01:42:10 foo 02:26:25 eihrul joined #tunes 03:41:34 smkl joined #tunes 06:02:49 Help joined #tunes 06:03:28 Help left #tunes 07:50:36 hcf joined #tunes 07:52:43 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 07:54:09 smkl joined #tunes 08:01:22 eihrul joined #tunes 08:28:41 ugh 08:28:47 water just woke up 08:35:39 so who's awake? 08:40:54 me, somewhat 08:41:25 eihrul was actually trying to get my attention earlier 08:42:57 water has a bit of a hangover 09:02:00 Tril joined #tunes 09:02:00 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 09:02:07 hey tril 09:02:12 hi 09:02:37 I am wondering, what should I do about coreyr@onezerosix.net's email bouncing? 09:02:45 that addy is subscribed to the list 09:02:54 it has some weird DNS problem... 09:03:00 i have another address of his 09:03:11 btw that's where diktuon was ;) 09:03:31 actually... 09:03:39 I can just change it to coreyr@bespin.. 09:03:40 he has a tunes.org address 09:03:45 right 09:04:22 water had a chance to get drunk last night, and over-did it a bit 09:07:00 So far I like this new mail list software. 09:07:21 it seens to work well when configured rightly 09:07:47 I just changed his address through the WWW, and it emailed me saying one was unsubscribed and the other was subscribed.. 09:08:02 Sympa always e-mailed me incoherent things 09:08:22 like when a post was bounced for approval, it would just say "approve this" and not give the reason why. Mailman is much more clear. 09:09:34 water: so r Tril and ult updating slate.lisp? iow, have said anything more than what was in the irc log? 09:09:45 s/have/have they/ 09:09:49 2nd question: no 09:10:51 perhaps kaufmann could be of use 09:11:06 probably 09:11:48 No... he made that all up 09:11:59 Nobody volunteered to do it, he volunteered us. 09:12:07 heh 09:12:11 I'm not against the idea, just I haven't looked at it so I have no idea if I am capable 09:12:20 ok 09:19:09 on the other hand... I might need to write some tools for Mailman to improve it's usability. 09:19:33 water and eihrul finally start a private discussion 09:31:48 coreyr joined #tunes 09:32:01 whats up with the zope thingie 09:33:38 hi 09:33:51 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 09:33:55 can we get diktuon up and running before trying to convert it to zope? 09:34:22 i dont understand that 09:35:40 OK here is the deal. you ran diktuon on diktuon.arrow.cx, right? 09:36:30 yeah 09:36:34 and that server is now down. Water wants it back up, so we're moving the content to bespin. 09:36:54 water` joined #tunes 09:36:57 To get it up sooner, we should do as little work as possible, ie. put it up in its old state. 09:37:04 gah 09:37:14 [QUIT] water quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by water`)) 09:37:17 [NICK] water` changed nick to: water 09:37:19 I don't know what you were talking about with Zope 09:37:39 maybe you weren't talking about dikton at all? 09:37:50 sorry its morning for me 09:37:59 btw, I changed your subscription address from coreyr@onezerosix.net to coreyr@tunes.org. 09:38:05 thanks 09:38:31 im kinda tired of this 09:38:40 ? 09:38:43 tired of what? 09:38:54 seems very ineffective how things get done 09:38:54 P 09:39:11 i want to know how you see zope 09:39:22 i dont want to duplicate effort 09:39:45 you just wanted zope for review? 09:40:17 for now, yes... 09:40:24 more may go in later 09:40:49 there needs to be a cohesive goal set here 09:40:52 coreyr we're kinda waiting on you afaik dont say we'er ineffective? 09:41:08 not for zope but diktuon 09:41:14 for tunes 09:41:29 im frustrated by the lack of structure 09:42:52 aren't you more frustrated by the lack of progress? 