IRC log started Sat Oct 16 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1016 -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) -:- Synner [dma@] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- Fare3053 is now known as Fare -:- FareWell [] has joined #Tunes -:- FareWell [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes Hey eihrul lo 08:10am abi: seen water water was last seen on IRC 5 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes and 29 seconds ago, saying: s/wrok/work [Sun Oct 10 12:15:44 1999] abi: seen core core was last seen on IRC 17 days, 16 hours, 50 minutes and 45 seconds ago, saying: what's up? did you write more of EMK? [Tue Sep 28 15:20:31 1999] hmmm -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- Synner is now known as Syntax 08:20am -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes -:- hew [] has joined #tunes does anyone know how to setup suse 6.2 to run the gnome, i am new to linux umm? wrong channnel? -:- hew [] has left #tunes [] 09:50am indeed 10:50am -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes gakuk gakuk! 11:00am * Tril/#TUNES is at an installfest not a linux one i hope 12:00pm why 12:10pm -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) Tril: it should be a tunes installfest you must save yourself for one if nothing else 12:20pm -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes Gakuk! 01:40pm gakuk 01:50pm -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes * Tril/#TUNES is back from the dead. Gone 24 hrs 36 min 42 secs - wcug installfest tril is at now hi Tril Tril: what's the cheapest reliable DNS registration company? dunno I recommend because it's the non profit one (or group of ) ok but I haven't used it... 02:40pm -:- fire [] has joined #tunes "Hey you hot hunk of burning text based love. How about I dereference your pointer? fire" "How about you not. Whatever the hell you mean by that, it needs to stop _now_. Jon" lol lar1 is funny i think it would be more funny if you said null pointer 03:00pm yes well... it was a sput of the moment thing spur rather brb 03:10pm i must leave so soon already talk to yahs tonight -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) 03:20pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey yeah 03:40pm What kind of music is KMFDM? "music" 04:00pm Do you know what type? I have never heard their stuff and it looks pretty popular on /. 04:10pm -:- MiB81 [] has joined #tunes -:- MiB81 is now known as IMPO Hey impo hi Anyone have the NASM docs handy? The site is down and I need em' :( yah, one sec Thanks Muchos gracias welcome 04:30pm Are beowulf cluseters somthing the avgrage Linux user with 10+ machines could do? bbl -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) 04:40pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes hey! 05:00pm hmm well, i'll be back later, if no one's home -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- water [] has joined #tunes water! Fare! * water/#tunes has been boning up on lisp wizardry among other things... boning? er... practicing / learning i'm working out the fine details between arrow and lisp, and tryin to adapt apply/eval to arrow hey ok hey eihrul car and cdr are obvious, but i'm trying to work out the essential basic framework 05:10pm get any work done on the revised arrow paper? eihrul: yep, but it won't be published until the basic "arrow vm" is finished eihrul: since i intend to have it act as a user's guide. (eventually) i would hope in a timely fashion though :) basically, the "arrow primitives" must be graphs that specify the machine functionally (data-flow and control-flow) eihrul: why? the code's more important to read the revised arrow paper before i cease to be able to think i exist "before i cease to be able to think"? before i die... but that's not appropriate for this channel geez... it's only been six months k Fare: i think that i have a better handle on the "LambdaND" issues (better than i did before) i just bought a camera for no reason at all impo: huh? what kind? 05:20pm polaroid land 600 series really old piece of shit but it was only 3 bucks and it works a good deal indeed old camera + scanner = digital cam :) god no wonder it's 3 bucks film for it is 25 dollars for a 10-picture cartridge bingo well that's for color black and white is 20 anyway... i am too susceptible to impulse buying i once bought a compaq prosignia server for no reason -:- air [] has joined #tunes a server? on impulse? hi air damn, im 26 today. i feel old yes it was on a netscape auction 52 bucks i couldn't turn it down you need help, impo i know :( air: but you have a cool OS in the works :) at least i am not swayed by gambling or excessive amounts of alcohol like everyone else in my family water: how does that relate to me turning 26? i may be the first one to die of natural causes air: it means it wasn't wasted, i suppose water: I'll need to split lambdaND in three and make it readable water: oh no, it WAS wasted :) Fare: yeah, i agree air: well, then. n/m Fare: it seems arrow = reflective lisp + more info than programmers usually want water: IIRC, you said something to the effect of all modern OSes being a waste Fare: which is why i've tried to avoid referring to it as a Lisp until boll gates is drawing welfare, my life will have been wasted s/boll/bill/ air: don't be obsessed 05:30pm what's that "more" thing? -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) declarative information, basically i.e. various models for languages (domain-specific or otherwise) eihrul: well, i was trying to cheer air up * eihrul/#tunes ponders. 