04:21:50 [QUIT] ree quit: bbl 04:35:39 Fare joined #tunes 07:45:09 Brianna joined #tunes 08:46:31 Fare joined #tunes 09:03:02 Alex[] joined #tunes 09:03:05 hi 09:05:08 [QUIT] Alex[] quit: Un jour, l'amour dit à l'amitié: "Pourquoi existe-tu?". Et l'amitié a répondu: "C'est pour sécher les larmes que tu fais couler..." 10:19:35 water joined #tunes 11:35:43 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 11:39:16 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 11:42:25 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Read error to gREMLiNs[]: EOF from client 11:56:58 hi atg 11:57:03 what's news for you? 11:59:12 Have you read about the M0 macrobe? 11:59:33 There is a brilliant paper about why so many people behave so stupidly most of the time. 12:00:20 nope, haven't heard of it 12:00:37 On saturday I posted snippage from that paper to the tunes list. 12:00:38 hey, do you know what a lisp machine is? :) 12:00:42 IRC is annoying because it takes so long for people to log-in... 12:01:37 (repeat) 12:01:49 hey, do you know what a lisp machine is? :) 12:02:14 =\ 12:02:14 I mean I end up sitting for days at a time in order to have only a handful of interesting conversations... 12:03:03 macrobe??? 12:05:24 _1BadDude joined #tunes 12:05:29 [QUIT] AlonzoTG quit: Ping timeout for AlonzoTG[66-44-54-81.s81.tnt1.lnhva.md.dialup.rcn.com] 12:05:36 <_1BadDude> that was amazingly random... 12:05:39 <_1BadDude> I didn't crash. 12:05:45 <_1BadDude> I just disconnected with no warning... 12:05:51 <_1BadDude> netglitch... 12:05:51 it happens 12:06:00 chk logs plz 12:06:06 <_1BadDude> Hey: I just got a copy of "Snow Crash" for newtonmass. 12:06:18 Fare_ joined #tunes 12:06:37 <_1BadDude> hmm... got fare too. 12:06:39 <_1BadDude> =\ 12:06:45 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[ppp11-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 12:06:57 _1BadDude has no logs... 12:07:09 abi: #tunes 12:07:09 #tunes is [irc] channel for TUNES, logs at http://www.tunes.org/~nef/logs/ and http://www.tunes.org/files/irc/ 12:07:11 <_1BadDude> I don't come in often enuff to have logs on this "lisp machine"... 12:07:12 P 12:07:28 http://fare.tunes.org/LispM.html 12:07:48 read up 12:08:00 <_1BadDude> aah! excelent! 12:09:54 [NICK] Fare_ changed nick to: Fare 12:13:32 <_1BadDude> woah! this is truly awesome stuff!!! 12:13:44 <_1BadDude> I wish their marketing was broader and more agressive.... 12:13:52 yeah i got to work with Fare's on friday 12:14:06 yeah that's what everyone says 12:16:43 We're not capitalist enough. A true capitalist would say: "hey, these guys suck; they don't occupy the niche they could; let's go there" 12:16:58 (now, a true capitalist wouldn't be hampered by stupid IP laws, either) 12:17:04 [QUIT] ree quit: bbiab 12:17:25 BTW, Merry LISPmas to everyone here! 12:17:37 yeah i'd love to step on a lot of companies' turf and take it 12:17:44 ) 12:18:04 a Merry LISPmas indeed :) 12:18:16 or merry LispM-ass 12:18:58 water: go back and get Tril to have the LispM working! 12:19:57 physically? 12:20:10 i can't until this next weekend :/ 12:20:54 i could call him i suppose... but he has a family and such today 12:23:46 I guess he has. 12:24:04 what did your cow-orkers say about the lispm? 12:25:35 <_1BadDude> Looking at the pages some more it seems that the trick to get them to operate in a multi-user safe manner is to implement and enforce strict name-space rules... 12:25:57 that's only a trick. 