02:05:10 nwsh5 joined #tunes 02:10:10 nwsh5 left #tunes 02:55:11 Fare joined #tunes 02:59:25 Fare: got an x session going yet? :) 03:00:47 water: have you got one? 03:00:55 yes and no :/ 03:01:01 been sleeping, tonight? 03:01:09 how that "yes and no" ? 03:01:19 my mac X client is crappy, trying to get my bsd X server up instead 03:01:28 but the telnet works fine 03:01:37 got your charger, now??? 03:01:43 yes i'm at home 03:01:54 i slept on the bus 03:01:58 oh 03:02:18 how far is home from bellingham, in travel time? 03:02:28 i will likely sleep again in a little while 03:02:33 about 90 miles 03:02:46 _n travel time?_? 03:02:50 2 hours by bus 03:03:09 1.3-1.5 by car 03:03:48 (the same by cdr) 03:04:03 can I telnet into the machine? 03:04:14 did you get tril's email? 03:04:31 (and my reply?) 03:04:45 oops, hadn't checked my mailbox! 03:04:51 ) 03:04:55 silly you 03:05:20 there are some things i will add to what's there 03:05:28 in another reply 03:05:35 water writes 03:10:34 hrm 03:33:40 Fare joined #tunes 03:33:45 re 03:33:58 the terminal interface is somewhat limiting 03:34:04 did you have success with x? 03:34:36 note that there are specific genera fonts that x needs to get the original look-and-feel instead of the x-ish one 04:08:43 Fare joined #tunes 05:26:17 FareWell joined #tunes 05:38:17 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Ping timeout for gREMLiNs[] 06:04:00 [QUIT] fwc quit: Leaving 06:20:42 Fare_ joined #tunes 06:21:08 [NICK] Fare_ changed nick to: FareTower 09:39:27 water wakes up 10:04:14 [QUIT] jwrZZzzz quit: Read error to jwrZZzzz[hsa007.pool009.at101.earthlink.net]: Connection reset by peer 11:23:56 chinakow joined #tunes 11:37:11 eihrul joined #tunes 11:39:16 hcf joined #tunes 11:39:18 abi: cel is [pl] a prototype-based, high-level, small, simple, very OO, heavily based on Self and Smalltalk, PL at http://www.redwoodsoft.com/cel/ 11:39:36 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 11:44:46 FareWell left #Tunes 11:47:00 [QUIT] alterego quit: BitchX: a new fragrance for men, by Calvin Klein 11:47:07 [QUIT] trans quit: Ping timeout for trans[a2a02274.intergate.bconnected.net] 11:57:07 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 12:23:57 hcf joined #tunes 12:55:34 tcn joined #tunes 12:58:14 hey tcn 13:04:46 hey 13:04:54 T C N ! 13:05:11 I'm the unproud non-owner of a LISP Machine. 13:05:29 heh 13:05:39 not until i send tril the cash 13:06:06 if you wait long enough, I'll be the owner of a new one before you pay. 13:06:29 i should have it done by tomorrow, though :) 13:06:32 But I still have to find a MacIIfx host for it, a graphics card, and ship it. 13:06:53 water: then I'll be without a LispM of mine for several days, or weeks! 13:07:26 just use mine then 13:07:27 do all the x sessioning you want 13:07:42 although i suggest something faster than a modem connection :) 13:11:02 oh, i don't feel like computing today... see ya :) 13:13:25 [QUIT] tcn quit: Client Exiting 13:20:16 Sent my congratulations (and questions) to the winner. 13:20:25 Apparently, he lives in Switzerland... 13:30:29 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: Ping timeout for MysticOne[user-24-214-59-110.knology.net] 13:32:28 [QUIT] scipient quit: Ping timeout for scipient[ci156462-a.ashvil1.nc.home.com] 13:39:52 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Ping timeout for gREMLiNs[] 13:40:56 scipient joined #tunes 14:16:35 [QUIT] hcf quit: Read error to hcf[207-172-225-172.s172.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com]: Connection reset by peer 14:42:50 scipient joined #tunes 15:15:27 water joined #tunes 15:16:19 [QUIT] scipient quit: Ping timeout for scipient[ci156462-a.ashvil1.nc.home.com] 15:37:55 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 17:14:42 scipient joined #tunes 17:31:24 Kyle joined #tunes 22:58:20 feelicks joined #tunes 23:39:35 water joined #tunes 00:53:56 lar1_ joined #tunes