05:40pm this freakin sucks, all my page tables for objects are being filled correctly but then they somehow get erased water: I'd like to see more about that water: have you written about it already? hmm. well, the paper talks a little about that not nearly well enough, though air: somehow is not good damn!!! invlpg takes 25 clocks yes like i said, flushing tlb was 2x cycles, flushing individual page is 2x cycles 05:50pm bochs: panic, decode: : Grp7: eihrul: any idea what that means? check the instruction decoding code for anything resembling Grp7 or just use grep other than that, no ah its that damn invlpg -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes invlpg [offTEMPPAGE] hi kauf * eihrul/#tunes hmms... hungarian notation merged with java capitalization oh crap, thats a 486 instruction it, umm, draws the attention of the eye very well but at the same time pushes it away eihrul: ? eihrul, sounds spooky Kaufmann: take a look, right after you entered what, invlpg [offTEMPPAGE] ? yes that's Hungarian? That definitely isn't Java like i said, its a combination it can't be classified as either one completely What is that code supposed to do? 06:00pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey hey lar Hey water water: I want to clear some stuff up with you lar1: i'm listening water: I mis-worded what I ment by my assembly 'compiler' I ment assembler oh, so you wanted to make an optimizing assembler? i groked that already the correct usage is 'grokked' s/groked/grokked :P Yes, but when you were angry that day, you were telling it around like I was trying to do somthing stupid and immopssible cause you can't compile assembly Rev. Heinlein said so 06:10pm water: Where can the Arrow paper be found? lar1: read "advanced compiler design & implementation" water: dragon book? eihrul: the dragon book doesn't address optimization as well eihrul: besides, the book i mentioned is very up-to-date ('97) ah, that's why i asked i was wondering if it was a different book/paper/or whatever 06:20pm i picked up this great book on mathematical lattices that actually includes an example where arrows are units of information specifying functions / relations / etc i wasn't even looking for it -:- _nonesno_ [] has joined #tunes hello, nonesno water, thats cool <_nonesno_> hi hi nonesno: familiar with tunes? Tril! Tril! <_nonesno_> water: no, this is my first time here well, we can answer questions or just talk <_nonesno_> cool and sometimes ask them Tril? Is he awake? wow... * water/#tunes thinks Tril's "hi" was a false alarm :( <_nonesno_> uh, bye -:- _nonesno_ [] has left #tunes [] 06:30pm * Fare/#Tunes is back but not for long * Fare/#Tunes hears the call of 3053 Why hello, Faré -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Read error to IMPO[]: Connection reset by peer) 06:40pm far indeed comp.os.misc is completely braindead since it's been overtaken by doze98 wanabees! eek Yuch well, time to goto bed, now! need a more discrete name for an os development mailing list ok, bye Fare * Fare/#Tunes plays a lullaby -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) no... that won't help why not? maybe you can't have .os in the name whats wrong with .os? ah. to be discreet -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes but "cs" would have to include languages and other tools no cs => computing system exactly. yes languages provide computing systems (e.g. smalltalk or lisp) okay, so then yes it would and there is no reason why you couldn't include those s/cd/cs because they provide much of the same functions as operating systems but most os-coders are c/asm coders, and so wouldn't appreciate the language implementors 06:50pm be back, I need to configure somthing -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) well you'll drive away the 31337 demo coders since most of them won't be able to recognize the .cs part and what's left are the tolerating groups yeah, that makes sense 07:00pm you'd be left with only HLL people, though :) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes hey hcf we're discussing type theory in #modtunes hi 07:10pm Anyone want to look at my linked-list Perl module? Kaufmann: say that in #perl hcf, already did oic 07:20pm Sounds absolutely useless, is it a programming practice project? it's for alisp, it seems perl already has dynamic resizable arrays, why do you need lists Tril, nope... I just wanted to have