12:26:19 Fare: they were basically awed at the idea that such a thing existed and that i was familiar with the kind of thing it was 12:26:19 and it is user-enforced, doesn't work for system stuff, etc. 12:26:43 ) 12:26:56 what did you show to them? 12:27:26 well i couldn't show them the thing in action 12:27:41 but i showed them squeak and explained the relationship 12:28:16 and also i explained what the high-end workstation was used for, particularly WRT the role as a supercomputer or mainframe meta-computer 12:29:16 i just found it quite nice that they finally grasped some of the significance of what i do in my off-time that they find so arcane 12:30:00 of course, i also explained in plain english what the tunes project is for, what kind of system it would be like, and how even the lisp system doesn't measure up 12:30:19 which was rough, but i think they got it 12:30:27 the gist anyway 12:30:40 spread the Good News, my friend! 12:30:50 heh 12:30:56 <_1BadDude> om 12:31:15 i did that even before i joined tunes 12:31:18 LISPmas is a particularly good time for it, too 12:31:23 _1BadDude has a plan that could put a tunes like system in most desktops and quite a few game consoles.... 12:31:35 <_1BadDude> I just need to study some more shit... 12:31:41 no kidding 12:31:55 <_1BadDude> the plan is to make a massively multiplayer on-line game... 12:32:17 <_1BadDude> The "client" will be just a LISP-like environment that will download the actual text of the client from the server... 12:32:21 holy sh*t!!! 12:32:38 Fare: left bank books is publishing "Against IP" in the states 12:32:43 Hum. If only I could find an english-speaking reviewer as a jury for my PhD thesis, I could write it in english. 12:32:57 Fare: that shop is a place just a mile from me... i go there fairly often :) 12:32:59 abi: Against IP ? 12:32:59 wish i knew, fare 12:33:07 Fare: see today's /. 12:33:22 ok 12:33:34 <_1BadDude> The really sneaky part of it is that the game will only be half implemented at shipping but be designed in such a way that it will become the setting and environment for its own development effort... 12:33:51 <_1BadDude> which /. article? 12:33:56 1BadDude: get D.A.Halls' PhD thesis 12:34:21 [NICK] Fare changed nick to: Fare61453 12:36:08 <_1BadDude> huh? 12:36:30 it's pretty obvius which one 12:36:34 +o 12:36:55 <_1BadDude> information Liberation: AIP? 12:37:37 no, of course i mean the article mentioning the grinch :P 12:56:50 <_1BadDude> How does Brian Martin equate to D.A.Hall? It doesn't make sense Please tell me wheather this is a pen-name or something or where the article you are talking about is directly... 12:57:04 [NICK] irc changed nick to: No5 12:57:10 Fare's gone 12:57:14 [NICK] Fare61453 changed nick to: Fare 12:57:29 well he *was* gone 12:59:20 abi: D.A.Halls is David Alan Halls, whose PhD thesis does mobile code by metaprogramming Scheme with CPS transforms over a simple multithreaded Scheme servers network, or at /pub/food/papers/people/David.A.Halls/ 13:06:31 <_1BadDude> um, thats a directory, not a host... 13:06:45 samaris.tunes.org 13:20:16 <_1BadDude> sounds over my head... 13:20:19 <_1BadDude> =\ 13:21:10 what were you expecting out of a phd thesis? 13:21:13 it's really easy to read 13:21:18 (for a phd thesis) 13:21:36 btw, I'm looking for an english-speaking jury member 13:21:45 so I can write my thesis in english 13:21:59 heh i doubt i know anyone qualified 13:22:14 [NICK] FareAway changed nick to: Fare 13:23:28 wow, a discussion about forth in news:comp.lang.lisp 13:27:51 water misses having a news server to use other than deja 13:51:59 <_1BadDude> its been a long time since I used usenet... 13:52:17 <_1BadDude> in the good old days I was a fiend but not since my computer crashed back in '97... 13:52:19 <_1BadDude> =P 13:54:01 <_1BadDude> there is no matches for a subject line search for "FORTH" 13:54:11 who cares? 