09:42:54 i dont think diktuon matters that much 09:43:00 well , obviously 09:43:02 water does. 09:43:17 yeah! :) 09:43:34 seriously, though 09:43:48 Can you just give us the files, and then we can put up the old dikton for now? 09:43:51 well i have the scripts but it seems i lost the db stuff 09:44:02 what? 09:44:21 i just checked all my backups 09:44:25 you did NOT just say that 09:44:30 yeah 09:44:45 lemme check once more 09:44:54 yeah go check a few more times 09:44:59 what did you do delete mysql? 09:45:17 geez... we ported all the glossary entries at least 09:45:51 the glossary wasnt that much 09:45:54 like 161 nodes 09:46:00 heh 09:46:10 i spent much more time writing the thing 09:46:13 dude i rewrote a decent amount of those 09:46:25 and intended on rewriting the whole thing 09:46:33 sigh 09:46:48 maybe glossary entries should be set up like the zope review, where multiple people can "review" a term? 09:46:53 so that the old definition is still there 09:47:02 sure that will work 09:47:14 as long as it's DONE 09:47:17 heh 09:47:49 the dikt glos poop is gone?! 09:47:53 yeah 09:48:11 i have one chance i think i copied to a box that isnt up 09:48:18 hcf withholds his noisy reaction 09:48:23 water feels like saying something rather non-PG-rated 09:49:12 see how trivial it is to us now, corey? 09:49:37 when do you get to look at the box that is not up? 09:49:53 in a few hours when that person becomes availible 09:50:13 want to upload the scripts while we wait? 09:50:34 they are already there 09:50:36 ok 09:51:45 water reads some research papers 09:51:52 so whats gonna happen? 09:52:17 tril: how easy could zope be extended to this 09:52:20 yes i'd like to see a .plan here 09:53:19 the plan, if any, is to put diktuon up with the scripts as they are, and if any data is put in, it can be easily converted to zope later if we want. 09:54:09 now, how do i know that this is going to happen? 09:54:36 this bit about losing data entered into diktuon is not going to be forgotten 09:54:42 by my not responding in irc due to me setting it up right now 09:54:49 ok 09:56:14 you need the create for pgsql 09:56:17 im getting it 10:00:21 ok, should be ready except for that 10:00:42 I'll go see if the scripts need any config options. 10:01:37 is there a way to put the database name and user in a config file instead of having to edit each file separately? 10:01:45 hm so corey hasn't been getting tunes email lately? 10:01:58 no 10:02:03 tril: why not 10:02:08 tril: more writing tho. 10:02:10 that reminds me, I need to check if the web archive is updating 10:02:10 heh 10:02:23 water: sigh. 10:02:35 ok that explains why you don't know what's pissing me off about losing diktuon 10:02:57 well, partly 10:03:05 water shuts up and goes back to reading 10:03:10 i understand perfectly 10:11:57 Now do I have to make a super user in the db before going to the page the first time? 10:17:56 hmm 10:18:07 the db has its own user? 10:18:09 "Error, no nodespaces found. This is *extremely* bad." 10:18:27 yes 10:18:31 the name? 10:18:43 But it's irrelevant, since web web server won't run php documents as that user. 10:18:57 username diktuon database name diktuon 10:19:16 you wont have access 10:19:49 $conn = pg_Connect("user=postgre dbname=diktuon"); 10:19:56 i changed all those 10:20:05 then psql diktuon 10:20:12 and add the first node manually 10:20:25 how abuot adding a user manually, then letting that user make a node space 10:20:26 ? 10:20:38 you must understand that this was my first php/db script and that its far from complete 10:20:52 i was going for more of what works now as water wants 10:21:06 it's ok 10:21:17 any help you can give is appreciated 10:22:02 its been over a month since i played with that version 10:22:06 well, i gotta go 10:22:13 it was over complicated 10:22:14 bye, water 10:22:20 water: see you around 10:22:23 don't stop until something usable is made 10:22:26 did you have a newer version? and lost it? 10:22:34 no i have a newer version 10:22:38 but its not useful yet 10:22:42 and PLEASE find some copy of those nodes 10:22:44 ok 10:22:53 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 10:23:06 i dont care what we do 10:23:09 as long as im helping 10:23:15 and i havent done much of that as of late 10:23:16 P 10:23:43 did you add a user into the auth table? 