00:21:28 wtf is this channel about? 00:21:38 hmmm 00:21:45 myron left #tunes 00:50:52 myron joined #tunes 00:50:56 myron left #tunes 02:09:28 water joined #tunes 02:10:16 [TOPIC] water: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System http://www.tunes.org || Slate Programming Language http://www.tunes.org/~water/slate-home.html 02:15:05 hm intalk is interesting 02:44:56 'intalk' ? 02:45:03 abi: intalk 02:45:04 intalk is at http://kiwi.emse.fr/JJG/INTALK/intalk.html 02:48:30 from a pragmatic point of view, this is cute. 02:50:18 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: Ping timeout for MysticOne[porpoise3.panama.gulf.net] 02:50:53 the C over lisp thing was what caught my attention 02:52:22 I wonder how well code written in ctalk is interoperable with code in glisp 02:53:54 it seems that the author's worked out a type-compatibility system 02:54:35 except for the #t and #f difference 06:45:13 hcf joined #tunes 06:50:09 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: work 07:11:48 abi: awka is a AWK to C conversion tool at http://members.linuxstart.com/~awka/ 07:32:06 abi: PS3I is a Persistent Server-Side Scheme Interpreter at http://videoc.lip6.fr/queinnec/VideoC/ps3i.html 07:37:55 abi: shift is a PL for describing dynamic networks of hybrid automata at http://www.path.berkeley.edu/shift/ 07:39:56 abi: rigal is a compiler construction language at http://www.ida.liu.se/%7Evaden/rigal/ 07:41:09 eihrul joined #tunes 07:47:08 abi: SimOS is The Complete Machine Simulator at http://simos.stanford.edu 07:54:23 abi: Reactive Programming is at http://www-sop.inria.fr/meije/rp/ 08:25:45 abi: W-Prolog is an interpreter for a Prolog like language implemented in Java at http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~winikoff/wp/index.html 08:27:11 abi: lygon is a logic PL based on linear logic at http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/lygon/ 08:33:42 water: icuc, papers seemingly related to substructural logic at http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/~ohearn/ 08:42:53 abi: ncl is Natural Constraint Language at http://www.loria.fr/~zhou/ziran.html 08:46:12 abi: marlais is a ~dylan interpreter at http://www.cis.ufl.edu/~jnw/Marlais/ 08:50:52 abi: Screamer is an extension of Common Lisp that adds support for nondeterministic programming at http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~screamer-tools/home.html 08:56:48 abi: gorby is a small stack based scripting language at http://www.knotwork.com/%28nobg%29/info/comp/freeware/linux/gorby/ 08:56:53 abi: LDL is the Language Development Laboratory at http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/FB/Praktik/psuet/ldl/ 09:02:07 abi: claire is a high-level functional and object-oriented language with advanced rule processing capabilities at http://www.ens.fr/~laburthe/claire.html 09:07:20 abi: HotTEA is BASIC in java at http://www.mbay.net/~cereus7/ 09:07:21 abi: NESL is a parallel pl at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/nesl.html 09:07:24 abi: Latte is a language for transforming text at http://www.zanshin.com/latte/ 09:18:19 abi: LIFE is (Logic, Inheritance, Functions, and Equations) an experimental PL proposing integratation of the logic, functional, and object-oriented programming paradigms at http://www.isg.sfu.ca/life/ 09:23:39 you've been busy today, eh? 09:24:57 just went thru a proglang link collection 09:25:41 hows pidgin? ;) 09:26:19 still working on it, intermittently :/ 09:26:53 garbage collector and quite a few primitive objects are done 09:27:12 but still need to get the interpreter up, the parser, some other things... etc 09:27:36 need anything seek'd to assist w/ it? 09:29:28 nah 09:29:46 building the whole interpreter is a pretty routine thing for me :) 09:31:25 k 09:35:22 yo 09:36:16 hm a lot of links today 09:40:30 karltk joined #tunes 09:41:44 hi karl 09:44:11 water does some reading of these language links 09:46:26 hi water 10:03:36 hcf: you should post those links to the review mlist 10:04:03 who is ever gonna review any of em? 10:04:14 P i don't have time 10:05:27 water` joined #tunes 10:05:32 grr 10:06:12 [QUIT] water quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by water`)) 10:06:15 [NICK] water` changed nick to: water 10:10:04 i can't even imagine having enough time to put together the web pages these people have for there programming languages 10:10:13 s/there/their/ 10:10:51 EMonk joined #tunes 10:11:18 hi monk 10:11:21 Morning Water. 10:12:08 is there anything we can do for you? 10:12:41 Actually I was trying to find AWOL. I'm hunting for a Win32 port of bochs, and a search engine turned up a copy of one of your logs :) 10:12:56 Did he ever get it working properly? Did it help him with debugging? 10:13:13 what date were the logs? 10:13:34 bochs is best discussed in #osdev 10:13:35 This one: http://www.tunes.org/files/irc/1999.1031 10:14:37 I just popped in on the off-chance that he might be here. yeah, long shot I know :) 10:14:49 abi: air 10:14:49 air is aka _QZ/liar, his site is http://www.qzx.com 10:15:01 look at that site 10:15:16 otherwise, we couldn't help you very much 10:15:51 Hmm... I think I breezed through there about an hour ago or so. Anyway, thanks... have a good day and all that :) 10:16:00 ok 10:16:06 EMonk goes off to have another look at that site 10:16:20 [QUIT] EMonk quit: Read error to EMonk[p190-tnt1.akl.ihug.co.nz]: EOF from client 10:19:25 well, the papers from these sites should be really helpful 10:29:42 water: do u care about lambda prolog stuff? 10:30:02 hm 10:30:07 not in particular 10:43:40 eihrul: what's the current set of obstacles for you? 10:44:48 just myself, for right now 10:44:59 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 10:45:09 hcf joined #tunes 10:45:23 well, if there is anything i can help with, by discussion or research, i'll help 10:46:44 well, i'll be back in 14 hours :P 10:46:48 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 10:54:39 water: icuc, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~twelf http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/278091.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/285007.html 12:22:39 abi: HTEL is HyperText Expression Language at http://www.it.dtu.dk/~jsm/htel/htel.html 12:22:40 abi: ULC is Uniform Languages of Composition at http://www.it.dtu.dk/~jsm/pub/ulc.lsm ftp://ftp.it.dtu.dk/pub/jsm/ http://www.it.dtu.dk/~jsm/ulc.html 12:37:41 [QUIT] _ruiner_ quit: Leaving 15:03:38 hcf joined #tunes 15:05:44 [QUIT] coreyr quit: Ping timeout for coreyr[] 16:20:48 abi: tcm is Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling at http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~tcm/ 16:25:07 dmann joined #tunes 16:25:40 tcn joined #tunes 16:28:30 mibin joined #tunes 16:28:38 [QUIT] dmann quit: changing servers 16:51:49 abi: hyperref is links to Online Dictionaries, Glossaries and Encyclopedias at http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/hyperref.html 16:52:14 ^ links to the tunes glos, in the computer section 17:58:42 ult joined #tunes 17:59:50 [QUIT] _ruiner_ quit: Leaving 18:03:52 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 18:08:20 [NICK] mibout changed nick to: mibin 18:09:59 [QUIT] tcn quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 18:28:10 [QUIT] mibin quit: Just another brick in the wall 20:41:18 hcf joined #tunes 20:59:56 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 21:42:37 [QUIT] AlonzoTG quit: Have Nice Day :) 00:29:27 eihrul joined #tunes