00:20:35 [QUIT] JALH quit: work experiance week begins! 01:57:27 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: sleep 02:42:30 [QUIT] karltk quit: Makollig Jezvahted and Levdaroum DeBahzted 04:11:05 Fare joined #tunes 05:53:39 Fare joined #tunes 06:12:44 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 06:12:48 Fare joined #tunes 06:27:36 [QUIT] Melinda quit: See ya! 06:46:53 lar[away] joined #tunes 08:07:16 [QUIT] smkl quit: bbl 08:12:44 smkl joined #tunes 08:14:59 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 09:31:45 Fare joined #tunes 10:52:49 [QUIT] JALH quit: changing servers 11:31:03 [QUIT] JALH quit: brb, testin zealos 12:08:59 [QUIT] JALH quit: brb 12:17:39 Fare joined #tunes 13:03:43 [QUIT] JALH quit: [BX] Khaled uses BitchX. CTCP TROUT THIS, BITCH! 13:33:11 [QUIT] JALH quit: brb, testing zealos 15:05:59 [NICK] lar[away] changed nick to: lar1 15:40:04 [QUIT] morton quit: Read error to morton[freenet.nether.net]: EOF from client 15:52:43 [QUIT] morton quit: Ping timeout for morton[freenet.nether.net] 16:03:48 Fare joined #tunes 17:44:51 [QUIT] kc5tja quit: THX QSO ES 73 DE KC5TJA/6 CL ES QRT (xchat) 18:22:11 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 20:58:18 [QUIT] pratap quit: Ping timeout for pratap[] 21:05:16 [TOPIC] ChanServ: http://tunes.org/ 21:27:12 [QUIT] pratap quit: Read error to pratap[]: Connection reset by peer 22:10:38 [QUIT] Melinda quit: Life's a whore and I'm broke. 22:22:31 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: I'm outta here! Catch everyone later! 22:29:19 Kyle joined #tunes 22:47:07 Is anyone alive? 22:49:25 [QUIT] ink quit: Ping timeout for ink[ppp-206-170-5-115.sntc01.pacbell.net] 23:09:54 [QUIT] ink[sleeeep] quit: getting of phone 23:14:41 [NICK] lar1 changed nick to: lar[away] 23:40:13 washort joined #tunes 23:45:36 [QUIT] pratap quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 00:41:18 washort left #tunes