10:23:59 not yet working on it 10:24:03 what "access" do I give them? 10:24:03 then add a node named intro with a simple body 10:24:17 make a nodespace 10:24:30 and the access column 10:24:44 is a , delimited of the nodespaces they have access to 10:24:52 its really ad hoc 10:26:18 your script is causing apache children to die with segfaults 10:26:21 ( 10:27:21 really? 10:27:28 you have php4? 10:28:04 yes 10:28:08 just installed recently 10:28:14 wierd 10:28:29 can you trace down the problem in the logs? 10:29:04 no 10:29:14 but i'm not sure it is connecting to the database..hold on 10:35:52 ok help me here 10:36:00 ? 10:36:02 What goes in the nodespace? a node called 'diktuon'? 10:36:07 and what about 'intro'? 10:36:14 i'm not sure what to create in teh db 10:36:30 the defaults are: 10:36:31 $name = "intro"; 10:36:31 $ns = "diktuon"; 10:36:45 so there should be a diktuon nodespace 10:36:59 and an intro node 10:37:00 ok, I just created that. 10:37:45 ok that works. 10:38:21 But it still kills apache after every request. 10:38:30 (thankfully, not the main apache process) 10:38:54 Are you sure you are cleaning up properly, closing connections? Hmm maybe I have to unload the pgsql.so that I dl()'ed at the beginning of each file? 10:39:01 ive never encountered that 10:39:18 well, you also didnt seem to have the dynamic pgsql.so php4 module either 10:39:20 php should clean up properly 10:39:28 no 10:39:30 so I can just dl() anything and not undl() it? 10:39:37 i ran on freebsd and openbsd 10:40:00 It's also not closing the database correctly. 10:40:23 ill find the function 10:40:25 grr 10:40:25 (but maybe that's after the process dies) 10:40:31 i really dont want to use this 10:41:47 yeah 10:41:51 pg_close 10:41:58 is it called? 10:42:02 no 10:42:16 where do I call it? 10:42:17 it was always cleaned up on my apache and pgsql 10:42:45 so you looked in the logs and it never said (in postmaster log): 'pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection' ? 10:42:53 nope 10:43:03 nope it didnt say, or nope you didnt look 10:44:53 nope it didnt say 10:45:00 which version of pgsql 10:45:47 probably a bad version 10:45:55 6.5 10:46:08 yeah i use 7 10:46:16 the protocol changed, so if it's using the 7.0 libpq it won't work 10:52:11 hrm 10:53:10 can you look at this and see if it makes any sense to you? 10:53:21 k 10:53:42 /usr/share/doc/php4-pgsql/apidoc-zend.txt.gz, in section [2] where it says Resources? 10:56:00 i dont see how its relavent 10:56:13 is upgrading a problem? 10:56:46 I'm not sure that it will help. 10:57:07 I'm looking at where that files says, "it will be closed prematurely" 10:57:14 do you use "links", whatever those are? 10:57:41 they are just talking about open connections to the db 10:57:55 Exactly..that's what I'm having a problem with. 10:58:11 either that, or some crash that happens to kill the db connection. 10:58:31 [QUIT] hcf quit: Ping timeout for hcf[207-172-225-194.s194.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com] 10:58:41 well 10:58:49 pg_close could be put in every file 10:59:02 what does it display? 10:59:07 whats the url 10:59:19 it displays fine.. just seems to crash after it's done 10:59:23 http://diktuon.tunes.org/ 10:59:30 hmm 10:59:58 can I put the pg_close into footer.inc? 11:00:28 it looks like that is included in every file except index.php 11:00:37 (which is ok since it includes show.php) 11:00:40 index.php includes show which includes that 11:00:41 yeah 11:00:42 ok 11:01:28 still crashes 11:02:09 would upgrading to 7 be too troublesome? 