13:54:17 _1BadDude hurls a laser guided flaming woodchuck at Fare 14:06:07 see messages by Alberto Moreira 14:06:22 in a thread originally about CDR-coding 14:15:07 ree joined #tunes 14:15:37 oops 14:15:39 ree left #tunes 14:27:49 <_1BadDude> eeek! there are about a hundred uv em. 14:30:12 <_1BadDude> found it... 14:37:02 [QUIT] _1BadDude quit: Read error to _1BadDude[66-44-54-81.s81.tnt1.lnhva.md.dialup.rcn.com]: Connection reset by peer 14:38:45 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 14:38:50 burp 14:59:23 =\ 14:59:53 AlonzoTG is listening to a MIDI of a tune from Chrono Trigger on his Sound Canvas. =) 15:10:09 [QUIT] AlonzoTG quit: Have Nice Day :) 15:10:18 geez 15:12:13 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 15:32:55 coreyr joined #tunes 15:33:52 about squeak 15:34:09 shifting conversation are we? 15:34:14 oh heh 16:03:39 om 16:03:58 coreyr left #tunes 16:22:54 [QUIT] Fare quit: Merry LISPmas and Lispy new millenium! 16:31:24 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 16:43:51 eihrul joined #tunes 16:44:00 hey eih 16:44:36 AlonzoTG just got a new MIRC... 16:46:41 AlonzoTG launches a squadron of rabid gnats to annoy the crap out of eihrul . 16:47:06 cut it out 16:47:30 or at least try to have a normal conversation, please 16:49:26 Well that's difficult, you see... When everybody is silent I have no choice but to be lame... You can't have a "normal" conversation with a brick wall, now can you? 16:49:32 =P 16:50:08 same goes for a bunch of idlers... 16:50:50 that means converse *elsewhere*! :P 16:51:15 go /join #linpeople or #slashdot or something 16:51:16 but This is the most interesting channel on ALL of IRC! 16:51:35 you're not helping it at all 16:51:47 what is #linpeople? 16:51:54 mibin joined #tunes 16:51:59 why don't you join and find out? :) 16:52:02 monodimensional dudes? 16:52:05 hey mibin 16:52:18 no, linux people 16:52:34 hi water 16:52:36 better yet, try #kernelnewbies 16:54:16 ooooh! 16:54:20 good flame targets! 16:54:35 ok that's it 16:54:39 hehe 16:54:43 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o water 16:54:52 [MODE] water set mode: +b *!*Alonzo@*.rcn.com 16:54:52 [KICK] AlonzoTG was kicked by water (You have been banned) 16:55:07 it's always the same with him 16:55:25 hm i may as well spruce the place up a bit 16:56:07 [TOPIC] water: TUNES - http://www.tunes.org/ - Free Reflective Computing System 16:57:02 anyway 16:57:16 how's life, mibin? are you having a good LISPmas? :) 16:57:37 well life isnt going too bad after all 16:57:50 i am having a rather good Xmas 16:58:27 the C declaration and type parser seems working 16:58:43 k 16:58:44 i dont know if and at what point this would be useful to Tunes tho 16:59:03 probably nothing directly right now 16:59:27 but anything Useful is relevant to tUnes 16:59:40 yeah ... anyway i am using it to dynamically create C wrappers for arbitrary library functions 17:16:22 well ... and dynamically load them too ;) 17:16:54 > (load-c-function "j0" '(math) '("m") "my-j0") 17:17:06 > (my-j0 2) 17:17:56 hm 17:18:10 perplex? 17:18:23 no 17:19:44 structs, unions, and enums are not yet allowed as arguments but pointers to them are 17:35:38 Kyle joined #tunes 17:35:48 hey kyle 17:35:55 hi water 18:15:21 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 19:10:54 water joined #tunes 19:31:39 AlonzoTG 19:32:21 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o water 19:36:13 [MODE] water set mode: -b *!*Alonzo@*.rcn.com 19:54:20 [MODE] water set mode: -b *!*@ 19:54:40 [MODE] water set mode: -b *!*@ 19:55:06 abi: fpsood 19:55:06 fpsood is A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design at http://www-agce.informatik.uni-kl.de/~kuehne/fps/ 06:12:38 Fare joined #tunes