smoke: Really? a 386 can do real-time 3D rendering for game play? a 386 can play Quake? so the major point of a new architecture is not performance, but whether it leaves room for other vendors.. downix; an a500 can't without a lot of addons Fufie: I've made room for vendor expantions. smoke: 1 add-on and it can play Quake. voluntarily or did the VC-boys make you? :) smoke: GVP Acc500 for $100 Fufie: voluntarily. Plus I gave vendors two options, use off-the-shelf cards or make optimized cards downix; that's not much :) smoke: Nope. I have it in my A500, 040-40 card. Quake runs beautifully and then the final question.. the inevitable question.. Does Linux run on it? ;) Fufie: Linux would run fine. 8) well.. then your architecture might have a future ;) Fufie: Also the arch has an alternative config, where instead of being the primary system it can be a plug-in within a PC is the cpu/architecture Lisp-friendly? (Intel is not) it is MIPS CPU's are very LISP friendly we're using a MIPS core for the built-in CPU MIPS? that's nice :) Plus you can plug-in CPU's, like in an Amiga I liked working on MIPS (sgi-boxes) * Downix/#tunes nods MIPS make Nintendo 64 and Playstation nice too gaming-machines.. not too interesting ;) No, but my arch can be used in a gaming machine, or in a high-end 3D machine like SGI how's mips lisp friendly? smoke: MIPS is an extremely simplistic architecture, it is good for emulation, being emulated, symbolic work, even bytecode smoke: it has instructions which are easy to use for lisp-primitives i suppose the call-instruction and stack push/pops are over important in lisp? among other things, yes.. I'm no hardware person * Downix/#tunes shrugs LISP ran very nicely on the MIPS station I used 10:30am Acer ARCstation anyways It will be nice when it's done then we need people to licence the arch/buy the chips from us Already starting to get a list of clients 8) Know any companies that could use such a chipset? no.. I am still a university hack ;) ok and I have nothing to do with support/sales at the company I work part-time for.. smoke: The OS does have something to do with performance, but only if the OS and hardware are designed around each other will you get the best performance so I basically have little contact with clients :) Fufie: Who do you work for? what kind of clients do you have? everything from SAP, IBM, Sun and small companies I see you make web-side products the main product is a web-browser yup how good is it/how useful is it? I see it's Java-based we have a release on wednesday and I think it is actually quite good already ie Netscape/IE/Mozilla quality and feature-wise That's good. I'm wagering it's not downloadable an older version is downloadable Fufie: Oh, I was hoping for better quality. 8) * Downix/#tunes does not consider Sir Crash-a-lot and Mr. BSOD to be high quality products. 8) 10:40am I'm kidding ya dude we've spent _long_ time trying to emulate the other browsers because all pages are made for them, and just around now we are finally able to add cooler stuff * Downix/#tunes nods I'll try it out hmm, 1.5 meg, not too bad and with a team of two people it's not easy to compete with 100s of people doing IE Actually it's easier with 2 people vs 100 remember the statement about the chefs? and it's more a component than a browser for end-users * Downix/#tunes nods two people makes communication easier, but it is so much to do and so many "#%#"¤&%#¤ stupid web-designers I know Having 1 major hardware designer is smart for us most of the time is used to add compatibility stuff for "important sites" where the designers are braindead No need to worry about communications * Downix/#tunes nods the problem with just 1 is that if he is out there is noone Ok, I need to head out to my "day job" Fufie: We have contingency plans (myself) if he's out I'll be back tomorrow evening have fun oh yeah .em groans I need my company funded Ok, I'll be back later -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES ([BX] You can breathe without BitchX, but I wouldn't recommend it) -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes ok, I have a half hour 10:50am till what? I have to be to work hey eihrul, does my design sound like it's got it's act together to you? modular == good flexible == better modular == flexible, if done right right modular can be non-flexible tho in my case it is You don't need to change the in-chip modules to change the function of the chipset change the ASIC and ROM and you've changed the system <- software dude so i can only relate through software ATM :) * Downix/#tunes nods it's ok I still need a good OS for it tho same here I didn't know you were making an OS for it. 8) -'for it' I knew you were making an OS 11:00am -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smoke[]) How is it coming anyways? i'm waiting on core i chucked my kernel in favor of his I am waiting for him as well I have enough data on my system so far to built a simulator and to port the OS -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes re hey smoke 11:10am hmm -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (dying by hcf's request) -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! hey Kaufmann What's up? Nada, working on my hardware specification the 2 page summary right now hardware specification? Trying to find an OS that'll fit our needs, or someone who can make one. So far only 1 definate bite and a nibble Kaufmann: I'm designing a hardware system To do what? It's a flexible architecture, with only 1 or 2 changes you can change what it can do. But it's primary focus is on multimedia integration Think an evolution on the Amiga But is it a consumer box, a desktop, or what? 11:20am Kaufmann: it's a chipset. We'll be licencing the architecture and clients can use it how they will. Already have a customer lined up for a consumer box, and internet appliance and even a game console Ooooooooooooooh Nice Saves the problem Commodore had So you need an OS for it? And Apple has today Right Who do you work for? so far AlonzoTG has made a bid to create one. Core's Clementine is another option. Kaufmann: We've had so many name changes it's not funny. Right now the board is debating NatTron or Ptah WTF is Ptah?!? Kauffmann: *name suggestions are always welcome* Jewish bread, afaik :) Ptah is the egyptian father god Ok, got to be going got to be going -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: cleaner, drier, protects even better) Kaufmann: in which context? hcf, what? Kaufmann: ptah oh nm ptah is too serious for a name... Mythology names are passè 11:30am name should be a number or something adolescent, i.e. "Amiga" What