lists because I'm really used to using cons and car/cdr this way I can say $mylist = new LList "foo", "bar", "baz"; cons $mylist "quux"; $foo = car $mylist; $barthruquux = cdr $mylist; Actually, I started to think of it because of a discussion in #perl We were talking about Scheme, and Tombstone mentioned a function foo, such that (define foo (lambda (l) (caddr l))) And it struck me that doing this in Perl wouldn't be very elegant (actually, the original was (define foo (lambda (l) (car (cdr (cdr l))))) ) So now I can do something like $foo = sub { car cdr cdr shift; } 07:30pm Well, I'm off -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("Jesus would make a good main character for a Seinfeld spinoff" - Amber << Well, it got my attention... coming soon, the pilot episode of BEN YOSSEF! Sundays at Atheist News Network!) 07:40pm well, be back later, all bye -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 07:50pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey 08:00pm air: Why did you decide to code BRiX in asm? 08:10pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes back Hey water is >> Shift right? for what language? C c => yes Thanks Tril: still here? 08:20pm Damnit! How does Bochs get 0x3d6 out of 0x3d5?! Don't tell me Bochs dosn't support moving the cursor... !Hyrlaris:*! We need more linpeople q3 people @ what just wondering if it was all right to continue the discussion ok 08:30pm !Hyrlaris:*! We need desperatly need more linpeople q3 people @ -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes wb Hey hcf 08:40pm damn 3-yr-olds!!! sorry, there are now children living at this house it is becoming quite intolerable moving soon? yeah, next few days sorry, it's very hard to concentrate right now 08:50pm the parents of these kids are incredibly foolish heh Put cotton in yer ears ;) children? step up from your previous room mates eh ? Mah! I can't find an unused domain I want! new (additional) roommates water: What kind of a place are you in?? b < a, a + b > a... unfortunately? 2-story house owned by a friend -:- Cysgod_ [] has joined #tunes this is _definitely_ intolerable hello cysgod hi there. water: You are in the navy, right? yes the matrix is on here cysgod: got questions? cysgod joined because he saw me in this channel by looking on my screen ah Tril: He is physically in the same room as you? 09:00pm yep there are a lot of quiet people here waiting for something interesting - what exactly? water: I am getting more annyoed by the minute at Bochs, bfe, and my code hehe water: But I would take a break to talk should an interesting topic arise water: hint hint :) well, the type theory discussion in #modtunes has fizzled for lack of an issue pretty soon I am going to leave and move to another location Tril: Really? where to? water: type theroy? 09:10pm watching the matrix... reading the info on tunes org. lar1: what about it? water: What is it? yikes * lar1/#tunes hides it's the formal theory of types... like variable types Like int, char, etc? yes, but hopefully more high-level types, too high-level types? What would that entail? (why are 3-yr-olds living with bachelors?) the type type? :) Heh water, good point cysgod: yes, that too Cysgod_: That hurts the head bigtime i consider the thoery to pretty much be nonsense the type of the type type :) no, the type type, would be member of the type type set. * Cysgod_/#tunes thinks about types and arrays and mappings. i'm more inclined to mathematical theories than ones born in cs 09:20pm cs-theorists take their ideas from the machine, usually water: Are you good at math? I have a math question I have been meaning to ask at #math, but haven't. Perhaps you could take a stab at it? types and sets then? lar1: try me cysgod: more like category theory and representation theory aye. cysgod: btw, in relation to tunes, i am the Arrow guy water: Why is the suare root of a negitive number complex, while the root of a negitive is real? lar1: evaluate (-3)*(-3)*(-3) -27 then evaluate 3i*3i i being what? i=sqrt(-1) Oh yeah :) 6i? nope... 3i*3i= (3*3)*(i*i)= 9 * i^2 = 9 * (-1) = -9 which makes (3i)^3= -9 * 3i = -27i instead of -27 Oh cause 3i is complex? yeah, pretty much * water/#tunes remembers Galois theory :) lar1: forget Galois theory for now How does 9 * i^2 = 9*(-1)? water: Since I never knew it, that shouldn't be too hard :) i = sqrt(-1) Damn, I am making a lot of stupid mistakes tonight 09:30pm water: so -3^3 is complex? what?!? Oh oh I had better get my TI out -:- fire [] has joined #tunes ugh yoyoyo * water/#tunes slaps lar1 with a book on logic you guys i just won a bottle of champaign hey fire water: Lemme crunch that somore and see if I can fix that :) at a church function! you mean champagne? yes yes lar1: (-3)^3=-27 they old ladies told me i was too young :D become a jew they encourage children to drink at a very young age funny you mentioned that cysgod_: any questions yet? IMPO No they don't! yes they do i am a jew our neighbor is jewish and at passover as far