11:02:16 might not be worth it :) 11:05:51 well, first let's get diktuon working.. i'll add some users 11:05:54 how about you? :) 11:05:59 kay 11:06:14 do you know php? 11:06:23 nm, its not that difficult 11:06:38 what 'access' do you want? 11:06:46 what accesses are there in the access field of the auth table? 11:06:54 (it's a string type... not helpful) 11:06:58 you have to list the nodespaces comma delimited 11:07:06 ok... 11:07:07 theres no way to manage that 11:08:30 ok try logging in 11:09:17 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in /serv/diktuon/html/login.php on line 11 11:10:13 is that the only file that doesnt include auth.nic? 11:10:14 inc 11:10:30 nope 11:10:31 hmm 11:12:10 login.php needs the dl? 11:13:03 i moved it to header.inc why wont it work 11:13:13 oh it needs to be in the else 11:16:08 um... 11:16:19 i tried deleting a node space and why is it trying to delete a TABLE? 11:16:25 does it actually make tables for each nodespace?! 11:17:06 I gues that is not too bad, i just don't know why you would do it that way. 11:18:53 because it was my first script 11:18:57 and i did it ad hoc 11:18:58 "Did you think you can fool me? Well, you can't. You must login to add nodespaces, silly." (but I am logged in..) 11:19:09 the new version is much better thought out 11:19:18 you must be admin 11:19:19 is adding nodespaces suppsoed to work? 11:19:25 make an admin user 11:19:31 just it has to be called 'admin'? 11:19:38 yeah i think 11:19:45 lemme check the code 11:20:18 no 11:20:19 im wrong 11:20:21 i remember 11:20:29 you have to have admin as in access 11:20:34 just like another nodespace 11:20:47 more poorly designed than i remember 11:21:02 so, I give the user access to nodespace 'admin' (which doesn't nede to exist?) 11:21:28 nope 11:21:32 it doesnt need to exist 11:22:13 now when I hit "submit node" on the Adding new nodespace page, it says document contained no data 11:22:32 although it did create a table for the nodespace I added 11:22:50 in fact i think it worked 11:22:51 can you give me access to admin 11:22:55 ok 11:23:09 go 11:27:41 i'm taking out the dl()'s since I'm going to have php load the extension automatically 11:28:26 hmm that didnt work 11:28:29 hmm 11:28:50 restart apache...to reload that php.ini I think 11:28:59 works 11:29:34 do all nodespaces have to be in lower-case? 11:29:39 hmm 11:29:42 I made on called 'FOO' and it says table does not exist when i try to list nodes 11:29:44 its better if they were 11:29:45 ) 11:30:00 but of course it also said document contains no data when i created it, so i dont know if it finished creating it succesfully. 11:30:45 itd be done if there was a table for it and a seq 11:30:54 hcf joined #tunes 11:31:07 i deleted it now.. there used to be table and seq 11:31:43 embedding HTML ..what's the procedure on that? 11:31:58 If I got rid of BASE HREF, they would work. 11:32:28 oh wait.. n/m it works , just not in edit mode 11:33:45 hmm 11:33:51 no - in nodespace names either. 11:34:19 thats causing parse errors 11:34:22 in pgsql 11:34:42 Anyway, putting extension=pgsql.so in php.ini stopped the crashes. 11:35:18 parse error near "'" 11:35:53 parse error near "key" 11:36:50 looks like it's partially deleted.. i got it 11:38:22 yeah 11:38:53 were dashes supported before? on your server? 11:39:59 brb 11:40:33 no 11:40:45 thats weird that it doesnt return anything after adding a nodespace 11:43:29 back 11:43:31 abi: seen lar1 11:43:31 lar1 was last seen on IRC 10 days, 7 minutes and 55 seconds ago, saying: [Wed Aug 9 11:35:36 2000] 11:47:09 problems 11:47:15 where did the diktuon nodespace go? 11:47:51 here's the problem: 11:48:27 the "back to intro" link at the bottom of nsedit.php does not have nodespace=diktuon in it, so it goes to nodespace="" which won't work 11:49:10 Also, action=nsadd.php?ns= (blank ns) is that maybe why it's returning blank result? 