about OxDEADBEEF Inc. ? bbl -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Doc, note! I dissent! A fast never prevents a fatness - I diet on COD!) -:- NetSplit: split from [11:33am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes 11:40am hi :) Thanks :) 11:50am -:- Netjoined: -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Doc, note! I dissent! A fast never prevents a fatness - I diet on COD!) * Fufie/#tunes yawns lo 12:10pm -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes ok, back hi at work now? Nope Showe dup and found out they didn't need me till 4pm EST At work I'm not allowed on the internet * Downix/#tunes needs to get his company financed so he can dump the day job 12:20pm anyone awake who know their Scheme and could hack Schemedoc to dump more info than mere documentation but more info about the program itself? ie, do some static analysis of the code and dump it What is Scheme? i heard Scheme was a dialect of Lisp that stresses conceptual elegance and simplicity or ((nearly) (perfect)) ok * Downix/#tunes is finishing up the CAT for his chipset !larne:*! alright - who killed nickserv ? 12:30pm Ok, time for work 12:50pm -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Read error: 666 (Connection reset by Satan)) -:- yoo [] has joined #Tunes -:- yoo [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Read error to AlonzoTG[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes * zarq/#tunes is back from being away: trug Fufie: Schemedoc? yeah.. a javadoc-like tool for scheme It was written for Bigloo, but I hacked it to work with MzScheme some months ago I think if you want it I think I have it lying around -:- air [] has joined #tunes unrelated to the thing used by SCWM? I think so hmm i was just offered $200 to redirect to another site did the other site have nude girls and boys? :) no, cheat codes for games just like my site !larne:*! werd someone restart services !HyrliK:*! hehe !larne:*! I'm serious. otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to kill you all .. !HyrliK:*! try it 01:10pm !larne:*! ACTION kills Hyrlik found it.. it was called scmdoc @copyright Dominique Boucher sounds french but was canadian: 01:20pm -:- ree [jwm@] has joined #tunes ree: ack, you geepers! you can get a minimal windoze 3.11 configuration into just 2.1 megabytes! =P eh, why is that so amazing? 98 is a hundred times that big! =P it's harder to break 6 win3.1 floppies than to break one win98 cd * AlonzoTG/#tunes needs to use windows 3.1 5.25 floppies to reinstall my system. old 386? om P100 what a waste.. you could run Linux, *bsd or Minix on it minix... my 386 happily runs minix hey, I tried minix on it, it crashed. so fuck you anyone know the format of the redirect meta tag? this machine is too unstable to run anything at the moment. 01:40pm then windows will fit well I turn it on in the morning and I play a few games to warm it up... When it stopps crashing I know I can safely load windows. Fufie: QNX worked well on 386... just that its hard to get legal copies of it :) but isn't quite as much fun as linux the 386 only had 4mb and qnx required 8mb I think linux on 4 mb was also difficult.. esp as the floppy is only 1.2M qnx worked fine on my 486sx with < 4 MB ram maybe I am confusing it with the qnx they made downloadable then 01:50pm no... this was full qnx i think i still have disks * AlonzoTG/#tunes got too much shit on my 386's drives to use it as an OS-TEST machine... testing OSes is a great way to waste time mudding is a more fun waste of time 02:00pm -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smoke[]) * Fare/#Tunes wants to have IDE rack hot(un)plugging working under linux so as to ease OS TESTs... fare: you should be able to swap os without rebooting.. -:- ChanServ has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes !irq:*! lilO? !larne:*! werd !irq:*! ACTION irq wonders if lilo got his message zarq: only on this laptop w/ save-to-disk zarq: there is no standard way to save the state of hardware devices. fare: i mean to say that it's a missing feature on standard workstations.. (although if I were to design some device bus, I'd add state saving in the standard specifications) 02:30pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes abi, seen water? water was last seen on IRC 27 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes and 31 seconds ago, saying: good point [Mon Nov 1 11:19:50 1999] 03:10pm * zarq/#tunes is away: zzz * mibin/#tunes isnt it is about time i am ;) oh ok =) 03:30pm * smoke/#tunes has just built gnu clisp -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes * smoke/#tunes is off for sleep -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (z) -:- Zrthustra [] has joined #tunes -:- Zrthustra [] has left #tunes [] -:- JonathanV [] has joined #tunes -:- JonathanV [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Read error to mibin[]: EOF from client) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: reboot) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [07:22pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- ree [jwm@] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey 08:30pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- computerboy [] has joined #tunes tunes? it has been said that tunes is a free reflective computing system at or for programming languages what the internet is to networks or like flypaper for hallucinogenic programmers or discombobulated or obnubilated eiffel? reflective? rumour has it reflective is being able to correctly model oneself; see Reflection sather? 08:40pm abi: When will tunes be finished? no idea, computerboy abi: What is sather? computerboy: bugger all, i dunno abi: sather is a free oo-pl at Thanks ::) Do you know anything about Sather? nope 08:50pm Oh ::) Later all.. -:- computerboy [] has left #tunes [] 09:00pm -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey hmm server is sort of unstable? =) yessuh What server? i guess server is sort of unstable? =) abi: forget server hcf: I forgot server 10:10pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) abi: seen water? water was last seen on IRC 27 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes and 51 seconds ago, saying: good point [Mon Nov 1 11:19:50 1999] 10:50pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) hmm still curious why everything that deals with open source has to have its foot into some linux relation like a disease heh 11:20pm -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) HEh 11:30pm -:- SignOff ree: #TUNES (.) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1129 IRC log ended Mon Nov 29 00:00:00 1999