01:07:33 hi 01:21:58 [QUIT] Alex[] quit: Un jour, l'amour dit à l'amitié: "Pourquoi existe-tu?". Et l'amitié a répondu: "C'est pour sécher les larmes que tu fais couler..." 03:59:27 eihrul joined #tunes 04:03:39 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 04:34:50 [QUIT] Kyle_L quit: Leaving 04:52:35 [QUIT] JALH quit: >:-( bb in 10h? 07:34:20 eihrul joined #tunes 07:34:23 eihrul left #tunes 07:34:28 eihrul joined #tunes 07:38:55 Fare joined #tunes 08:46:00 [QUIT] JALH quit: Ping timeout for JALH[host62-7-1-211.btinternet.com] 08:51:33 coreyr joined #tunes 08:51:41 [QUIT] coreyr quit: [BX] Do you... BitchX? 09:42:08 hcf joined #tunes 10:37:35 smkl joined #tunes 10:49:04 [QUIT] JALH quit: Ping timeout for JALH[host62-7-43-91.btinternet.com] 11:12:17 ult joined #tunes 11:12:27 'lo 11:13:08 hel' 11:21:05 hmph. 11:38:44 corey: hows it going? 11:40:36 [TOPIC] hcf: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System http://www.tunes.org || Slate Programming Language http://www.tunes.org/~water/slate-home.html || http://lambda.weblogs.com 11:45:37 good 11:45:38 you? 11:45:56 fine, hows d2? 11:46:52 have you looked at ti? 11:47:00 the other day 11:47:19 have u written a todo yet? lar1 would like to help 11:47:22 im doing it in bursts 11:47:39 yeah its at root_diktuon_todo 11:49:56 is the past node work (glos etc) safe? 11:53:42 you mean when i hosted dikt? 11:53:55 yeah 11:53:59 ( 11:54:11 thx 11:57:21 actually 11:57:39 hmm, n/m 12:45:01 eihrul joined #tunes 12:49:27 [NICK] ink|gone changed nick to: ink 16:39:29 hcf joined #tunes 16:44:38 eihrul joined #tunes 17:14:36 mort__ joined #tunes 17:18:53 [QUIT] Fare quit: Leaving 19:19:08 rocksteady joined #tunes 19:40:55 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 20:39:42 hcf joined #tunes 21:17:23 lar1 joined #tunes 21:17:29 lar1 left #tunes 23:37:31 smkl joined #tunes 00:12:02 nate37 joined #tunes