back as i can remember he invited us to a passover we have always had wine i indulged myself on the wine even at synagogue they gave wine to the kids impo: Thats different. Thats for ceremony i _love_ jewish wine hi lar1 it is still wine impo: Thats not enourging drinking do you eat it? or inhale it? or worse.. IMPO: You know what I mean they encourage drinking hi water it is irrelevant whether or not it is considered sacramental they are still encouraged to drink wine fire: anything on your mind that i would be interested in? water: Oh hey! That all makes sense! my mind is cluttered with implementation ideas water: not yet... distracted by the matrix as I'm reading. im trying to get this interpreter done by monday at least the first alpha you said this weekend D: same thing 09:40pm water: So for the nth root of x, if n is even the result will be complex? water: x being negitive yep * lar1/#tunes feels stupified thanks water np How can a circle have negitive area? Our math teacher dubed it an inverted circle, tolds us not to even think about it because it will just confuse you, and you'll learn it in a few years anyway. But now I wanna know :) s/you/us * fire/#tunes continues to cut off his wart fire: Don't miss :) it's a pretty big mofo no one knows about inverted circles? lar1: look it up water: Where?, i guess all is, is a hyped up search engine that "Jeeves" won't answer my questions like he did on the commercial!!!" fire, yes, it didn't have what I wanted either! lar1: you could try *thinking* fire: try propositioning him 09:50pm lar1 reminds me of me 6 months ago water: What do you mean by that? An inverted circle is a circle with negitive area... I don't understand how that can be. well, what would the radius be, then? negitive? imaginary anti-length it is all clearly defined in my anti-everything theory a circle is the set of points in a plane whose distance from a defining point is constant pi * r^2 = area, so if pi * r^2 = negative, r. must be imaginary lar1: why don't you ask your teacher after class? eihrul: high five dude yes but how can a length be negative doesn't matter impo it does the #tunes channel is full of idiots, apparently fire: my teacher sucks IMPO: infinities don't necessarily exist but we can imagine them.... a length is a measure of distance if the smallest distance is one point then it must all be positive or zero i think eihrul is right we must look beyond common sense :) i do not believe in infinite anything doesn't matter they are still mathematical entities impo: who cares if you *believe* in it? that hardly matters in any formal theory a theory depends on beliefs if the beliefs do not exist what?!?!?!? well if you use one part of mathematics.... a theory has nothing to stand on you might as well use the rest of it impo: this is NOT a scientific theory, its an epistemological theory give me one example of an inverted circle impo: i.e. no observations required in two dimensions it must be visible on paper impo: an inverted circle with radius 2i! so show me one IMPO: show me an example of a 5 dimensional shape uh impo: exactly i never said anything beyond 2 is provable on paper all that is required is length and width 5d shapes are real mathematical entities, just like circles radius 2i die wart bastard shut up, fire what are the five dimensions length width depth what would the other two be impo: they aren't "things" how do you like salicyclic acid suckah time? time is 21:57:53 well if it has dimensions as properties they must be definable otherwise you cannot say they only have 5 impo: tensors have nine "dimensions" and apply to space-time well, 16, actually well give me all five dimensions impo: 1,2,3,4,5 or n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 it is impossible to display anything greater than 3 in a 3-dimensional world think abstractly, you fool! :D just like it is impossible to show more than 2 in one of 2-dimensions the most you can see at any one instance impo: ever represented a 3d object on a sheet of paper? so... senses suck anyway they're so limited that is not the same think abstractly, you fool! if you are 2-dimensional impo: that is EXACTLY the same you cannot see all of those dimensions impo: what does it matter? i suggest you read a book called "flatland" 10:00pm i think water is right it matters fire: you are an ass-kissing weasel impo: it matters to YOU impo: it doesn't matter to mathematical reasoning it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly if you are 2-dimensional you cannot draw a 3-dimensional object it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly it matters because i am the only one thinking about it correctly that is very mature of you it doesn't matter any more in two-dimensions you can only see length and width you cannot see depth so? therefore depth is impossible to imagine SO you can logically reason about it impo: we can think of three dimensional objects two dimensionally but you have no proof that's all that matters for a theory to