11:49:58 I'll let you work on that. going to go eat be back in a bit 12:05:11 hello? 12:07:38 hold on moment please. 12:07:47 [QUIT] coreyr quit: one 12:08:04 [QUIT] lar1 quit: [x]chat 12:09:31 coreyr joined #tunes 12:10:21 there is a bug in nsadd.php...trying to find it 12:12:14 will do 12:16:34 hm 12:16:41 are you modifying files? :) 12:16:51 yep 12:17:06 but it didnt change the result or cause it 12:17:27 i could tell tho. :P 12:17:37 I fixed the back to intro link in nsedit.php 12:17:49 ok 12:17:53 hmm 12:17:54 im editing nsadd 12:18:21 actually I didn't, I copied nsedit to nscreate and fixed it there.. but i'll probably undo that change 12:18:28 i just want nsadd to work.. go ahead adn edit it 12:18:46 somehow it crashes before it can send any output. 12:18:52 But it still sends SQL commands! 12:19:51 its probably not flushed or somehting 12:20:17 nsedit just doesnt create 12:20:20 it also edits 12:21:05 the creating part is kinda broken. it prints out $ns several times, which is not defined if we're creating 12:21:30 dont try to comprehened it 12:21:36 ) 12:21:40 i know its screwed up 12:21:47 this should work tho 12:21:59 the design is all haphazard 12:22:14 dik2 is much much cleaner 12:22:20 but you cant add nodes or edit them :) 12:22:27 after we get this working 12:22:32 im going to work on that 12:24:22 hmm 12:24:34 all your files youve created, confusing 12:24:45 what? 12:25:11 like test2 and test4? 12:25:23 ignore nscreate.php. it's not linked to anywhere and it was only a test. 12:25:55 I haven't created any other files. 12:26:06 ok 12:26:52 what is it saying in the logs? 12:27:17 ie says cant find server or dns error 12:28:07 I just added diktuon.tunes.org to DNS today. It may not haev propagated for you. 12:28:38 it seems to work for me though 12:31:09 its only does that nsadd 12:32:24 so, it doesn't say "document contained no data"? 12:32:30 that's what it said to me 12:32:49 still does 12:34:08 netscape says that 12:35:48 it crashes the apache child, that's why no document is returned 12:35:52 you got some memory leak or some such 12:36:08 [Sat Aug 19 12:32:45 2000] [notice] child pid 29523 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 12:36:45 IE tells you it's a DNS error because it's stupid 12:39:27 any clue? 12:40:04 what version apache? 12:40:55 1.3.9 12:43:04 I think it's between where it adds the new table and where it updates the auth. 12:43:12 because the new table gets added but the auth is not changed 12:45:56 I'll restart the postmaster with verbose on 12:49:44 allright it's running 12:50:57 right after it creates the sssssss table, and sequence, it does this: 12:50:58 pq_flush: send() failed: Broken pipe 12:51:36 and apache process dies :( 12:52:43 .. 12:52:50 in the new version, I suggest adding support for persistent connections. 12:52:52 eihrul joined #tunes 12:53:02 hi 12:53:20 yay 12:53:25 i just almost lost all of my code! 12:54:04 heh 12:54:20 uh... its not funny 12:54:28 i have four years of assorted work, papers, etc. on here 12:54:30 im twisted. 12:56:16 coreyr: Got a PHP4 debugger? 13:03:53 no 13:04:02 its in the first create table 13:04:20 but that works.. 13:04:26 it may crash right after it sends the command, though 13:04:37 it does 13:04:42 i comment debuged it 13:06:31 so? 13:06:36 what line is causing the crash? 13:06:58 pg_Exec? 13:07:30 yep 13:07:47 im thinking there might be something in that sql statement that pgsql 6.5 doesnt like 13:08:01 try executing it manually 13:10:01 Nothing strange happens. Just the usual 2 lines of messages. NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence... 13:10:13 CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index... 