00:50:31 [QUIT] Melinda quit: Read error to Melinda[porpoise10.panama.gulf.net]: Connection reset by peer 04:35:09 Fare joined #tunes 04:52:09 Fufman! 05:01:38 [QUIT] JALH quit: Excess Flood 06:04:37 eihrul joined #tunes 06:05:36 [QUIT] JALH quit: Read error to JALH[host62-6-102-219.btinternet.com]: EOF from client 07:46:48 Kyle joined #tunes 08:04:45 [QUIT] JALH quit: humm 08:39:12 hcf joined #tunes 08:39:44 k, here we go... 08:39:57 abi: OASIS is Objects and Agents for Simulation and Information Systems at http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/OASIS/eng_index.html 08:39:57 abi: jpb is Jean-Pierre Briot aka Jeeps, hp at http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/~briot/index2.html 08:39:57 ...but oasis is a smalltalk framework for modularization and control of side-effects at http://oasis.canis.uiuc.edu:8080/Oasis... 08:40:02 abi: actalk is a framework for concurrent programming in Smalltalk at http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/~briot/actalk/actalk.html 08:40:03 abi: parsetalk is a concurent oo nlp model, see http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/111233.html http://espresso.ee.sun.ac.za/~schwardt/papers/pnlp.html http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~neuhaus/manuals/draft/draft.html 08:40:06 abi: venari is project to provide software support for storing, accessing, and retrieving objects based on their semantics at http://www.mit.edu:8001/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/venari/www/home.html 08:40:07 abi: goa is Generalized Observing Actors at http://smets.com/happygirl/research/goa/ 08:40:10 abi: Actalk for SmalltalkAgents is at http://smets.com/happygirl/research/STActalk/ 08:40:10 abi: lude's paper repository is at http://espresso.ee.sun.ac.za/~schwardt/papers/papers.html 08:40:14 abi: Composable Software Systems is at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~Compose/ 08:40:14 abi: LActE is an actor lang upon common lisp (in french) at http://www.essi.fr/~pazzagli/recherche/lacref_ToC.html 08:40:39 urls un-factoid'd, but worth a look: 08:40:41 http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/User/J-C.Pazzaglia/ http://lis.univ-tlse1.fr/ecoop-ws/Papers/ ftp://camille.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/README.html http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~ducasse/WebPages/Teaching.html 08:40:43 http://iamwww.unibe.ch/~scg/Teaching/Reflective/ http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~ducasse/WebPages/Publications.html http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~ducasse/WebPages/RESEARCH/FLO/flo.html 08:40:46 ... 08:41:47 jpb's link lives in the limbo of rev-refl's todo section 08:41:56 water etc: a search of RI for objvlisp gets some potentially interesting hits i havnt seen b4, therefore worth a looksee 08:42:02 08:44:49 eihrul hmms. 08:49:39 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 08:50:21 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 08:51:29 clog joined #tunes 08:52:47 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 08:52:56 clog joined #tunes 08:55:21 [NICK] JALH changed nick to: BOFH 08:56:30 water joined #tunes 08:56:34 [NICK] BOFH changed nick to: JALH 09:44:32 hi water 09:45:00 hey kyle 09:45:23 i'm going to meet a KR guy today :) 09:45:33 irl that is :) 09:45:44 KR? 09:45:53 knowledge representation 09:45:59 MMmmm. 09:46:07 this guy eats ontologies and kqml for breakfast :) 09:46:13 ) 09:46:38 although i had to explain to him what the differences were between that and arrow/tunes 09:47:22 anyway, he worked on Cyc for a while, and seems to have been coding prolog for several years 09:47:47 here's something he's working on as a personal project: http://worlds.dev.aliensystems.com/ 09:48:00 thanks. 09:48:05 What is Cyc? 09:48:10 eek! 09:48:20 "What is Cyc?"? :) 09:48:27 http://www.cyc.com 09:48:55 it's no silver bullet, but they did find some interesting negative results 09:49:22 anyway, he's going to stanford to work on something that encompasses cyc and a few other projects 09:52:19 unfortunately, i have no portable machine right now to show him what i'm working on 09:55:06 negative results? Are they documented? 09:55:23 not really 09:55:26 What has Lenat done since CYC ? 09:55:43 not sure, i think he's involved with this new company 09:55:44 J. Pitrat told me what Lenat did _before_ CYC was more interesting 09:56:10 which was? 09:57:26 hm maude now has a formal proof system for its programs 09:57:38 water nudges Fare 10:00:08 ok well i will go bathe and such before i leave 10:00:12 bbiaf 11:04:42 bbl 11:04:45 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 11:31:56 lar1 joined #tunes 13:11:42 [QUIT] kc5tja quit: THX QSO ES 73 DE KC5TJA/6 CL ES QRT AR SK 13:20:10 Kyle joined #tunes 15:10:43 nate37 joined #tunes 16:27:59 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 16:37:01 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 17:22:49 eihrul joined #tunes 17:57:54 [QUIT] lar1 quit: [x]chat 18:44:15 [NICK] ink changed nick to: ink|in_X 19:28:02 eihrul joined #tunes 19:29:18 hcf joined #tunes 19:38:55 smkl joined #tunes 00:23:12 water joined #tunes