be valid hah like a cube drawn on peice of paper nothing exists. no fire you simpleton or better yet a hypercube on a peice of paper * water/#tunes high-fives Cysgod_ a 2-dimensional person can only see 2-dimensions of that object * Cysgod_/#tunes turns on his nihilism non-light. the other one does not exist to them 4 dimensions think of a 3-dimensional object as a large quantity of slices positivistic bullshit, IMPO doesn't matter what you cannot see to a two-dimensional person you only see one slice at a time it's still there * eihrul/#tunes hails impo, King of WYSIWYG. that is not it at all you are thinking not imaginatively, but dreamily and unrealistically impo: leave, please no no no and not based on any proof impo: or discuss tunes you might be intelligent when it comes to computers water: bad adittude but your opinions on everything else should be suppressed er :( impo: please leave. you are only being noisy now. i'm sorry i don't like seeing my two friends fight :((( fire: i am not your friend but you are mine :) i will leave only because you are so closed-minded that you are not letting anything conceivable reach you im just not yours if you can't see friendship does that mean it doesn't exist? thank you, Cysgod_ water: let's think according to fuzzy sets -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (:D) Cysgod_: any questions yet? you're sorta my friend just not a lot fire: shut up or discuss something meaningful yes yes water I understand a lot of the reasoning. well i was thinking about reflection... cys: ok what makes object duplicators reflective? fire: duplicators? expandable = reloadable (in regards to Reflection) you know like in squeak ? no classes fire: what are you talking about? cysgod: where did you read that? well I was reading about reflection, which sounds intelligent. don't you remember our previous discussion about squeak not going to have classes anymore and objects are just duplicated and you said that was reflective? but I'm curious if expandable = replacable. er.. it's not directly reflective... it makes reflection less complex cys: with regards to individual objects? brb fire: good reminds me needs to finish reading the squeak manual (had SAT 2s to study for) water: yes... 10:10pm cysgod: not sure what you mean... are you reading "reflection review" or something? water: if object a performs some function but I have an object that does the same thing more efficiently. well, it would be nice to replace the first object with the second, yes i know how to create a powerful yet simple language but not how to make it powerfully yet simply reflective that is a problem water: yes so I'm wondering how one would achieve this... in principle, the language system could replace the object "on the fly" i.e. lock down the object so that it can't be accessed while the equivalent of the code pointer for the function is changed the old object definition could then be gc'd or stored elsewhere get to go i know how to create a powerful yet simple language but not how to make it powerfully yet simply reflective -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (later all) ahem fire: what do you want me to do about it? fire: i don't have a recipe for simply-reflective languages well i don't just want to hack on a bunch of reflective features interesting. -:- Synner [] has joined #Tunes hello sinner i would like a simple set of reflective features unified into the language cysgod: well, certain systems do this already water: you asked me if i had anthing on my mind -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) -:- Synner is now known as Syntax cysgod: like systems that specialize functions for specific types dynamically fire: read water's arrow paper... fire: should give you ideas i got through a quarter of it i mean systems that specialize *generic* functions it takes time you know interesting. fire: so, you have time gee eihrul mabye i should go learn calculus while im at it tonight i got _time_ * eihrul/#tunes yawns. you could easily if i can learn 1 year of physics in 2 nights you can learn 1 year of calculus in 1 heh it'd be nice if someone here knew enough to be able to help me finish the arrow core design 10:20pm define 'enough' well that'd be fare who disagrees with quite a few of your ideas eihrul: being able to work with formal mathematical reasoning would be a good start ;) * eihrul/#tunes sighs and looks at his wimpy high school mathematics education. eihrul: Dover math books. cheap and formal -:- Synner [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) water: that assumes i've enough time to read them... -:- Synner is now known as Syntax or rather that you'd _make_ the time like i did then i have to give up other time... like doing homework hehe that would definitely mean no MIT and no CMU or you can once again be like water though i'm not sure if i'll get into either at this point anyway :) that stuff got me full-scholarships to those places and not attend college :D fire: the thought has