02:02:47 water joined #tunes 02:03:09 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: I am one who is many 04:07:59 [QUIT] ult quit: Ping timeout for ult[] 08:44:17 water trudges through the haskell98 report making sure he groks the syntax 08:44:43 it's like a necessity to read haskell if you want to read research papers on FP 08:47:02 hmm i thought metamorphism was when objects could change their type and polytypic was where you had gneric folds 08:47:23 polytypic didn't have adts though, i think 08:48:13 yeah 08:48:24 this references the polytypic work 08:49:28 previously it's been determined how to do algebraic data types... this is a kind of extension/re-formulation that encompasses abstract data types 08:49:45 as with most things in haskell, pretty damned neat 08:50:21 it's just to bad that the language syntax/semantics stands in the way of people really figuring out wtf they're actually expressing :P 08:55:29 damn precedence rules 13:02:39 Fare joined #tunes 14:47:18 abi joined #tunes 15:14:04 water joined #tunes 15:14:16 hi 15:16:49 water! 15:17:29 foo 15:18:36 Fare is drowned in Coq proofs. 15:21:04 higher-order predicate logic is for the birds 15:21:25 birds? 15:22:59 you mean I can cruise chicks with higher-order predicate logic? 15:23:01 losers 17:14:13 adu joined #tunes 17:17:48 [NICK] ink|slp changed nick to: ink 19:16:29 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 19:26:41 scipient joined #tunes 19:27:52 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MysticX)) 19:28:12 hi sci 19:32:40 water reads that math speech by chaitin that jecel posted to the list 19:33:03 hi water 19:36:26 squeak.org is down.. is there a mirror? 19:36:43 squeak.cs.uiuc.edu 19:36:51 just as i wrote in my posts 19:37:40 yes. i was looking at the one where you gave the ftp mirror but not the http one. 19:40:18 armin rigo's bazar page is down too.. 19:40:42 hm maybe he's from california ;) 19:40:59 water is working out how to make algebraic versions of arrows 19:41:27 the ones in the current package are concrete 19:55:24 heh i am a mathematician 19:55:46 ult joined #tunes 19:55:59 hey ult 19:56:18 ult: you ready to work on lisp.arrow? 19:56:23 water: yes. 19:56:26 water: Today is my birthday. 19:56:31 ok booting it up right now 19:56:40 hey cool, happy birthday 19:57:37 lisp.arrow hasn't made it into the closet again yet, so i keep it turned off when no one needs it 19:57:46 i suppose i'll have to adjust :) 19:57:51 ult nods 19:58:04 so is there already a cliki or not? 19:58:11 not installed yet 19:58:12 ok go ahead and log in 19:58:14 i have been very busy as of late 19:58:18 ok 19:59:04 i'm in 19:59:09 i see 20:00:28 hey are you running lynx as root? 20:04:09 yes 20:04:14 P 20:04:23 what the hell for? 20:05:59 [QUIT] |Avatar| quit: buh-bye 20:10:09 why not? 20:10:12 ult cackles wildly 20:10:27 heh 20:10:47 what kind of connection are you on? a modem? 20:10:54 triple-T1 20:11:14 so open up a few more terminals, jerk! :P 20:11:35 uh, why? :) 20:11:42 *sigh* 20:11:46 ult grins 20:11:53 that better? 20:12:22 thx 20:21:51 ult waits for the "ult, wtf are you doing" ) 20:23:36 well i'd kinda like to know what ur building 20:23:50 and whether or not you intend to build it as ROOT! :P 20:24:35 it's okay... worst case i pull the plug and reformat the hard drive with beos ;) 20:25:38 [QUIT] kc5tja quit: Read error to kc5tja[cx248891-a.ocnsd1.sdca.home.com]: Connection reset by peer 20:26:22 let's not :) 20:26:27 ugh 20:26:40 defsystem isn't on that box 20:29:39 ult joined #tunes 20:55:46 ult kicks his malfunctional internet connection 20:57:35 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 21:01:19 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 21:07:28 eihrul joined #tunes 22:27:37 smkl joined #tunes 03:52:18 abi joined #tunes