13:10:23 yeah 13:10:26 thats good 13:10:35 hmm 13:10:47 i had all the latest versions 13:11:13 your using debian 13:11:19 can you aptget pgsql7? 13:11:51 the problem seems ot be pgsql isn't listening for those messages, do you think? since it says "broken pipe" right there 13:12:08 No... I'm not using the debian postgresql package right now 13:12:33 It's a manual install of 6.5 13:14:28 did you add that ns to nsadd.php url in nsedit? 13:14:42 no, I took it out and re-added it 13:14:48 it has no purpose though! 13:21:15 sigh. 13:21:22 [QUIT] rares quit: [x]chat 13:27:33 so does it work if you never lok at the result? 13:30:05 can you try using pg_trace? 13:34:04 could you say afk if you go afk? 13:37:51 sorry 13:41:16 argh, pg_trace is not in 4.0b3 13:44:08 I am going to change the order of SQL commands in nsadd, so that it will update the access , and then create the table and crash. It will work fine, just for annoyingly crashing apache and printing that message to the user. 13:44:27 then I dont want to deal with this anymore... 13:44:54 OK? 13:46:45 heh 13:46:52 whatever 13:48:47 ok I'm editing it now 13:50:41 i think its pg6.5 13:54:11 well, that, or the wrong libpq being used! 13:54:29 can you stop creating bogus nodespace? 13:54:39 delete them when you make them 13:54:56 i am 13:55:02 err, or tell me if it's working and making you access to them? 13:55:22 im playing with pg_exec 13:57:20 [QUIT] nate37 quit: [BX] Twat?! I cunt hear you! 14:05:31 [QUIT] Kyle_L quit: Read error to Kyle_L[cr168790-a.nmkt1.on.wave.home.com]: Connection reset by peer 14:08:12 can you look in the pgsql 6.5 docs for SERIAL type 14:08:14 ? :) 14:08:27 i think thats the source 14:08:32 of our current problems 14:08:49 why? 14:08:55 serial type works. 14:09:36 if you omit that from the create table 14:09:39 it succeeds 14:10:31 Kyle_L joined #tunes 14:11:29 maybe the syntax changed 14:11:41 so, if you change it to "create table blah (id int4 not null default nextval('blah_id_seq'), ... ); does that work? because that's waht serial does (in addition to running CREATE SEQUENCE 'blah_id_seq' .. 14:11:53 serial is a macro 14:14:58 If I can get the zope data transferred to the debian package version of zope, I'll then move the pgsql stuff into the debian version of pgsql... and all these library incompatiblities should go away. 14:15:05 working on that now. 14:16:02 cool 14:25:53 ok 14:25:57 i think i hve it 14:26:08 what now? 14:27:20 cj joined #tunes 14:27:34 are there any good C garbage collectors? 14:27:44 or memory management libraries 14:27:52 Tril: nsadd is fixed. 14:27:59 how 14:28:07 abi: tell cj about gc 14:28:09 it seems a large number of people make a large number of memory management mistakes 14:28:20 i told you :) serial has problems in 6.5 14:28:31 and you did what? 14:28:38 so i did what the macro was supposed to 14:30:13 other bugs? 14:30:24 I don't know 14:30:44 ) 14:31:07 then without further ado, i move onto fixing dik2 so it can be used 14:31:21 if there are bugs, shout 14:31:36 can you make me a diktuon2 db please? 14:32:12 login to the database as user coreyr and create it yourself :) 14:33:30 cj: yes, boehm-gc 14:35:47 postgresql is messed up 14:35:59 don't count on it working properly right now 14:36:04 hmm 14:36:09 as long as it isnt my fault 14:36:10 P 14:39:36 no, I think I killed zope's connection to pg, I just reopened it and it seems to be working.. 14:57:19 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 14:59:14 smkl joined #tunes 15:11:33 billh joined #tunes 15:26:36 coreyr is away (date with gf) 15:32:03 [QUIT] hcf quit: Ping timeout for hcf[207-172-225-74.s74.