crossed my mind... shut up fire but i don't necessarily want to work in the navy... yes well any of the armed forces suck just go to a community college like a plan on doing water: i suppose i could always read during class and avoid the cut throat politics of acedamia just because they have me in school... doesn't mean i have to do schoolwork if they must take my time after school, i will take theirs during i don't care!!! these are *your* lives i know you don't :) water: uh i got time to learn i will help you ;) fire: this week? i don't know about that * eihrul/#tunes wonders... knowing what tunes is.... i think i need to stick with lengua right now and mabye forcing fare into starting on the TUNES HLL water: why do you consistently seek help here, when people are pitifiully under-qualified? except for perhaps fare or a few others? because this place *should* attract qualified people based on the web site 10:30pm i don't think tunes is necessarily high in traffic seems relatively constant with respect to patronage and it kinda seems like common knowledge that tunes isn't going anywhere :( (or in all directions at once) other question: why are the mathematical formalisms important over the conceptual aspects of arrows? huh? there's a difference? i know there is... i'm just wondering why you're requesting such experience because most people can't tell the difference between a Lisp and Arrow that is a conceptual difference, iitc no, there's also a formal difference, because Arrow is not just about the arrow shape itsself for instance, Lisp's have more than arrows as primitives in Arrow, you can't bootstrap the language based on using integers as data storage primitives which could be seen as a conceptual difference... a formal conceptual difference ;) yet more: why specifically do you need help with arrows? 10:40pm uh hmm... maybe implementing it so that it can reflect would be nice later guys I leave now -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) okay, with that in mind, i don't see why you request so much of those who help you :) who helps me? well, those who *would/might/whatever* now, i could be qualified to try and implement something with respect to arrows, but do i necessarily meet the credentials you expect? no :) if you could make a small system that does the basic things i need of arrow, i don't care what credentials you have but i seriously doubt you could do it, since very few people have a clue about 'how arrow should work' well, from what i gather, you have your bootstrap ontology, a model of the ontology, ultimately the ontology carrying out a task that may change the model of the ontology and hence the ontology lol but, of course, that could be completely wrong :) that's a lot of bs okay, so fine, correct me don't just tell me its bs, tell me why 10:50pm well, it's bs because it doesn't mean anything, not because it's wrong well, why doesn't it? because it doesn't tell you anything about what makes arrow work on a computing device or how it interacts with user-requests define 'about what makes it work' it seems that you want more out of the implementation than an implemenation, no? well, arrow is *not* a language so, i'm not trying to write a traditional VM and who said i thought it would be a traditional vm? i have to give the arrow environment access to the machine _and_ itself i said so, because you've never programmed anything else and i'll always have never programmed anything else unless i try something else chicken before the egg someone has to write that "something else" 11:00pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) ok, other than the ability to reflect on the machine, itself, and external devices, am i missing anything critical? :) huh? yes being? for instance, there are two graphs in every arrow system which include arrows representing all the references that the system's arrows have which means that for every arrow in each of those graphs, there is one more arrow in each graph that would almost fall under a model of itself though what? sure, i guess the problem remains how to be able to write 'code' in arrow and evaluate it especially code that adds new info to the system 11:20pm there's only a few ways i can see it being done by either directly manipulating models in system, or modelling the devices but how? hmmm... but how is it a "thread" in the server's context? how does it access server data? -:- SignOff Cysgod_: #TUNES (Cysgod_ has no reason) * eihrul/#tunes thinks... there would have to be a small kernel of code doing that with a model of that kernel itself for now, i'm considering modelling vm functions as graphs that specify those functions, and replacing their usual spec code with smalltalk methods "functions" here being formally-defined mathematical functions and not numerical ones, lambdas must sleep, bye 11:30pm k -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] 11:40pm [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1017 IRC log ended Sun Oct 17 00:00:00 1999