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com] 16:02:56 tcn joined #tunes 16:02:59 hi, tcn! 16:12:58 Tril joined #tunes 16:12:59 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 16:13:41 [QUIT] coreyr quit: Ping timeout for coreyr[bespin.org] 16:14:18 coreyr joined #tunes 16:22:10 [QUIT] nate37 quit: Leaving 17:44:04 hcf joined #tunes 17:44:31 hcf: interested in having abi run at startup? 17:45:00 she is one of the only bots on bespin without a script run from cron 17:45:11 hmm 17:45:29 how often do u plan on rebooting? 17:45:32 [QUIT] rares quit: [x]chat 17:49:38 I dont know, but I am annoyed at every time I do and you bug me to restart Brianna 17:49:51 and when you were gone people missed abi and I had no idea that she needed starting 17:50:12 there is no reason why bots should have to be started manually. 17:50:34 to answer the question I should be able to reboot as often as I like 17:50:42 exactly 17:50:48 but I dont plan on it very often 17:51:02 bri is cron'd now? 17:51:08 Don't know. 17:51:11 probably not 17:58:27 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 17:59:47 abi joined #tunes 18:00:17 _morton_ joined #tunes 18:00:35 <_morton_> is this place ever active? 18:00:58 _morton_: at times 18:01:11 <_morton_> my OS does more than this channel 18:01:17 <_morton_> P 18:01:21 so 18:01:51 <_morton_> so what? 18:01:51 Tril: abi launcher, /users/nef/bin/go_abi_go 18:02:50 <_morton_> go_hcf_go 18:04:28 hcf: would you like her to be started up inside screen? 18:04:36 yeah 18:04:58 btw (in case u didnt check my mention of it in the logs) i recoded abi's babelfish 'face, works now :) 18:05:13 s/check/catch/ # odd typo 18:05:45 hcf: does abi do ISO 3166 country codes? 18:05:56 how is screen used via cmdline? 18:06:10 i'll tell you pvt 18:06:16 iso 3166? 18:06:21 <_morton_> hcf: u in enough channels? maybe you should join 20 more 18:06:33 <_morton_> hcf on #lisp #python #forth #dolphin #c++ @#tunes_test #jabber @#perl #tunes 18:06:35 _morton_: so 18:08:06 <_morton_> hmmm. maybe before you start working on abi's vocabulary u should improve yours. 18:08:15 [MODE] Tril set mode: +b *!morton@*.aol.com 18:08:15 [KICK] _morton_ was kicked by Tril (Yo mamma so fat you haveta roll over twice to get off her...) 18:08:17 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o hcf 18:08:24 ugh 18:08:25 damn 18:09:13 too slow :) 18:11:08 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 18:22:41 abi joined #tunes 18:24:03 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 18:24:56 abi joined #tunes 18:25:48 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 18:26:33 abi joined #tunes 18:26:36 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 18:26:56 abi joined #tunes 18:27:51 [QUIT] rares quit: [x]chat 18:43:41 abi joined #tunes 18:46:12 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 18:52:53 abi joined #tunes 18:55:59 db's are back up if anyone missed them 18:56:28 zope may not work temporarily (i'll fix later) 19:05:00 morton joined #tunes 19:05:01 [NICK] hi changed nick to: ink 19:05:13 ok 19:05:20 [NICK] ink changed nick to: inK 19:05:21 so 19:05:43 hmmm 19:06:20 hcrf: u cool now? 19:07:01 what was the kick for? 19:07:23 damn how do you list bans in biutchx 19:08:13 /mode #tunes +b ? 19:08:59 h0h0h0 19:09:00 [MODE] hcf set mode: -b *!morton@*.aol.com 19:09:10 my aol is banned 19:10:53 hmm 19:14:02 abi: linux? 19:14:03 linux is THE fadish alternative 19:14:19 abi: freebsd? 19:14:19 i don't know, morton 19:15:27 abi: freebsd is the new fad 19:16:16 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 19:16:33 abi joined #tunes 19:16:36 what? 19:16:50 [QUIT] abi quit: dying by hcf's request 19:16:56 i'm fixing smth 19:17:57 wow. this channel is about as interesting as a homeless shelter 19:18:06 i'd better get back to coding 19:20:28 abi joined #tunes 19:21:20 morton left #tunes 22:05:20 Kyle_L joined #tunes 23:25:00 billh joined #tunes 01:13:26 billh joined #tunes